Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2013, Blaðsíða 25

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2013, Blaðsíða 25
BUILDING AND KEEPING HOUSE IN 19TH-CENTURY ICELAND. DOMESTIC IMPROVEMENTS AT HORNBREKKA, SKAGAFJÖRÐUR Phase Number of sherds Weight Phase 1 8 24.47 Phase 2 48 49.45 Phase 3 72 260.92 Phase 4 65 188.2 Earlier phase of midden 3 2.14 Later phase of midden 54 39.84 TOTAL 250 565.02 Table 3 Window glass by phase peaking in the last occupation phase. The majority of the window glass sherds excavated were too small for a diagnostic manufacturing technique and its relative quality to be determined. Windows make it possible for people on the inside to see out and those on the outside to see in. Tarlow (2007) has argued that an enjoyment of vistas, evident in landscaping of gardens as well as in art and literature, coincided with the spread of larger windows in Britain in the early 19th century. Likewise, the adoption of windows in Iceland later in the century coincided with a rising concem with cleanliness in and around farmhouses. Larger windows will thus not only have facilitated increased standards of cleanliness by admitting light into the rooms, but will also have heightened the need to keep rooms clean and tidy. The windows will have been a significant improvement of the home as they will have let light in the previously dark rooms at Hornbrekka, however, the light will have been diminished by the thickness of the turf walls as well as any vegetation growing on the wall and roof of the house, unless they were set in wooden gables, which is likely after the tum of the 19th century. The recording of broken window panes in the most used room of the house, the baðstofa, for three consecutive inspections in 1917,1918 and 1920, suggests that the family who lived at the farm during that period could not afford new window glass or did not prioritize its replacement. Before the instalment of windows it will have been difficult to keep dark rooms clean, even if the standard of cleanliness was rising. Ólöf Sigurðardóttir (1906), bom in 1857, remembers how she and her siblings would receive their own small Tamps’ made of a shell with fish oil and a cotton grass wick every Christmas and how they would use them to light up the comers of the room to see if they could fmd some hidden gems to play with, such as lost pebbles and carved bones. Her recollections remind us of how dark many of the turf house rooms will have been and what a difference bigger, more transparent windows, will have made. It was not only the introduction of window glass that will have made the rooms at Hombrekka brighter. Kerosene lamps became common in Iceland towards the end of the 19th century and 21 lamp sherds were recovered from the 23
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Archaeologia Islandica

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