Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2013, Blaðsíða 68
subfossil insect analysis, even with low
diversity and very few remains for
I would like to thank Ragnheiður Traustadóttir, the
founder and main force behind the Hólar project. I
am very grateful to Steve Martin for help with
processing samples and for very valuable discussion.
I am also very grateful to colleagues and students
within the Hólar project through many years of
discussions and collaborations, and Hákan Thorén
for help with figures. I am also grateful to two
reviewers for valuable comments and comments to
improve the manuscript and to Graham Budd for
language help and comments to improve the
manuscript. I am grateful to the Entomological
collection at the Evolution museum at Uppsala
University for providing the entomological
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