Hagskýrslur - Hagtöluárbækur - 01.01.1976, Qupperneq 10
Preface ............................................................................... 13:':
I. Geography and climate.
1. Geographical position and area........................................................ 1
2. Largest lakes......................................................................... 1
3. Principal islands and glaciers........................................................ 1
4. Principal rivers ................................................................
5. Principal waterfalls.................................................................. 2
6. Height of a few well known mountains.................................................. 6
7. Vegetation, lakes, glaciers, and wasteland.by elevation above sea level............... 3
8. Total area and vegetation area.by regions............................................. 3
9. Administrative division of the country at the end of 1914............................. 6
10. Climate 1931-60........................................................................ 4
11. Annual frequency of wind directions 1965-71............................................ 6
II. Population.
Explanatory notes..................................................................... 23
1. Population at censuses 1703-1960 and according to National Registry 1953-74 .......... 7
2. Population number and change 1703-1974 ............................................... 8
3. Population 1703-1974 by geographic distribution ..................................... 14
4. Population 1910-74 by administrative divisions....................................... 16
5. Population in urban localities and rural areas 1890-1974, by regions................. 21
6. Population by size-class of locality 1890-1974 ...................................... 24
7. Population by sex and age 1703-1974 ................................................. 24
8. Population by sex and marital status 1703-1974....................................... 26
9. Population on December 31 1974,by sex and birth year................................. 27
10. Population on December 31 1974, by sex, age, and marital status....................... 26
11. Foreign bom and alien population 1860-1974............................................ 28
12. Population on December 1 1974, by country of birth and of citizenship................. 28
13. Population by religion 1860-1974...................................................... 29
14. Data from National Registry as of December 1 1974 .................................... 30
15. Households 1703-1960 ................................................................. 34
16. Population by industry 1860-1930...................................................... 32
17. Population by industry 1930-60........................................................ 33
18. Economically active population 1940-60 and man-years worked 1965-74................... 32
19. Intemal and extemal migration 1961-74................................................. 35
20. Sex and age specific migration rates 1971-74 ......................................... 35
21. Migration 1961-73, by regions......................................................... 36
22. Migration 1974 by place of out- and in-movements...................................... 37
23. Extemal migration 1961-74, by countries and citizenship............................... 38
24. Aliens obtaining Icelandic nationality by law 1961-74 ................................ 34
25. Marriages 1841-1974 by previous marital status of bride and groom..................... 39
26. Marriages 1853-1974 by age of bride and groom......................................... 39
27. Mean age of bride and groom 1891-1974 ............................................ 40
28. Mean age, median age and modal age of bride and groom by previous marital status
1961-74 .............................................................................. 40
29. Mutual mean age of brides and bridegrooms 1941-70 .................................... 40
30. Age-specific marriage rates 1856-1974................................................. 41
31. Age-specific marriage rates 1961-74, by previous marital status....................... 41
32. Marriages of foreign citizens 1941-74 ................................................ 42
33. Dissolution of marriage 1856-1974..................................................... 42
34. Divorces 1961-74 by age of husband and wife.......................................... 43
35. Age-specific divorce rates 1961-74 ................................................... 43
36. Divorces 1961-74 by duration of marriage.............................................. 43
37. Children of divorcees 1961-74 ........................................................ 44
38. Multiple births and births by sex 1851-1973 .......................................... 44
39. Mothers'age 1855-1973 ................................................................ 45
40. Mean age, median age and modal age of mothers to live births 1961-73.................. 46
41. Live births by total birth order 1961-73.............................................. 47
42. Fertility of women 1856-1974 ......................................................... 47
43. Age-specific fertility rates for married and unmarried women 1856-1973 ............... 48
44. Live births by age of father 1951-73 ................................................. 48
45. Marriage ana de facto unions of parents 1961-73....................................... 49
46. Adoptions 1961-74 .................................................................. 49
47. Deaths by sex and age 1836-1974....................................................... 50
48. Sex and age specific death rates 1846-1974 ........................................... 51
49. Deaths per 100000 population 1911-50, by main causesof death. Source ofcauseofdeath
determination......................................................................... 52