Hagskýrslur - Hagtöluárbækur - 01.01.1976, Síða 75

Hagskýrslur - Hagtöluárbækur - 01.01.1976, Síða 75
Vinnumarkaður 59 111-1 . LAUNÞEGASAMBÖND. Federations of wage-eainers' and salaried employees' unions. Félagatal Stofn- ár Viðmið- unar- dagur Félög °g deildir Fél- ags- menn i 2 3 4 Alþýðusamband fslands/Icelandic Federation of Labour............ Landssamband iðnverkafólks/Federation ofFactory Workers' unions Landssamband fslenskra verslunarmannaAcelandic Shop and Office Workers'Federation............................................ Landssamband vörubifreiðarstjóra/Federation of Lorry Drivers ... Málm- og skipasmíðasamband fslands/Icelandic Metal Workers' and Shipwrights' Union........................................ Rafiðnaðarsamband fslands/Electricians'Union of Iceland ...... Samband byggingamanna/Construction Workers' Federation........ Sjómannasamband fslands/Federation oflcelandic Seamen sUnions Verkamannasamband fslands/Icelandic General and Transport Wor- kers'Federation............................................... Bein aðild félaga/direct membership of unions................. Bandalag háskólamannayAssociation of University Graduates ...... Bandalag starfsmanna rfkis og bæja/Federation of State and Muni- cipal employees ................................................ Félög ríkisstarfsmanna/state employees' unions ................. Félög bæjarstarfsmanna/municipal employees' unions............ Önnur félög/other unions ..................................... Bein aðild einstaklinga/direct membership of individuals...... Farmanna- og fiskimannasamband fslands/Icelandic Federation of Merchant Navy and Fishing Vessel Officers ...................... Samband fslenskra bankamanna/Union ofIcelandic Bank Employees 1916 1973 1957 1953 1964 1970 1964 1957 1964 1958 1942 1937 1935 31/12 74 31/12 74 31/12 74 31/12 74 28/2 75 222 42280 2 3900 21 6500 34 840 22 1550 6 560 19 1930 28 3600 40 16200 50 7200 17 3000 30 11250 15 7765 13 2577 2 765 • 143 13 2200 11 1609 Headings: 1: Year of foundation. 2-4: Membership. 2: Date. 3: Unions and divisions. 4: Members. 111 - 2 . VINNUST ÖÐVANIR OG ATVINNULEYSI 1960-74. Stoppages of work and unemployment 1960-74. Verkföll og verkbönn Mannafli á landinu Mögulegur fjöldi vinnudaga, þús. Tapaðir vinnudagar Tala daga % Fjöldi vinnu- stöðvana Dagar er vinnust. var XX G 1 P ts * \a3 w JX C3 . TD 'O g 1—( <u :0 Já U-l 4-> Alls Vegna vinnustöðvana Vegna at- vinnuleysis Alls 1) 2) Íj < Landfólk ÍASf Sjómenn og farmenn < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1960 .. 3 14 125 67774 1961 .. 70 214 1 6357 68604 1962 .. 24 171 3029 69902 1963 .. 66 153 21262 71204 1964 ., 4 32 1207 72577 1965 .. 66 147 15727 74088 1966 .. 23 13 1866 75599 1967 . 60 87 9371 77075 1968 .. 67 60 20083 78700 1969 .. 137 86 33826 79500 1970 .. 65 48 15705 82272 1971 .. 7 79 1790 85564 1972 . 5 56 1100 87339 1973 .. 5 90 729 89140 1974** 94 63 30948 90600 20468 19963 679 580 100 20718 297830 277602 249188 28289 21110 112955 99782 19140 80490 21504 216536 206566 205959 114 21918 25345 10420 10441 22375 119450 84131 31959 51970 22831 42321 5233 5254 23277 91157 18044 14076 2475 23767 474572 216169 221939 24009 714762 142650 100332 46540 24846 565634 295542 296596 7147 25840 179736 31985 6120 26139 21896 116629 12037 7225 4946 22345 73942 14320 4714 9678 22600 181150 93289 89265 3917 - 19284 0,1 0. 0 0,1 960 20228 1.4 1.3 0,1 352 13173 0. 5 0, 5 0.1 700 9970 1, 0 1, 0 0, 0 - 14925 0,1 0.0 0.1 540 35319 0, 5 0,4 0, 2 - 37088 0, 2 0, 0 0, 2 1620 73113 0,4 0,1 0,3 - 257516 2, 0 0,9 1,1 2969 572412 3,1 0, 6 2, 5 - 267662 2, 5 1,2 1,3 180 147654 0, 8 0,1 0, 7 - 1045 68 0 , 6 0,1 0, 5 - 59622 0,4 0,1 0, 3 - 87861 0, 8 0,4 0. 4 1) Vegna vinnustöðvana. 2) Vegna atvinnuleysis. *) Áætluð dagatala svarandi til atvinnu- lausra f viðkomandi stéttarfélögum hefur verið dregin frá í þessum dalki/estimated number of days corresponding to number of unemployed in the unions concerned has been deducted in this column. **) Áætlaðar tölur/estimates. Fih. á bls. 61/cont. on p. 61.
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Hagskýrslur - Hagtöluárbækur

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