Hagskýrslur - Hagtöluárbækur - 01.01.1976, Qupperneq 223

Hagskýrslur - Hagtöluárbækur - 01.01.1976, Qupperneq 223
206 Heilbrigðis- og félagsmál X V I - 2 . SJÚKRASTOFNANIR 1965-72. Tala Sjúkrarúm stofnana Alls °Io 1 2 3 1965 1970 1972 1965 1970 1972 1965 1970 1972 Sjúkrahús alls/hospitals total 1) 43 41 38 2113 2575 2752 100, 0 100, 0 100. 0 Almenn sjúkrahús/general hospitals 29 25 25 1206 1400 1592 57,1 54,4 57,9 Berklahæli/tubercúlosis hospitals 2 2 - 62 24 - 2, 9 0, 9 — Geðsjúkrahús/mental hospitals 2 1 1 315 220 232 14, 9 8,5 8,4 Holdsveikraspftali/leprosium 1 1 1 4 4 2 0,2 0,2 0,1 Hjúkrunarhæíi/nursing hospitals 5 6 5 480 628 617 22, 7 24,4 22,4 Endurhæfingarstofnanir/ rehabiliation esta- blishments - 2 2 - 260 270 - 10,1 9,8 Fæðingarheimili/matemity hospitals 4 4 4 46 39 39 2,2 1, 5 1,4 Drykkjurriannahæli/ alcoholics establishments. 2 2 2 44 68 70 Fávitahæli/mental deficiencies establish- ments 3 5 5 178 280 309 • . 1) f raun voru sjúkrahús alls 1965 40. 1970 38 og 1972 36,þareð Sólvangurertvitalinn öllárin.Vifils- staðir og Kristnes 1965 og 1970 og Borgarspitalinn 1972. Headings: 1: Number of establishments.. 2-3: Beds. 2: Number. 3: Proportinal distribution. 4-5: Patients. 4: Total. 5: Per 1000 population. 6-7: Bed—days. 6: Total. 7: Per patient. 8: Occupancy, per cent. XVI-1. SJÚKRAHÚS 1905-6 0. Hospitals 1905-60. Almenn sjúkrahús Berklahæli Holdsveikrahæli Geðveikrahæli Tala Sjúkl- ingar alls Legu- dagar Tala Sjúkl- ingar alls Legu- dagar Tala Sjúkl- ingar alls Legu- dagar Tala Sjúkl- ingar alls Legu- dagar 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 '9 10 11 12 1905 .... 5 623 17570 - - - 1 71 22158 - - - 1910 .... 12 991 31920 1 49 3853 1 58 18393 1 69 22190 1915 .... 16 1380 47557 1 156 2 6 645 1 58 18925 1 77 24346 1920 .... 17 1793 58593 1 229 39288 1 48 16688 1 85 24998 1925 .... 21 2271 110348 1 313 54857 1 43 13870 1 77 26581 1930 .... 27 3178 136056 2 503 8 8 649 1 27 9477 1 223 45777 1935 .... 34 5346 210149 2 569 105748 1 22 7253 1 280 65961 1940 .... 45 6022 219039 2 521 99503 1 17 622 2 1 253 71734 1945 .... 43 7624 229583 2 498 97950 1 13 4193 1 286 76573 1950 .... 45 9345 247830 2 523 99545 1 8 2920 1 315 85805 1955 .... 43 12951 332836 2 300 69861 1 6 2130 1 444 102931 1960 .... 35 18829 426693 2 332 50025 1 5 1584 2 725 121909 Headings: 1-3: General hospitals. 4-6: Tuberculosis hospitals. 7-9: Leprosariums. 10-12: Mental hospitals. 1,4, 7,10: Number. 2, 5, 8,11: Total number of patients. 3,6,9,12: Hospital- ization days. XVI-5. ELLIHEIMILI, BARNAHEIMILI O. Þ. H. 1 968-73 . Homes for the aged, children' s homes etc. 1968-73 . Stofnanir/establishments Rými/c apacity 1968|l 969|l970| 1971 1972 1973 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 Elliheimili/homes for the aged .. 13 14 14 17 17 1210 ... 1340 1340 1528 1528 Bamaheimili/children s homes .. 9 9 12 13 16 18 163 138 181 192 241 275 Sumarbúðir/summer camps 52 45 40 38 36 34 3745 4151 3612 2961 2498 2450 Dagheimili/day nurseries Leikskólar/nursery schools 11 14 16 17 18 20 546 690 701 725 743 790 13 20 22 24 28 29 1182 1193 1650 1700 1800 1830 Heilbrigðis- og félagsmál 207 Hospitals and related estab 1 ishments 19 65-72. Sjúklingar Legudagar Alls Af 1000 íbúum Alls Á hvern sjúkling Nýting rúma,<7o 4 5 6 7 8 1965 1970 1972 1965 1970 1972 1965 1970 1972 1965 1970 1972 1965 1970 [ 1972 24336 33287 36647 126, 5 163,1 175, 1 741627 957138 993789 30, 5 28,8 27,1 96,2 101, 8 100,2 20561 27354 30892 106, 8 134, 0 147, 6 409682 507999 561698 19, 9 18, 6 18,2 93,1 99,4 98, 9 166 86 - 0, 9 0,4 21286 8503 128,2 98,9 - 94, 1 97, 1 - 1309 1075 1111 6, 8 5,3 5,3 126771 99921 88239 96, 8 92,9 79,4 110,2 124,4 104, 2 3 3 2 0, 0 0. 0 0, 0 1095 922 730 365, 0 307,3 365, 0 75,0 63,2 100, 0 936 1487 1013 4, 9 7, 3 4, 8 171559 232289 230655 183, 3 156,2 227, 7 97,9 101, 3 102,4 _ 2041 2240 _ 10,0 10,7 - 97998 101634 - 48,0 45,4 - 103, 3 103,1 1361 1241 1389 7,1 6, 1 6, 6 11234 9506 10833 8,2 7, 6 7, 8 66,9 66, 8 76,1 188 153 185 1, o 0, 7 0, 9 18633 24126 24472 99,1 157,7 132,3 116,0 97, 2 95,8 224 343 389 1,2 1,7 1,9 67403 109377 122176 300, 9 318,9 314, 1 103, 7 107, 0 108,3 XVI-3. RÚM f SJÚKRASTOFNUNUM 1972. Be d in hospitals and related establishments 1972. Almenn siúkrahús Landspitali ............ Borgarspftali f Reykjavík St. jósefs í Reykjavík ... Akraness................ Stykkishólms ........... Patreksfjarðar.......... Þingeyrar............... Bolungarvíkur........... fsafjarðar.............. Hólmavikur ............. Hvammstanga............. Blönduóss............... Sauðárkróks............. Siglufjarðar............ Akureyrar .............. HÚsavíkur............... Vopnafjarðar............ Egilsstaða ............. Seyðisfjarðar........... Neskaupstaðar........... 347 292 190 62 24 19 7 12 34 6 23 32 40 28 117 45 4 12 25 36 Vestmannaeyja........... Selfoss................ Keflavikur............. St.jósefs f Hafnarfirði .. Vífilsstaða............. Geðsiúkrahús Kleppur Bjarg a Seltjarnam. Úlfarsá . Kleppsd. Stykkish . Flókad^ Reykjavfk. Laugarársvegur 71. Holdsveikraspftali Kopavogur............... Hiúkrunarhæli Hjukr.deild Borgarsp. .. " Grundar............. " Kristneshælis....... " Hrafnistu........... Sólvangur, Hafnarfirði .. For translation of type of hospital see table XVI-2. 36 30 27 42 102 232 14 6 20 24 17 2 35 275 78 117 112 Endurhæfinearstofnanir Reykjalundur.........'. .. 145 Heilsuhæli NLFf, Hverag. 125 Fæðingarh. Reykiavíkur.. Fæðingarh.Höfm Hornaf. Sólvangur í Hafnarfirði.. Fæðingarh.í Kópavogi .. 25 2 7 5 Drvkkiumannahæli Gæsluvistarhælið tGunn- arsholti........ ...... 40 Vistheimilið f Víðinesi (Bláa bandið).......... 30 Fávitahæli Kópavogshæli............ 150 Skalatún................. 52 Tjaldanes ............... 22 Sólborg.................. 45 Sólheimar................ 40 XVI-4. HEILBRIGÐISSTARFSMENN f ÁRSLOK 1910-73. Medical personnel Læknar/physicians and surgeons.............. Lyfsalar/chemists........................... Tannlæknar/dentists ........................ Tannsmiðir/dental mechanics................. Dýralæknar/veterinary surgeons.............. Sjúkraþjálfarar/ physiotherapists........... Ljósmæður/midwives.......................... Hjúkrunarkonur/nurses....................... Sjúkraliðar/nursing assistants.............. Meinatæknar/ laboratory technicians......... en d of year 1910- 73. 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1973 18 81 120 144 167 205 291 321 5 6 13 15 18 23 30 31 2 5 6 12 28 50 101 122 3 3 2 6 9 15 24 28 5 11 13 25 28 32 191 192 195 224 186 173 157 149* 52 136 177 251 562 695 152 334 ... 81 95* 1972.
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Hagskýrslur - Hagtöluárbækur

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