Reykjavík Grapevine - 16.06.2016, Blaðsíða 47

Reykjavík Grapevine - 16.06.2016, Blaðsíða 47
HarpaReykjavik B ra n d e n b u rg | SÍ A Guided tours daily Take a look around Harpa — Reykjavík Concert Hall and Conference Centre Austurbakki 2 101 Reykjavík Iceland 11:00, 13:30, 15:30, 17:30 isk 1.950 Open every day 08:00 – 24:00 A drama based on two local stories, one a tragedy and the other a tale of an epic rescue mission. Opens June 9 - Runs every Thursday in June The Freezer Hostel - 'Genesis' Aðalheiður the clown tells her version of how the world was created. Opens June 5 - Runs every Sunday in June Gallerí Húnoghún - 'Bjarnakonunnar' by Karin Leening Dutch artist Karin Leening opens her solo exhibition. Opens June 4 - Runs until June 30 Gallery Sign - 'Gefið (það kemur í ljós)/Given (it will come to light)' A solo exhibition by American photographer Nina Zurier. Runs until December 15 Gerðuberg Cultural Centre - 'Austan Rumba' by Hrafnhildur Inga Sigurðardóttir Runs until August 21 Hafnarborg - 'Traces of Water' Hafnarborg's summer exhibition features six artists who all use some form of water in their artworks. Opens May 27 - Runs until August 21 i8 Gallery - 'Stopover in Iceland' by Callum Innes Opens June 9 - Runs until August 6 Lækjartorg - Reykjavík Comedy Walk Ticket price is 3,000 ISK for people older than 12 years of age. Runs every evening until September 26. Listasafnið Akureyri - 'Arkitektúr og Akureyri' An exhibition focusing on the architecture in Akureyri, a town in the north of Iceland. Opens May 21 - Runs until August 28 Listasal Mosfellsbæjar - 'Hugarró' by Sólborg Matthíasdóttir and Sigríðar R. Kristjánsdóttir A collaborative photography exhibition by Sólborg and Sigríðar. Opens May 28 - Runs until June 18 Living Art Museum (Nýló) - '101 spurning til kvenna ' 101 questions for women is a third exhibition in the series 'women in Nýló'. Runs until August 21 Living Art Museum (Nýló) - 'Infinite Next' This collaborative exhibition by Icelandic and foreign artists focuses on the systems that make a society. Runs until June 19 Living Art Museum (Nýló) - 'Desiccation' An exhibition curated by MA-students in art theory at he University of Iceland about how to preserve an idea and the artwork's afterlife. Runs until June 29 Museum of Design and Applied Art - 'Gefjun: Icelandic Wool blankets exhibited' This exhibition is a part of the 'Deal me in' series of micro-exhibitions curated by MA-students in art theory at the university of Iceland. Runs until further notice Nordic House - 'The Weather Diaries' Sarah Cooper and Nina Gorfer lead this group exhibit on how weather affects art with their photographs and installations. Runs until July 5 Nordic House - Jör An installation by Icelandic fashion designer Guðmundur Jörundsson will be on exhibition in the lobby gallery. Runs until June 26 Reykjavík Art Museum - Ásmundarsafn - 'Disruption' by Ásmundur Sveinsson and Elín Hansdóttir Elín and Ásmundur work with perspective in different ways. Runs until October 9 Reykjavík Art Museum - Ásmundarsafn - Kjarval's Flag Proposals for the Republic of Iceland Runs until June 30 Reykjavík Art Museum - Hafnarhús - 'The Making of Erró' This exhibition explores Erró's early days as an artist, showing his experiments with self-expression, and his move from impressionist art to collages. Runs until October 9 Art Listings National Day At The Museum Iceland National Day & Parade June 17 | Árbær Open Air Museum, Kistuhyl, 110 Reykjavík | Admission: Free for people wearing national costume Let’s celebrate! Þjóðhátíðardagurinn (let’s just call it Icelandic National Day, shall we?) is an annual holiday in Iceland which commemorates the foundation of The Republic of Iceland on 17 June 1944 and its independence from Danish rule. Today, this can only mean a parade—one headed by riders on horses, plus a brass band and flagbearers from the Icelandic scout move- ment. The parade begins from Hlemmur at 13:00, continuing down Laugavegur and from Hagatorg to Hljómskálagarður. You can also celebrate Icelandic history at the Árbær Open Air Museum, where traditional costumes and vintage cars are on display. GR Find today's events in Iceland! Download our free listings app - APPENING on the Apple and Android stores
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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