Reykjavík Grapevine - 16.06.2016, Blaðsíða 66

Reykjavík Grapevine - 16.06.2016, Blaðsíða 66
LÓABORATORIUM SMJÖRFLUGA About Icelandic Blueberries By NANNA DÍS ÁRNADÓTTIR Hey Nanna, My mother is from Iceland and when I was growing up she of- ten spoke about blueberry season and how the bushes stretched for miles—when is blueberry season? Wondering if my trip maybe coincides with this phenomenon. I’m coming in August. Berry Delicious Hey Berry Delicious, You need to give mom a reality check—they’re called bilberries, Ma, DUH! They’re blue berries, not blueberries, UGH! But yeah, they should be ripe when you visit. Nanna Nanna, Would you let your baby sleep outside a café in a pram? Oi Oi Oi Hey Oi Oi Oi, Would I? You mean, have I done it in the last twenty minutes (maybe yes). God damn, can’t a mother get five fucking minutes to drink a cup of coffee and shovel some snow in her nose without the looming presence of a sleep- ing child? Nanna Dear Nanna, I’d like to visit Iceland from September 25 until October 3. What flights do you recommend? Jonathan Dear Jonathan, I am not Google. If I was, I wouldn’t be wearing underpants I bought six years ago. Just look it up like the rest of us schlubs. Nanna MORE NANNA: DON'T ASK NANNA MONSTER OF THE MONTH The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 8 — 2016 66 It is reported that the monster called Hafstrambi is found in the seas of Greenland. This monster is tall and of great size, and rises straight out of the water. It appears to have shoulders, neck and head, eyes and mouth, and nose and chin like those of a human being; but above the eyes and the eye- brows it looks more like a man with a peaked helmet on his head. It has shoul- ders like a man’s, but no hands. Its body apparently grows narrower from the shoulders down, so that the lower down it has been observed, the more slender it has seemed to be. But no one has ever seen how the lower end is shaped, whether it terminates in a fin like a fish or is pointed like a pole. [...] No one has ever observed it closely enough to determine whether its body has scales like a fish or skin like a man. Whenever the monster has shown itself, men have always been sure that a storm would follow. They have also noted how it has turned when about to plunge into the waves and in what direction it has fall- en; if it has turned toward the ship and has plunged in that direction, the sail- Hafstrambi The Sea Stack "Monster of the Month" is a spin off of 'The Museum of Hidden Beings', by artist Arngrímur Sigurðsson. He delved into Iceland´s mythological history, taking creature encounters from across the centuries and bringing them to life through painting in an act of creative cryptozoology. Find the book at bookstores, or order it online at DON'T ASK NANNA ors have felt sure that lives would be lost on that ship; but whenever it has turned away from the vessel and has plunged in that direction, they have felt confident that their lives would be spared, even though they should encounter rough waters and severe storms. Source: Konungs skuggsjá, p. 52-53. Writ- ten in the 13. century. Author unknown. TVEIR HRAFNAR listhús, Art Gallery Baldursgata 12 101 Reykjavík (at the corner of Baldursgata and Nönnugata, facing Þrír Frakkar Restaurant) Phone: +354 552 8822 +354 863 6860 +354 863 6885 Opening hours: Thu-Fri 12pm - 5pm, Sat 1pm - 4pm and by appointment +354 863 6860 TVEIR HRAFNAR listhús, Art Gallery offers a range of artwork by contemporary Icelandic artists represented by the gallery, selected works by acclaimed artists and past Icelandic masters. Georg Óskar Guðbjörg Lind Jónsdóttir Hadda Fjóla Reykdal Hallgrímur Helgason Hulda Hákon Húbert Nói Jóhannesson Jón Óskar Óli G. Jóhannsson Steinunn Þórarinsdóttir & Kristján Davíðsson - among others STEINuNN ÞóRARINSdóTTIR Mosaic MAy 21 - JuNE 25 2016 “Awesome experience”
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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