Reykjavík Grapevine - 11.11.2016, Síða 26

Reykjavík Grapevine - 11.11.2016, Síða 26
26The Reykjavík GrapevineIssue 17 — 2016 attic space. For any- one who can follow Ice- landic sign language, the video tells two stories. While Vil wanders the countryside, Emmsjé Gauti brings it back to the local streets with his video “Reykja- vík.” The song will get anyone hyped for a night on the town—and the video takes that notion to literal new heights. Gauti makes his way along the rooftops of Reykjavík’s most rec- ognizable establishments—from the lowball Bæjarin’s Bestu to the peak of Gamla Bíó. The electro-rap-trip-popsters of Cryptochrome have mesmerised us in the past with their chopped up color-cast “Crazy Little You” and their virtual reality video “Playdough,” which won "best music video" at the Northern Wave film festival earlier this year, but their latest release for the track “From This Angle” scales things back in both realms of produc- tion. The video is an intimate (their “most intimate,” they note on their Facebook) take on home life—a Cryptochrome home life, anyways. Rap has long preoccupied itself with keeping it real, but no group has done it quite like Úlfur Úlfur have in their latest video, for “Barn.” The video, with the same director as Gauti’s “Reykjavík,” Freyr Árnason, shows the day to day sacrifices that are required for keeping up a craft. Things like eating steamed broccoli, reading and competing in the most intense chess match on Icelandic soil since Bobby. Fischer was around. “Gakktu hægt um gleðinnar dyr,’ it’s something like, ‘Calm down, take it slow,’” Árni says above the clamour of pinball machines and jingling tokens. “My dad used to always say it to me before I’d go out. It’s the best Icelandic phrase,” he assures me. The lights in Freddi Arcade are dark and neon at the same time, and the Space Jam pinball machine spews out sound effects from a speaker right above our heads. But Árni lives in the phrase. He keeps cool and makes generous with customers, rocking around his DJ kit on the desk. On the bill he’s DJ Thaison—a character and craft that originates in a Best Buy in Tampa, Florida. “My family has a summer home in Florida and I wanted to spend some time with them,” Thaison explains, “and while I was there I went to Best Buy to look for this DJ setup. They didn’t have it and the clerk asked me if I had looked on- line. I told him I never shop online. He was so mad!” Thaison took note. “So I went home and ordered this thing for like no money. We went to Disneyland once that week, but otherwise I didn’t really have anything to do, so I just stayed on my balcony, drank Coronas and played it.” Everybody’s got to start some- where, but in Iceland no one starts alone. When Thaison returned from Florida his longtime friends, DJ duo Gervisykur, took him under their wings. They taught him how to mix and play at the right time. They gave him the confidence and encourage- ment to get after it. So he did. His first gig was at Tivoli to “a group of about six people, with one girl dancing. She was super nice though, she really liked the songs [we] were playing.” The en- couragement keeps rolling in. Of course, he likes to play old school hip-hop (who doesn’t?), but he main- tains a wide perspective. Over the course of the set we’re chatting over he moves from “Never Too Much” by Lu- ther Vandross to Willow Smith’s “Fe- male Energy,” and straight on through to some Páll Óskar classics. “I’m al- ways shouting in the crowds what I want to hear,” he says, “but I never get any contact. The only time I’ve ever made the connection was with Páll Ós- kar. I made a heart with my hands and he made half a heart back. That made me a man.” Thaison’s fresh on the scene, and he’s got big dreams. “I want to be a pro DJ in Ibiza,” he says, “drinking cock- tails like DJ Tiësto.” He pauses. “No, maybe not like DJ Tiësto.” The “gak- ktu hægt um gleðinnar dyr” settles in. Prikið now, Ibiza next. He’s making his way there, and we’re rooting for him. Viva Árni, viva Páll! That’s some- thing like “shouts out to Páll Óskar.” Want to know what else Thaison is about? Catch his set at Prikið on Decem- ber 10. DJ Thaison’s Top Five Tracks • “Million” — Yemi • “Top Boy” — Skepta • “Paranoid” — Project Pat • “Turn My Swag On” — Soulja Boy Tell ’Em • “Meira” — GKR SHARE AND LISTEN: MUSIC NEWS Music Words PARKER YAMASAKI Photo ART BICNICK DJ OF THE ISSUE DJ Thaison West-Iceland In Kraum you will find carefully selected products from over 100 Icelandic designers Kraum Bankastræti 7 (entrance of Cintamani) 101 Reykjavik (+354) 517-7797 Welcome to our new location in Bankastræti 7!


Reykjavík Grapevine

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