Ritaukaskrá Landsbókasafnsins - 01.01.1925, Blaðsíða 29

Ritaukaskrá Landsbókasafnsins - 01.01.1925, Blaðsíða 29
19 konsons saga, Magnus Haakonsons saga. Kria 1914. 4t0. (107) Norvin, W.: Qecrg Holger Waage og hans familie. Et uttykt kapitel af Jolis. Fibigers erindringer. Kbh. 1924. 8vo. (II j) Ostenfeld. C.: Skildringer af vegetationen i Island I.—IV. (Sérpr. úr Bot. tidskr. bd. 22. & 27.). Kbh. 1899 & 1905. 8vo. — Studies on phytoplankton II,—III. (Sérpr. úr Bot. tidskr. bd. 26.). Kbh. 1904. 8vo. — & C. Wesenberg-Lund: A regular fortnightly exploration of the plankton of the two Icelandic lakes, Thingvallavatn and Mývatn. (Serpr. úr Proceed. of the royal soc. of Edinb. Vol. 25.). Edinb. 1906. 8vo. Paasche, F.: Lilja. Et kvad til guds nioder. 2. opl. Kria 1924. 8vo. (4). Pálsson, Gestur. Dve islandské poidky. Z islandatiny prelozil 0. S. Vetti. Praha. ál. 8vo. (III). Peaoock, M.: A contribution to the petrography of Iceland. (Sérpr. úr The Transactions of the Geol. Soc. of Glasgow, Voi. XVII, Part II.) Glasgow 1924—25. 8vo. (81). — The geology of Iceland. (Úr sama bindi). (81) Pitteri, G : L’isola Islanda divisa ne suoi distretti. Di nuova projezione. Venezia 1781. Reinecke, I. C. M.: Island nach murdockischer Projection und den besten astronomischen Ortsbestimmungen. Weimar 1800. Repp, Thorl. Gudm.: On the Scottish formula of congratulation on new years eve. »Hogmany, trollalay«. (From Archaeo- logia Scotia, Vol. IV. P. I.) 4to. (119). — Statement to the Faculty of Advocates. Edinb. 1834. 8vo. (119). — Unto the honourable the Dean and Faculty of Advocates, the memorial of Th. G. R. Edinb. 1828, 8vo. (119) Rostrup, E.: Bidrag til Islands FJora. (Sérpr. úr Bot. tidskr. bd. 16. Kbh. 1887). — Islands svampe. (Sérpr. úr Bot. tidskr. 14. bd. 4. h. og 25. bd. 3 h.). Kbh. 1903. 8vo. Salverson, Laura Goodmann: The viking heart. Toronto 1923. 8vo. (13). Sigmund Brestessons saga. Overs. af R. Grieg. Kria 1924, 8vo. (4). Skulerud, 0.: Catalogue of Norse manuscripts in Edinburgh, Dublin and Manchester. Kria 1918. 8vo. (77) 2*
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Ritaukaskrá Landsbókasafnsins

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