Landshagir - 01.12.2000, Síða 192

Landshagir - 01.12.2000, Síða 192
Þjóðhagsreikningar Einkaneysla heimila 1995-1999 Household final consumption expenditure 1995-1999 Milljónir kr. á verðlagi hvers árs 1995 1996 1997 1998* 19992 Million ISK at current prices Matur, drykkjarvara og tóbak 62.130 66.066 69.704 74.866 80.269 Food, beverages and tobacco Fatnaður 18.822 18.855 19.833 22.037 24.052 Clothing and footwear Húsnæði, ljós og hiti Húsgögn, húsbúnaður, heimilishald 46.204 46.991 49.035 51.968 54.354 Rent, light. and heating Furniture, furnishings, house- og heimilistæki 19.129 21.570 22.127 25.236 28.753 hold equipment and operation Lyf og lækniskostnaður 5.985 6.666 7.103 8.300 8.803 Medical care and health expenses Flutningatæki og samgöngur Tómstundaiðja, skemmtanir, menntun 30.810 36.299 42.166 48.286 55.299 Transport and communication Recreation, entertainment, og menningarmál 30.105 31.749 33.411 36.931 42.441 education and cultural services Ymsar vörur og þjónusta Einkaneysia heimila 29.572 32.120 35.130 39.846 45.410 Miscellaneous goods and services Domestic household consumption innanlands ails 242.757 260.315 278.509 307.470 339.381 expenditure, total Utgjöld Islendinga erlendis 18.194 20.472 22.893 28.032 31.100 Purchases abroad by residents' Purchases in Iceland by Utgjöld útlendinga á Islandi 12.004 11.722 12.316 14.633 16.424 non-residents2 Household final consumption Einkaneysla heimila alls 248.947 269.065 289.086 320.869 354.057 expenditure, total Starfsemi samtaka 9.267 9.591 10.303 11.743 13.195 Non-profit institutions serv. househ. Einkaneysla alls Magnvísitölur (1990=100) 258.215 278.656 299.389 332.613 367.252 Priv. final consumpt. expendit., total Volume indices (1990=100) Matur, drykkjarvara og tóbak 101,2 105,4 109.8 113,9 117,9 Food, beverages and tobacco Fatnaður 93,0 93,2 98,3 114,6 121,2 Clothing and footwear Húsnæði, ljós og hiti Húsgögn, húsbúnaður, heimilishald 99,5 96,8 97,0 100,3 101,4 Rent, light. and heating Fumiture, fumishings, house- og heimilistæki 100,0 109,8 111,1 127,4 140,5 hold equipment and operation Lyf og lækniskostnaður 127,5 138,2 145,7 154,4 158,5 Medical care and health expenses Flutningatæki og samgöngur Tómstundaiðja, skemmtanir, menntun 94,8 108,0 123,6 142,3 157,5 Transport and communication Recreation, entertainment, og menningarmál 113,0 120,0 127,1 147,7 164,8 education and cultural services Ymsar vörur og þjónusta 106,0 113,3 120,4 134,9 148,7 Miscellaneous goods and services Private domestic household Einkaneysla heimila innanlands alls 101,5 106,5 111,9 122,8 131,2 consumption expenditure, total Útgjöld Islendinga erlendis 84,9 93,9 103,1 124,4 136,7 Purchases abroad by Icelanders' títgjöld útlendinga á íslandi 112,6 107,2 110,7 129,6 140,6 Purchases in Iceland by foreigners2 Private final household Einkaneysla heimila alls 99,8 105,4 111,3 122,7 131,2 consumption expenditure, total Starfsemi samtaka 106,3 104,2 107,4 111,3 116,5 Non-profit institutions serv. househ. Einkaneysla alls 100,0 Hlutfallsleg skipting einkaneyslu, %3 105,4 111,2 122,3 130,7 Priv. final consumpt. expendit., total Percent distrib. of priv. consumpt.3 Matur, drykkjarvara og tóbak 24,1 23,7 23,3 22,5 21,9 Food, beverages and tobacco Fatnaður 7,3 6,8 6,6 6,6 6,5 Clothing andfootwear Húsnæði, ljós og hiti Húsgögn, húsbúnaður, heimilishald 17.9 16,9 16,4 15,6 14,8 Rent, light. and heating Furniture, furnishings, house- og heimilistæki 7,4 7,7 7,4 7,6 7,8 hold equipment and operation Lyf og lækniskostnaður 2,3 2,4 2,4 2,5 2,4 Medical care and health expenses Flutningatæki og samgöngur Tómstundaiðja, skemmtanir, menntun 11,9 13,0 14,1 14,5 15,1 Transport and communication Recreation, entertainment, og menningarmál 11,7 11,4 11,2 11,1 11,6 education and cultural services Ýmsar vörur og þjónusta 11,5 11,5 11,7 12,0 12,4 Miscellaneous goods and services Private domestic household Einkaneysla heimila innanlands alls 94,0 93,4 93,0 92,4 92,4 consumption expenditure, total títgjöld Islendinga erlendis 7,0 7,3 7,6 8,4 8,5 Purchases abroad by Icelanders1 títgjöld útlendinga á íslandi 4,6 4,2 4,1 4,4 4,5 Purchases in Iceland by foreigners2 186
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