Landshagir - 01.12.2000, Síða 213

Landshagir - 01.12.2000, Síða 213
Opinber fjármál Fjármál hins opinbera 1995-1998 Public sector fmances 1995-1998 Rekstrargrunnur 1995 1996 | 1997 1998 Accruals basis 1. Rekstrar- og skatttekjur 163.562 179.106 194.799 220.840 Current revenue Skatttekjur 151.133 167.058 182.075 207.816 Tax revenue Beinir skattar 68.085 76.365 86.003 98.552 Direct taxes Obeinir skattar 83.047 90.693 96.072 109.264 Indirect taxes Vaxtatekjur 6.803 6.784 6.556 7.479 Interest Ymsar tekjur 5.626 5.264 6.168 5.544 Miscellaneous 2. Gjöld af rekstri 163.828 171.476 180.345 198.216 Current expenditure Samneysla 98.961 105.563 112.775 127.753 Public consumption Vaxtagjöld 19.955 19.541 19.613 21.204 Interest Rekstrar- og neyslutilfærslur 44.912 46.371 47.958 49.260 Transfers Til heimila 31.483 32.238 33.758 26.457 To households Framleiðslustyrkir 8.672 9.172 9.197 9.153 To industries Til annarra 4.757 4.961 5.003 13.650 To others 3. Rekstrarjöfnuður (1.-2.) -267 7.630 14.453 22.624 Balance on current account 4. Tekjur til fjárfestingar 10.654 11.327 12.012 13.273 Capital revenue Framlög frá öðrum til fjárfestingar 767 845 866 1.398 Capital transfers received Afskriftir 9.887 10.482 11.146 11.875 Depreciation 5. Gjöld til fjárfestingar 23.784 26.686 26.573 33.069 Capital expenditure Stofnkostnaður 15.951 17.620 18.415 23.619 Gross fixed investment Fj ármagnstilfærslur 7.833 9.066 8.158 9.450 Capital transfers 6. Fjárfestingarjöfnuður (4.-5.) -13.130 -15.359 -14.561 -19.796 Capital balance 7. Tekjujöfnuður (3.+6.) -13.396 -7.729 -107 2.829 Revenue balance Hreyfingar efnahagsliða 8. Veitt lán -18.764 -14.545 -11.681 -11.207 Changes in assets and liabilities Loans granted 9. Innheimtar afborganir 8.779 14.961 9.274 14.866 Amortization, received 10. Viðskiptareikningar, nettó 700 -4.845 243 -1.358 Short-term claims, net 11. Hlutafjár- og stofnframlög -156 -324 2.033 6.011 Equity holdings 12. Hrein lánsfjárþörf (7.+...+11.) -22.836 -12.481 -238 11.142 Net borrowing requirement 13. Greiddar afborganir -18.727 -46.438 -28.893 -41.753 Amortization on debt 14. Verg Iánsfjárþörf (12.+13.) -41.563 -58.919 -29.131 -30.611 Gross borrowing requirement 15. Tekin lán 39.711 57.906 28.838 37.396 Gross borrowing 16. Breyting á sjóði og bankareikningum -1.853 -1.012 -293 6.784 Change in cash hold. and bank dep. Hlutfall af vergri landsframleiðslu, % Heildartekjur 38,6 39,3 39,4 40,5 Percentage of GDP Total revenue Skatttekjur 33,5 34,5 34,7 36,0 Tax revenue Beinir skattar 15,1 15,8 16,4 17,1 Direct taxes Obeinir skattar 18,4 18,7 18,3 18,9 Indirect taxes Aðrar tekjur 5,1 4,8 4,7 4,6 Other revenue Heildargjöld 41,6 40,9 39,4 40,1 Total expenditure Samneysla 21,9 21,8 21,5 22,1 Public consumption Vaxtagjöid 4,4 4,0 3,7 3,7 Interest Rekstrar- og neyslutilfærslur 10,0 9,6 9,1 8,5 Current transfers Qjöld til fjárfestingar 5,3 5,5 5,1 5,7 Capital expenditure Tekjujöfnuöur -3,0 -1,6 0,0 0,5 Revenue balance Hrein Iánsfjárþörf -5,1 -2,6 0,0 1,9 Net borrowing requirement Verg lánsfjárþörf -9,2 -12,2 -5,6 -5,3 Gross borrowing requirement Tekin lán 8,8 12,0 5,5 6,5 Gross borrowing Skýring: Fjármál hins opinbera eru hér sundurliðuð skv. skilgreiningum þjóðhagsreikninga. Note:Publicsectorfinances arepresentedaccording to the definitions °fnational accounts. Heimild: Þjóðhagsstofnun. Source: National Economic Institute.
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