Landshagir - 01.12.2000, Side 278
Brautskráðir stúdentar skólaárin 1990/91-1998/99
Students passing matrículation examination 1990/91-1998/99
Fjöldi skóla Number of schools Brautskráðir stúdentar Numbers ofstudents í hlutfalli við tölu tvítugra, % As percent of 20-year-olds
Alls Total Karlar Males Konur Females Alls Total Karlar Males Konur Females
1990/91 22 1.755 691 1.064 42,4 32,6 52,8
1991/92 25 2.027 814 1.213 44,9 35,9 53,3
1992/93 26 2.026 851 1.175 45,1 37,0 53,8
1993/94 26 2.120 898 1.222 51.4 42,8 60,4
1994/95 26 2.078 830 1.248 49,0 39,1 59,0
1995/96 26 2.093 874 1.219 49,9 40,8 59,5
1996/97 26 2.010 777 1.233 51,0 39,4 62,6
1997/98 26 2.137 873 1.264 52,2 42,3 62,3
1998/99 26 2.224 908 1.316 49,1 39,3 59,4
Note: This table shows the number ofstudents that complete matriculation examination which grants admission to university education.
Heimild: Hagstofa íslands. Source: Statistics Iceland.
Brautskráðir stúdentar eftir aldri og lögheimili skólaárið 1998/99
Students passing matriculation examination by age and domicile 1998/99
Brautskráðir stúdentar Numbers ofstudents
Alls Karlar Konur
Total Males Females
Brautskráðir stúdentar alls 2.224 908 1.316 Number of students, total
Graduated in the middle ofthe
Brautskráðir á miðju skólaári 424 147 277 academic year
Graduated at the end ofthe
Brautskráðir við lok skólaárs 1.800 761 1.039 academic year
Brautskráðir úr dagskóladeildum 2.139 885 1.254 Graduated from day courses
Brautskráðir úr kvöldskóladeildum 85 23 62 Graduated from evening courses
Aldur við árslok 1999 2.224 908 1.316 Age at end ofyear 1999
18-19 ára 46 14 32 18-19 years
20 ára 1228 498 730 20 years
21 árs 447 184 263 21 years
22-24 ára 325 139 186 22—24 years
25-29 ára 82 42 40 25-29 years
30 ára og eldri 96 31 65 30 years and over
Lögheimili í árslok 1998 2.224 908 1.316 Domicile at end of year 1998
Höfuðborgarsvæði 1403 591 812 Capital region
Reykjavrk 874 376 498 Reykjavík
Önnur sveitarfélög 529 215 314 Other municipalities
Suðurnes 91 33 58 Suðurnes
Vesturland 97 37 60 Vesturland
Vestfirðir 46 20 26 Vestfirðir
Norðurland vestra 98 44 54 Norðurland vestra
Norðurland eystra 218 84 134 Norðurland eystra
Austurland 88 32 56 Austurland
Suðurland 179 67 112 Suðurland
Erlendis 4 - 4 Abroad
Note: This table shows the number ofstudents that complete matriculation examination which grants admission to university education.
Heimild: Hagstofa Islands. Source: Statistics Iceland.