Landshagir - 01.12.2000, Qupperneq 320
Lifetime, expected 74-75
Live births 33, 64-66
Livestock 99-100
Loan indexation 166
Local government elections 300
Local government finances 213-215
Local government, municipalities 20
Lockouts - see Strikes and lockouts
Lorries 148-151
Mail 153
Manufacturing products, exports 197, 206
Manufacturing, 115-116, 120
Manufacturing, employed 83-85
Marine products 146, 197, 206
Marital status 44
Marriage ceremonies 57-60
Marriages 33, 57-60
Marriages dissolved - see also Divorce 61
Masons’ Association of Iceland 96
Matriculation examination, number of students 272
Mean population 33, 43-47
Meat 101
Medical areas 20
Merchant fleet 140-141
Merchant Navy and Fishing Vessel Officers’ Guild 96
Metal and ship-building industry - Manufacturing
Midwives 245
Migration 33,51-56
Milk 102
Milk cows - see Cattle
Minks 99, 105
Mobile telephones 153
Monetary survey 217-230
Motion pictures, country of origin 284
Motor boats - see Fishing vessels
Motor vehicles 148-151
Mountains, height 21
Movies - see Cinemas
Municipalities 19-20
Museums 287
National accounts 181-192
National Assembly (Althingi), general elections 294-298
National assets 190
National Library 286
National Museum 287
National parks 23
National roads 147
Natural history museums 287
Natural monuments 23
Nature reserves 23
Newspapers, publication 277
Nitrogen oxide, emission 28
Non-residential buildings, construction 130
Nuclear families 50-51
Nurses 245
Nursing homes - see Hospitals
Occupational injury insurance, funding 234
Oil-gravelled roads 147
Ordaining bishops' districts 20
Ozone, Reykjavík 25
Ozone-destructive materials, emission 29
Parents of newborns 33, 66
Parishes 20
Parliament (Althingi), general elections 294-298
Passenger cars 148-151
Passenger transport 144-145
Passengers from abroad 133-135
Payment intermediation 219
Periodicals, publication 277, 279
Personnel, schools 275-276
Pharmacists 245
Physicians 245
Pigs 99-100
Pollution, emission of materials 27-29
Population 31-51
Population, administrative districts 35
Population, age 42-47
Population, constituency 35
Population, country of birth 49
Population, country of citizenship 49
Population, geographical division 35
Population, increase 31-33
Population, labour force status 77-79
Population, localities 39
Population, marital status 44
Population, mean population 33
Population, municipality 35-37
Population, projection 76
Population, religious organizations 47
Population, rural areas 39
Population, sex 31-33,42-47
Population, size of locality 41
Population, urban lnuclei 39-41
Population, year of birth 42
Pork 101
Postal service 153
Potato production 99-100
Poultry 99, 101
Power-intensive industries 125-126
Precipitation 24
Pre-primary institutions 260-261
Presidential elections 299
Price indices 194
Primary health care districts 20
Prisoners 293
Private cars 148-151
Private final consumption expenditure 181, 186
Private power plants 124
Protected areas 23
Public administration, employed 83-85
Public buildings, construction 130
Public employees, compensation 169
Public libraries 286
Public sector expenditure, economic categories 209210
Public sector finances 207-215
Public sector revenue 208
Publications 277-279
Quadruplet deliveries 64