Landshagir - 01.12.2001, Blaðsíða 199
Fjármunaeign í lok árs 1996-2000
Fixed assets at end ofyear 1996-2000
[ 1996 1997 1998 1999 | 2000'
Verðlag hvers árs, millj. kr. Million ISK at current prices
Atvinnugreinaskipting Classification by main activity
Fjármunaeign alls 1.567.802 1.655.401 1.775.306 1.865.219 1.987.812 Gross fixed capital formation total
Atvinnuvegir alls 681.192 717.111 787.722 842.209 911.013 Total industries
Landbúnaður 65.571 68.477 71.417 73.719 76.798 Agriculture
Fiskveiðar 79.071 75.803 77.559 75.873 76.007 Fishing
Fiskiðnaður 34.580 36.823 40.178 42.324 44.647 Fish processing
Iðnaður án fiskiðnaðar 96.138 110.010 125.068 132.944 141.205 Manufacturing excl. fish processing
Rafmagns- og hitaveitur 111.300 117.261 130.891 141.786 148.711 Electricity and hot water supply
Vatnsveitur 10.015 10.459 11.069 11.559 12.279 Water supply
Byggingarstarfsemi (Vinnuvélar) 13.132 14.408 16.616 17.770 19.982 Construction
Verslunar-, skrifstofu-, gistihús o.fl. 102.456 109.609 121.115 129.588 146.017 Trade, restaurants and hotels
Samgöngur 101.372 101.754 113.382 124.749 139.892 Transport and storage
Póstur og sími, útvarp og sjónvarp 18.918 19.825 22.360 26.167 30.082 Postal and telecommunication serv.
Peningastofn. og tryggingar Financial institutions and insurance
Unsp. computers, software,
Ofl., tölvur, hugbún., húsgögn o.fl. 48.638 52.681 58.066 65.729 75.391 office machines etc.
Ibúðarhús 579.605 610.809 638.324 658.858 688.383 Residential construction
Starfsemi hins opinbera 307.005 327.481 349.260 364.153 388.415 Producers of government services
Vegir og brýr 70.193 75.507 79.993 81.657 86.787 Roads and bridges
Götur og holræsi 69.786 75.353 80.050 81.946 86.789 Streets and sewers
Byggingar hins opinbera 167.026 176.621 189.217 200.550 214.839 Public buildings
Tegundaskipting Classification by type of product
Fjármunaeign alls 1.567.802 1.655.401 1.775.306 1.865.219 1.987.812 Gross fixed capital formation total
Byggingar 936.142 991.475 1.050.396 1.095.282 1.162.522 Buildings
Atvinnuhúsnæði 189.511 204.045 222.855 235.875 259.300 Industrial buildings
Byggingar hins opinbera 167.026 176.621 189.217 200.550 214.839 Public buildings
Ibúðarhús 579.605 610.809 638.324 658.858 688.383 Dwellings
Vélar og tæki 272.850 283.484 314.933 342.093 373.893 Machinery and equipments
Onnur mannvirki 348.325 369.510 398.882 416.492 440.045 Other construction
Bústofnsbreytingar 10.485 10.932 11.095 11.351 11.351 Change in livestock
Hlutfallsleg skipting % Percentage breakdown
Atvinnugreinaskipting Classification by main activity
Fjármunamyndun alls 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 Gross fixed capital formation total
Atvinnuvegir alls 43,4 43,3 44,4 45,2 45,8 Total industries
Landbúnaður 4,2 4,1 4,0 4,0 3,9 Agriculture
Fiskveiðar 5,0 4,6 4,4 4,1 3,8 Fishing
Fiskiðnaður 2,2 2,2 2,3 2,3 2,2 Fish processing
Iðnaður án fiskiðnaðar 6,1 6,6 7,0 7,1 7,1 Manufacturing excl. fish processing
Rafmagns- og hitaveitur 7,1 7,1 7,4 7,6 7,5 Electricity and hot water supply
Vatnsveitur 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,6 Water supply
Byggingarstarfsemi (Vinnuvélar) 0,8 0,9 0,9 1,0 1,0 Construction
Verslunar-, skrifstofu-, gistihús o.fl. 6,5 6,6 6,8 6,9 7,3 Trade, restaurants and hotels
Samgöngur 6,5 6,1 6,4 6,7 7,0 Transport and storage
Póstur og sími, útvarp og sjónvarp 1,2 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 Postal and telecommunication serv.
Peningastofn. og tryggingar Financial institutions and insurance
Unsp. computers, software,
Ofl., tölvur, hugbún., húsgögn o.fl. 3,1 3,2 3,3 3,5 3,8 office machines etc.
Ibúðarhús 37,0 36,9 36,0 35,3 34,6 Residential construction