Landshagir - 01.11.2014, Side 286
13.1 Landsframleiðsla 2009–2013
Gross domestic product 2009–2013
2009 2010 2011 20121 20131
Verðlag hvers árs, millj. kr.#Million ISK at current prices
1. Einkaneysla#Private final consumption 811.628 827.397 878.688 946.571 986.500
2. Samneysla#Government final consumption 394.597 398.341 415.417 433.120 455.735
3. Fjármunamyndun#Gross fixed capital formation 240.382 228.455 263.693 283.456 282.749
4. Birgðabreytingar#Changes in inventories -2.282 -2.611 2.556 -627 -8.012
5. Þjóðarútgjöld alls#Gross domestic final expenditure 1.444.325 1.451.582 1.560.354 1.662.521 1.716.971
6. Útflutningur alls#Exports of goods and services 787.875 867.765 954.414 1.006.139 1.043.741
Vörur, fob#Goods, fob 459.377 482.954 562.698 576.340 561.037
Þjónusta#Services 328.497 384.810 391.716 429.800 482.704
7. Frádr.: Innflutningur alls#Less: Imports of goods and services 646.679 698.293 814.210 894.659 887.699
Vörur, fob#Goods, fob 403.696 437.812 525.795 563.980 552.821
Þjónusta#Services 242.983 260.481 288.415 330.679 334.878
8. Verg landsframleiðsla#Gross Domestic Product 1.585.520 1.621.053 1.700.558 1.774.001 1.873.013
9. Launa- og eignatekjur frá útl., nettó#
Primary income from abroad, net -290.035 -262.673 -215.732 -171.700 -34.578
10. Vergar þjóðartekjur#Gross national income at market prices 1.295.485 1.358.380 1.484.826 1.602.301 1.838.435
11. Viðskiptajöfnuður án rekstrarframlaga#
Balance of current account -148.839 -93.202 -75.528 -60.220 121.464
Vöruskiptajöfnuður fob#Balance of goods 55.681 45.142 36.903 12.359 8.216
Þjónustujöfnuður#Balance of services 85.514 124.329 103.300 99.121 147.826
Launa- og eignatekjur frá útl., nettó#
Primary income from abroad, net -290.035 -262.673 -215.732 -171.700 -34.578
12. Afskrift fjármunaeignar#Consumption of fixed capital 296.422 291.297 290.037 303.131 308.205
13. Hreinar þjóðartekjur á markaðsvirði (13.=10.-12.)#
Net national income at market prices 999.063 1.067.083 1.194.789 1.299.170 1.530.230
14. Rekstrarframlög frá útlöndum, nettó#
Current transfers from abroad, net -8.209 -10.540 -12.271 -13.441 -15.945
15. Ráðstöfunartekjur, nettó#Net national disposable income 990.854 1.056.543 1.182.518 1.285.729 1.514.285
Magnbreyting frá fyrra ári, %#Volume changes from prev. year, %
1. Einkaneysla#Private final consumption -9,9 -0,2 2,5 2,0 0,8
2. Samneysla#Government final consumption -1,7 -3,0 0,2 -1,2 0,8
3. Fjármunamyndun#Gross fixed capital formation -47,7 -8,6 11,6 4,3 -2,2
4. Þjóðarútgjöld alls#Gross domestic final expenditure -17,9 -2,3 3,6 1,4 -0,3
5. Útflutningur alls#Exports of goods and services 8,3 1,8 3,4 3,9 6,9
Vörur, fob#Goods, fob 9,0 -8,0 6,8 3,4 3,7
Þjónusta#Services 7,0 15,4 -0,8 4,4 11,3
6. Frádr.: Innflutningur alls#Less: Imports of goods and services -22,4 4,3 6,8 4,9 0,4
Vörur, fob#Goods, fob -27,7 2,8 6,8 2,3 -0,3
Þjónusta#Services -10,1 6,9 6,7 9,5 1,5
7. Verg landsframleiðsla#Gross domestic product -5,1 -2,9 2,1 1,1 3,5
8. Vergar þjóðartekjur#Gross national income at market prices -6,5 1,9 4,8 2,7 11,2
Verðbreyting frá fyrra ári, %#Price changes from prev. year, %
1. Einkaneysla#Private final consumption 10,6 2,1 3,6 5,6 3,4
2. Samneysla#Government final consumption 10,1 4,1 4,0 5,5 4,4
3. Fjármunamyndun#Gross fixed capital formation 16,8 3,9 3,4 3,0 2,0
4. Þjóðarútgjöld alls#Gross domestic final expenditure 11,3 2,8 3,8 5,0 3,6
5. Útflutningur alls#Exports of goods and services 14,1 8,2 6,3 1,5 -3,0
Vörur, fob#Goods, fob 4,7 14,2 9,1 -1,0 -6,2
Þjónusta#Services 30,5 1,5 2,6 5,1 0,9
6. Frádr.: Innflutningur alls#Less: Imports of goods and services 24,3 3,5 9,2 4,8 -1,2
Vörur, fob#Goods, fob 19,2 5,5 12,4 4,8 -1,7
Þjónusta#Services 33,8 0,3 3,8 4,7 -0,2
7. Verg landsframleiðsla#Gross domestic product 8,0 5,3 2,7 3,1 2,1
1 Bráðabirgðatölur.#Preliminary data.