Landshagir - 01.12.2015, Blaðsíða 148
Heilbrigðis- og félagsmál
6.7 Heildarútgjöld til heilbrigðismála eftir veitendum þjónustunnar 2010–2013
Health expenditure by providers 2010–2013
ICHA SHA-staðall1#SHA manual1 Verðlag hvers árs, milljónir króna
Current prices, million ISK Hlutfall#Percent
2010 2011 2012 2013 2010 2011 2012 2013
Heildarútgjöld til heilbrigðismála#Total health expenditure 143.291 147.149 154.171 164.471 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0
HP.1 Sjúkrahús#Hospitals 54.200 55.053 59.599 64.235 37,8 37,4 38,7 39,1
HP.2 Hjúkrunar- og dvalarstofnanir#
Residential long-term care facilities 20.479 22.561 23.109 25.273 14,3 15,3 15,0 15,4
HP.3 Veitendur ferliþjónustu#
Providers of ambulatory health care 34.357 35.744 37.017 39.680 24,0 24,3 24,0 24,1
HP.3.1 Læknastofur (sjálfstætt starfandi lækna)#
Medical practices 8.129 8.769 8.701 8.297 5,7 6,0 5,6 5,0
HP.3.2 Tannlæknastofur#Dental practices 8.790 9.125 9.660 10.637 6,1 6,2 6,3 6,5
Heilsugæslur og aðrir veitendur ferliþjónustu#
Ambulatory health care centers and other health care
practitioners 15.523 15.853 16.585 18.068 10,8 10,8 10,8 11,0
HP.3.5 Veitendur heimahjúkrunar#
Providers of home health care services 1.914 1.998 2.070 2.678 1,3 1,4 1,3 1,6
HP.4 Veitendur stoðþjónustu#
Providers of ancillary services 2.863 2.988 3.196 3.649 2,0 2,0 2,1 2,2
HP.5 Smásalar og aðrir sem útvega lækninga- og
hjúkrunarvörur#Retailers and other providers of
medical goods 26.118 25.771 26.186 26.288 18,2 17,5 17,0 16,0
HP.6 Lýðheilsu- og forvarnarverkefni#Providers of
preventive care 1.294 971 1.123 1.176 0,9 0,7 0,7 0,7
HP.7 Stjórnsýsla heilbrigðis- og tryggingamála#Providers
of health care system administration and financing 2.423 2.397 2.382 2.602 1,7 1,6 1,5 1,6
HP.7.1 Stjórnsýsla heilbrigðis- og tryggingamála#
Government administration of health 1.764 1.761 1.731 1.909 1,2 1,2 1,1 1,2
HP.7.2 Opinberir tryggingasjóðir#
Social health insurance agencies 659 636 651 693 0,5 0,4 0,4 0,4
HP.8 Aðrir sem veita heilbrigðisþjónustu#
All other industries (rest of the economy) – – – – – – – –
HP.9 Aðrir#Others (rest of the world) 1.556 1.663 1.559 1.568 1,1 1,1 1,0 1,0
1 Samkvæmt SHA-flokkunarkerfinu, útgáfa 2011 (The System of Health Accounts), töflu 6.2.#The classification is based on the SHA manual, edition 2011,
table 6.2.