Landshagir - 01.12.2015, Blaðsíða 262
11.1 Landsframleiðsla 2010–2014
Gross domestic product 2010–2014
2010 2011 2012 20131 20141
Verðlag hvers árs, millj. kr.#Million ISK at current prices
1. Einkaneysla#Private final consumption 828.973 879.710 947.233 986.998 1.046.248
2. Samneysla#Government final consumption 399.381 420.425 434.989 458.198 484.463
3. Fjármunamyndun#Gross fixed capital formation 226.755 261.613 284.516 287.532 331.975
4. Birgðabreytingar#Changes in inventories -2.231 3.357 1.800 -4.953 2.045
5. Þjóðarútgjöld alls#Gross domestic final expenditure 1.452.878 1.565.104 1.668.538 1.727.775 1.864.730
6. Útflutningur alls#Exports of goods and services 869.551 962.536 1.011.435 1.046.179 1.066.763
Vörur, fob#Goods, fob 502.089 562.698 576.340 561.036 568.316
Þjónusta#Services 367.462 399.838 435.095 485.143 498.448
7. Frádr.: Innflutningur alls#Less: Imports of goods and services 704.328 827.133 904.483 895.254 942.233
Vörur, fob#Goods, fob 438.225 526.252 564.308 553.211 578.621
Þjónusta#Services 266.103 300.881 340.174 342.044 363.612
8. Verg landsframleiðsla#Gross Domestic Product 1.618.101 1.700.507 1.775.490 1.878.700 1.989.260
Launa- og eignatekjur frá útl., nettó#
Primary income from abroad, net -260.898 -211.856 -168.184 -26.963 -40.998
10. Vergar þjóðartekjur#Gross national income at market prices 1.357.203 1.488.651 1.607.306 1.851.737 1.948.262
11. Viðskiptajöfnuður án rekstrarframlaga#Balance of current account -95.675 -76.453 -61.232 123.962 83.532
Vöruskiptajöfnuður fob#Balance of goods 63.865 36.446 12.031 7.826 -10.306
Þjónustujöfnuður#Balance of services 101.359 98.957 94.921 143.099 134.836
Launa- og eignatekjur frá útl., nettó#
Primary income from abroad, net -260.898 -211.856 -168.184 -26.963 -40.998
12. Afskrift fjármunaeignar#Consumption of fixed capital 291.740 290.098 302.994 308.363 310.123
Hreinar þjóðartekjur á markaðsvirði (13.=10.-12.)#
Net national income at market prices 1.065.463 1.198.553 1.304.311 1.543.374 1.638.140
Rekstrarframlög frá útlöndum, nettó#
Current transfers from abroad, net -11.275 -13.191 -14.070 -16.163 -15.718
15. Ráðstöfunartekjur, nettó#Net national disposable income 1.054.188 1.185.362 1.290.241 1.527.211 1.622.422
Magnbreyting frá fyrra ári, %#Volume changes from prev. year, %
1. Einkaneysla#Private final consumption -0,3 2,5 1,9 1,0 3,1
2. Samneysla#Government final consumption -3,7 -0,1 -1,8 1,1 1,8
3. Fjármunamyndun#Gross fixed capital formation -8,6 11,6 5,3 -1,0 15,4
4. Þjóðarútgjöld alls#Gross domestic final expenditure -2,5 3,5 1,5 0,2 5,2
5. Útflutningur alls#Exports of goods and services 1,0 3,4 3,6 6,7 3,1
Vörur, fob#Goods, fob -4,4 2,7 3,4 3,7 1,7
Þjónusta#Services 8,5 4,4 3,8 10,7 4,8
6. Frádr.: Innflutningur alls#Less: Imports of goods and services 4,4 6,8 4,6 0,2 9,8
Vörur, fob#Goods, fob 2,9 6,8 2,3 -0,3 9,3
Þjónusta#Services 7,0 6,7 8,7 0,9 10,7
7. Verg landsframleiðsla#Gross domestic product -3,6 2,0 1,2 3,9 1,8
8. Vergar þjóðartekjur#Gross national income at market prices 1,1 4,8 2,8 11,9 3,0
Verðbreyting frá fyrra ári, %#Price changes from prev. year, %
1. Einkaneysla#Private final consumption 2,1 3,5 5,6 3,1 2,9
2. Samneysla#Government final consumption 5,0 5,4 5,4 4,2 3,9
3. Fjármunamyndun#Gross fixed capital formation 3,9 3,4 3,3 2,1 0,1
4. Þjóðarútgjöld alls#Gross domestic final expenditure 3,1 4,1 5,0 3,4 2,6
5. Útflutningur alls#Exports of goods and services 8,8 7,0 1,4 -3,1 -1,1
Vörur, fob#Goods, fob 14,4 9,1 -6,2 -0,4
Þjónusta#Services 1,9 4,3 4,8 0,7 -1,9
6. Frádr.: Innflutningur alls#Less: Imports of goods and services 4,1 10,0 4,5 -1,2 -4,2
Vörur, fob#Goods, fob 5,5 12,4 4,8 -1,7 -4,3
Þjónusta#Services 1,8 5,9 4,0 -0,4 -4,0
7. Verg landsframleiðsla#Gross domestic product 5,6 3,0 3,2 1,8 4,0
1 Bráðabirgðatölur.#Preliminary data.