Reykjavík Grapevine

Reykjavík Grapevine - 03.02.2017, Side 48

Reykjavík Grapevine - 03.02.2017, Side 48
How to use the listings: Events are listed alphabetically by venue. For complete listings and detailed information on venues visit Send your listings to: Opening Anarkía “Catalyst” by Sara Þórðardóttir Oskarsson “Catalyst” is a retrospective of conceptual artist Sara Þórðardóttir Oskarsson’s 14 year career. It includes sketches, photographs, and videos. Opens on February 4, 2017 Reykjavík Art Museum - Hafnarhús “Panik” by Ilmur Stefánsdóttir Chaos and panic. That is what you will find in Ilmur’s new installation exhibit that uses video art intertwined with the museum's existing structures. There will be an open- ing party on February 3rd at 20:00. Opens on February 3, 2017 Runs until May 1, 2015 Erró: More is Beautiful Erró is a postmodern artist whose work is characteristically provocative and shock- ing, attacking not only politics but also social norms and standards. Opens on February 18, 2017 Runs until May 1, 2017 Reykjavík Art Museum - Kjarvalsstaðir Case Studies - Product Design Into The 21st Century The exhibition explores Icelandic product design at the beginning of the 21st century featuring the works of Brynjar Sigurðarson, Sigríður Heimisdóttir, Unnur Valdís Kristjánsdóttir and Tinna Gunnars- dóttir. Opens on March 4, 2017 Runs until April 23, 2017 SÍM Exhibit by Sari Maarit Cedegren In this exhibit, Sari used black and white Super 8 film which she exposed with unusual materials like caffeine, vinegar, and baking soda. Opens on February 3, 2017 Runs until February 21, 2017 Ongoing Árbær Open Air Musem Daily guided tours from 13:00 to 14:00 through its open air exhibits. On permanent view. ART67 Exhibit by Olivier Manoury Olivier Manoury is this month’s featured artist at ART67. He is a watercolor special- ist who mostly paints realistic nature and urban scenes. Runs until February 28, 2017 Akureyri Art Museum Colours, Shapes, and People by Nina Tryg- gvadóttir Nina Tryggvadóttir is a famous Icelandic artist from back in the day. Nina worked mainly with oil on canvas but she is also known for paper works, works of stained glass, mosaics and children's books. She was one of the pioneers of Abstract expressionism in Iceland. Runs until February 26, 2017 Four Years This exhibit shows works made by George Oscar from 2013 to 2016—four years. Runs until February 9, 2017 Ásgrímur Jónnson Collection ‘Frightening Nature’ Runs until May 7, 2017 Berg Contemporary “Drawing Spatially” by Monika Grzymala The German based artist exhibits her structures through space by drawings and tape. Runs until February 25, 2017 Einar Jónsson Museum The museum contains close to 300 art- works including a beautiful garden with 26 bronze casts of the artist’s sculptures. On permanent view. Gallerí Fold Magnús Jónsson Magús deconstructs objects and then reforms them using only dots. They come together in this exhibit to form beautiful landscapes and animals. Runs until February 11,2017 Gerðarsafn - Kópavogur Art Museum “Normality is the new avant-garde” A show on the extraordinary ordinary in contemporary Icelandic art. Runs until March 5, 2017 Hafnarborg Exhibit by Steingrímur Eyfjörð Steingrímur Eyfjörd presents his perspec- tive on gender through a selection of artwork. Runs until March 19, 2017 “Rose” by Sigga Björg Artist Sigga Björg creates an installation based around monsters and strange creatures using drawings, animated videos and sculptures. Runs until March 19, 2017 Hannesarholt “Japanese Glimpse” by María Loftsdóttir María Loftsdóttir is a watercolour painter who is this exhibit presents a series inspired by Japan. Runs until February 23, 2017 Hönnunarsafn Íslands ‘On Paper’ A collection of sketches by designers and artists of packaging, advertisements, book covers and of furniture from the 1920s to the 1960s. Runs until March 5, 2017 Listasalur Mosfellsbæjar “Winter Dance” by Georg R. Douglas "Winter Dance" is a series of paintings all inspired by Irish dancing. Fan of fast steps? This is right up your alley. Runs until February 11, 2017 Museum of Design and Applied Art ‘KEEPERS’ This exhibition focuses on the question of how we decide which objects are worth keeping. Runs until June 4, 2017. National Gallery of Iceland Valtýr Pétursson An exhibition focusing on Valtýr Art Gives...Or Does It? Presence: The Masseuse Wind and Weather Gallery | Hverfisgata 37 | Fri & Sat in Feb| 17:00-19:00 | Free The Presence is a performance series that features three parts: the Oracle, the Consultant, and the Masseuse. The project will be filmed and live-streamed, as well as projected at various locations in Reykjavík and abroad. Each role, it says in the exhibits description, “will be representative of differ- ent presence.” But what does that mean? What is “presence”? The state of existing? A thing that exists but is not seen, like a ghost? A group of people like soldiers or police stationed in a particular place? Which is it? Well, go there and see for yourself. HJC Art Listings47The Reykjavík GrapevineIssue 02 — 2017 F West-Iceland Suðurgata 41 101 Reykjavík tel +354 530 22 00 Hverfisgata 15 101 Reykjavík tel +354 530 22 10 National Museum of Iceland The country’s largest museum of cultural history from settlement to present day. The Culture House Manuscripts, fine art, natural specimens, curiosities and archeaological findings form the exhibition Points of View. National Museum of Iceland The Culture House The exhibitions, shops and cafés are open daily 10 - 17 Closed on Mondays 16/9 – 30/4 G ER Ð A R SA FN K Ó PA V O G U R A R T M U SE U M NORMALITY IS THE NEW AVANT-GARDE 13.01. – 05.03.17 Listamenn Artists Anna Hrund Másdóttir Arna Óttarsdóttir Arnfinnur Amazeen Emma Heiðarsdóttir Finnur Arnar Arnarson G.Erla - Guðrún Erla Geirsdóttir Guðrún Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir Loji Höskuldsson Sólveig Aðalsteinsdóttir Sveinn Fannar Jóhannsson Þorvaldur Þorsteinsson Sýningarstjóri Curator Heiðar Kári Rannversson


Reykjavík Grapevine

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