Reykjavík Grapevine

Reykjavík Grapevine - 10.03.2017, Blaðsíða 18

Reykjavík Grapevine - 10.03.2017, Blaðsíða 18
CITY SHOT Punk's not dead . . . it's just a bit chilly. Photo by Varvara Lozenko Words MARY FRANCES DAVIDSON Illustration BLOOMICON Share this article: GPV.IS/CAR3 Ah, the poor electric car. It has been a long road for you, hasn’t it? Clunky batteries that take a full day to charge and need frequent, costly replace- ment. Prices so dear that only the super-rich could even look at you. Tiny driving range. In one movie I saw back in 2006, Martin Sheen said somebody even tried to kill you. But you certainly seem to be in good shape these days, more affordable and reli- able, and taking off all over the world! As per usual, Icelanders are fashion- ably late to the party, but they are here now and ready to get moving. I love it when a good idea takes hold of humanity and refuses to let go. Elec- tric cars are one such idea. Consider, for a moment, choices an individual can make to combat climate change. The most effective are probably eating locally produced food, cutting back on meat and animal products, buying used stuff, and reducing the carbon footprint from transportation. (As a side note, if you are one of those people who don’t “believe” in climate change, I am sorry and I hope you read more.) The move away from fossil fuels is coming, and it will take off expo- nentially over the next few decades. How do I know? Peak oil. Imagine that you are sitting in a pub with a beer in your hands. You sip away at it, and you like it. It feels good, and you smile because you are so pleased that you have this beer. Then you realize that it is half gone. The pub doesn’t have any more beer. Neither do any of the other pubs in town. Neither do any pubs anywhere in the world. This wonderful thing you discovered is half gone, and no more exists on the planet. It is the same way with finite resources like oil, and we have already taken the half that’s easy to extract. Plug into Iceland By all logic, Iceland should be leading the world in electric car use. The ener- gy in Iceland is produced almost exclu- sively through renewable sources, with about 70% coming from hydropower, and 30% from geothermal. Aluminum smelters and other have industries have caught on to the economic ben- efits of the cheap, clean energy they find here. So have those people who thought it would be a brilliant idea to build a giant cable across the ocean and export Iceland’s energy to the UK. Icelanders themselves are sometimes blind to the benefits they can get from cheap energy. We crank up the heat and leave the windows open and don’t think about how weird and cool that is. It is high time Iceland invests in an energy project that will actually ben- efit the people who live here and not just big foreign companies who export their profits without paying fair taxes (I’m looking at you, Rio Tinto Alcan!). The gauntlet is thrown Like in a lot of small countries, noth- ing moves Icelanders to action like the prospect of being the Best in the World. Moreover, nothing lights a fire under the Icelandic populace like sit- ting at the grown-ups’ table with an- other Nordic country and coming out on top. Well, Norway has a plan to stop selling fossil fuel cars by 2025. So far, our boring, oil-producing, ski-every- where, weird-sweater-wearing, cau- tious, EU-resisting big brother is kick- ing our ass in the electric car market. Dear ruling political elite We know about your love affair with big business. Electric cars could ac- tually be the biggest business oppor- tunity you see in your lifetime. The change is inevitable, and you want to be on the right side of this one. People with more power and influence than me need to muster the political cour- age to prioritize infrastructure and in- centives. We need a network of charg- ing stations all over the country, and incentives to switch to electric trans- portation. Reykjavik has a plan to add 80 charging stations over the next few years. Let’s plug in and get rolling. OPINION It's Electric Car Time SHOW ME THE MONEY: Cod and Capitalism Until the mid-to-late 19th century, most financial transactions in Iceland were conducted in vaðmál (homespun wool). However, since 1922, Iceland has issued its own currency, the króna. Iceland never being the best at economic stabil- ity, the króna has lost significant value significantly every decade since its initial issue, and in 1981 we decided to cut a couple of zeros from it, introducing the current króna. So, let’s meet the… 1 króna coin Fishing is one of the main indus- tries in Iceland, so no wonder they’ve chosen to depict various fish on all their coins. On the 1 kró- na piece is the humble cod. Great with chips (the fish, not the coin), cod makes up the majority of Ice- land’s seafood export and is there- fore the country’s most economi- cally significant fish. Which begs the question: why is the fish that makes Iceland the most money, worth the least? Well, that’s capi- talism for you, folks. So, what’s it worth? I’m willing to bet that the major- ity of tourists leave Iceland with about two hundred of these little blighters weighing down their pockets. Currently 1 króna would get you $0.009, €0.008 or £0.007. So can you even buy anything with it? The answer is no. But you can make little towers with them and count them out like a medieval king, which is pretty fun, and fun is priceless*. - Joanna Smith * “Fun” is not an accepted currency and has no actual monetary value. 18 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 03 — 2017
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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