Reykjavík Grapevine

Reykjavík Grapevine - 10.03.2017, Blaðsíða 54

Reykjavík Grapevine - 10.03.2017, Blaðsíða 54
A Glacial Cliffhanger Walking like a cowboy on Sólheimajökull Words Joanna Smith Photos Art Bicnick A LONG W I T H VOLC A NOES , hot springs, and bucketload upon bucketload of black sand, glaciers are one of Iceland’s mu s t- s e e n at u r a l wonders . Coming from England—a coun- try that literally shuts down at an inch of snowfall—the con- cept of a massive block of impen- etrable ice is both foreign and magical to me. I was aching to get to know this frozen wilder- ness, and the best way to do that is by buckling on your crampons and venturing out on a glacier walking tour. Not only that, but Icelandic Mountain Guides offer this popular tour with the op- tion of ice climbing. So if you’ve ever dreamed of scaling a wall of ice, here’s your chance. I was pretty excited to get my Lara Croft on, and I waited ea- gerly for our tour guide, Illugi, to pick us up. Once in the van, we headed south of Reykjavík. One of the great things about this tour is that you get to stop briefly at two of Iceland’s most famous waterfalls, Seljalands- foss and Skógafoss. Depending on the light and weather condi- tions, you may stop at the falls before or after visiting the gla- cier. If you go before, try not to get too wet. Trust me, wearing damp clothes whilst stood on what’s essentially a massive ice cube is not a good idea. Once at the glacier Sólheima- jökull, we were given our har- nesses, helmets and crampons. After a fifteen-minute hike, we reached the base of the glacier. We were taught how to put on our crampons and how to walk properly on the ice (“like a cow- boy,” as Illugi put it). Don’t fret if you’ve never done anything like this before; this tour is a total beginner’s guide, so they talk you through everything. Hand, hand, foot, foot Walking with crampons is bi- zarre at first. You have to sort of stomp around so that the spikes dig into the ice and you don’t slip over. It didn’t take me long to get used to it, however, and then I could properly take in my surroundings. It almost felt like I was on the North Pole: dazzling white as far as the eye could see and whistling bitter winds. Af- ter this short hike, we began climbing. Again, they teach you everything, and before you know it you’re harnessed up, ice picks in hand, ready to ascend. You get into a rhythm—hand, hand, foot, foot—swinging the picks into the ice and kicking in your crampons. To my pleasant sur- prise, it was actually easier than I anticipated, and just as I was beginning to get tired, I realised I was at the top. We spent about 90 minutes taking it in turns to climb this wall of ice, practicing our technique and really get- ting the hang of it. It was during these 90 minutes that the heav- ens opened and I was grateful for my waterproofs and ther- mals—seriously, make sure you wrap up. Lucki ly the clouds cleared as we hiked around the glacier for a further hour or so. Illugi showed us some of the wonders of Sólheimajökull: we peered into huge crevasses, sipped pure glacier water and (my favourite part) explored ice caves. We returned to the van feel- ing sleepy; the sign of a good day’s climb. Needless to say, it was pretty quiet on the drive back to Reyk jav í k, as we a l l snoozed together. This expe- rience was one of the best I’ve had in Iceland, and now glaciers don’t feel quite so foreign to me, but still just as magical. Door-to-door this trip takes be- tween 10-12 hours, 3-4 hours ac- tive. Groups are between 2-6 peo- ple. Minimum age is 14 years. SHARE & VIEW GALLERY: Trip provided by “Romantic with spa” “Wonderful modern Icelandic food” “Featuring the best of Icelandic cuisine” “A very good place to have a cozy couples night out...” #reykjavikhappyhour HAPPY HOURevery day from16.00 to 18.00 Þingholtsstræti 5, 101 Reykjavík Tel: 595 8535 RESTAURANT ÍSAFOLD #ísafoldmeansoldiceland #downtownreykjavik 54The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 03 — 2017
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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