Reykjavík Grapevine

Reykjavík Grapevine - 07.04.2017, Blaðsíða 6

Reykjavík Grapevine - 07.04.2017, Blaðsíða 6
Inner Workings NEWS Last Tuesday, Reykjavík Mayor Dagur B. Eggertsson held a press conference wherein he introduced a draft of the city’s new housing plan. As to be expected, guest accommodation services such as Airbnb have had a major im- pact on how Iceland’s capital will address its growing housing crisis. At this conference, Dagur told re- porters that the city had originally planned to build 700 new apartments over the next five years. However, the current tourism boom has swallowed up a lot of available accommo- dation, necessitating a change of plans. Now the city plans to build some 1,250 new apartments a year just to meet the demand. Airbnb having an impact This news will likely come as little surprise to anyone looking to rent an apartment in Reykjavík. As the Grapevine covered previously, in “Four Ways That The Tourism In- dustry Is Eating Itself,” anywhere from 50% to 75% of available hous- ing in downtown Reykjavík is already claimed by Airbnb postings. Amongst these, the vast majority comprise not single rooms but entire homes. The city’s plan hopes to amend and alleviate this situation. Thou- sands of apartments are either al- ready being built or being planned, and thousands more are current- ly under review for renovation. TYPES OF NEW HOUSING PLANNED Not all housing is created equal However, not all of these apartments will necessarily be intended for ev- eryone. According to the plan, 1,340 of these apartments will be student housing, 450 will be for senior citizens, 100 will be specially made for disabled people, and 600 will be under the auspic- es of social services, for low-income households. As such, there is still a lot of un- certainty regarding how quickly these new apartments can and will be built. Whether Reykjavík will be able to provide housing for its residents at a pace that accounts for the tour- ism boom still remains to be seen. Once upon a time, you actually had a plethora of choices when it came to fried chicken in Iceland. There was Crown Chicken in Akureyri (gone), Chester Fried Chicken at Nóatún (long gone) and the greatest fried chicken in the world, Popeyes. This bastion of homestyle sides that included biscuits and “dirty rice” was situated in Kringlan’s food court, where Domino’s now stands, doling out their bastardised version of “pizza.” Today, if you want real fried chicken in Iceland, your choices are either the chicken place at Suðurver, or any of the gazillion KFCs. And who knows how long that Suðurver place will stay open. Can they weather the storm against the All-Powerful Colonel? Only time will tell. One thing’s for certain, and it’s this: your fried chicken choices are severely limited in this country, and it’s for that reason that Popeyes is missing (and missed) in Iceland. PF City To Ramp Up Housing Efforts Guest accommodation forces Reykjavík to change its plans A: “No, it’s not and never has been. Traditionally, shark was buried in sand for six to twelve weeks to allow it to ferment prop- erly. No urine (human or other- wise) was involved in this process. Today, we cut the shark up into 5-10kg pieces and box it up for six to nine weeks. After this we hang the meat up for about three or four months. So, again, no urine is used. A lot of different cultures and countries have different ways of preserving their food. The only difference with fermenting shark is that because it is poisonous when raw, you have to make sure you remove the poison, too, which takes longer, and therefore inten- sifies the flavour. “The urban myth of using urine to ferment the meat may have come about as a joke or sto- ry when people drank a little too much Brennivín, or perhaps from the smell of ammonia from the shark itself. “A lot of tourists say that it is the most disgusting food they have ever eaten, but I think there are much worse foods out there!” So you will be pleased to know that there is no urine involved in the making of Iceland’s most fa- mous delicacy. It’s just the natu- ral, tasty, ammonia-infused fla- vour of fermented shark. Mmm! We asked Guðjón Hil- dibrandsson, head of the Bjarnahöfn Shark Museum in Snæfellsnes. If you have a ques- tion about Iceland that you would like answered, email us at and we will find the most suitable expert in the field in Iceland to resolve your conundrum. JS ASK AN… Expert Q: “Is human urine still used during the process of fermenting shark?” Words: Paul Fontaine Share this article: Dagur B. Eggertsson, Mayor of Reykjavík “50 to 75% of available down- town housing is now Airbnb." Popeyes WHAT'S MISSING IN ICELAND First 6The Reykjavík GrapevineIssue 05 — 2017 Man vs. Shark Popeyes the poultry-based fast-food franchise is not to be confused with the Australian acrobatic buskers of the same name. #northernlightsbus #bustraveliceland Availability: Every night Pickup starts: 20:30 *October 1.–15.: 21:30 Duration: 3–5 hours Price: 6.400 ISK Warm clothing required Refreshments included Book online for a 10% discount Promo code NLB16 +354 511 2600 Northern Lights Bus
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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