Reykjavík Grapevine

Reykjavík Grapevine - 07.04.2017, Blaðsíða 8

Reykjavík Grapevine - 07.04.2017, Blaðsíða 8
The hip-hop scene in Iceland is boom- in’. From big names like Sturla Atlas to newbies like JoíPé, it seems like every Adidas-wearing boy is either a rapper or a rap fan. It’s true though—new art- ists come out of the woodwork on the daily and since everyone’s watching the scene, talented acts can quickly receive hype and attention. Take, for example,16-year-old duo “Hrnnr & Smjölvi.” After putting out their first song, “Rúllum á Bílum” (“Roll Up In The Car”), they started getting asked to play gigs. That’s right, first song. (The song is awesome, by the way.) But you might be wondering: How do these guys start out? If you’re a no- body from Hveragerði with only 20 friends on Facebook, how do you get the world to listen to those sick beats you just made on Ableton? This is where Facebook group “Nýtt Íslenskt Hiphop” (“New Icelandic Hip- Hop”) comes in. The group functions as a message board for new songs and videos. Everyone from famous kids like Emmsjé Gauti to unknown SoundCloud rappers put their tracks on the group. Though it’s mostly videos or songs, oc- casionally people post weird rants and call-outs that are pretty entertaining. The group also holds a poll at the end of the year to determine things like “Best Artist,” “Best Song”, etc. For us at the Grapevine, Nýtt Íslen- skt Hiphop is good to cruise when we’re trying to hit up new songs for our playlists and articles. We’ve gotten a lot from the group, and while it’s true that Nýtt Íslenskt Hiphop is currently inundated with a ton of SoundCloud rappers... what’s so wrong with Sound- Cloud rappers? It’s not like any Icelan- dic SoundCloud rappers start their songs like, “Y’all know who dis is, it’s ya boy MC Þórgrímur.” Nah, that’s just Americans. For more on Icelandic hip-hop, check out our feature on page 21. Share this article: Words Hannah Jane Cohen DIGITAL LIFE Glatað Around Iceland in 80 Facebook Groups: Nýtt Íslenskt Hiphop WORD OF THE ISSUE The word of the issue this issue is glatað. This is a word you will hear quite often in the everyday speech of Iceland- ers. While it has the literal meaning of “lost” (e.g. “glatað vegabréf,” a lost passport), it is also used colloquially to mean disappointing, upsetting, or just plain lame. As complaining is pretty much the national pastime in Iceland, getting to know glatað will take you a long way in everyday conversation. Used in a sentence: “Framboð Davíðs Oddssonar var glatað en viðbrögðin við því voru enn glataðri.” (Davíð Odd- son’s [presidential] campaign was disappointing, but the reaction to it was even more disappointing.) PF 8 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 05 — 2017 Reader Letter Dear Grapevine, I’m from London and recently came to Iceland for the first time. Me and my boyfriend stayed in an Airbnb (I know, I know) on Grettis- gata. I had a lovely time walking around the streets, and tasting puf- fin (but not whale!), and went on the Golden Circle, which was spec- tacular (and more expensive than I expected, thanks a lot Brexit!). But I have to say, I’d hoped to meet more Icelandic people. Most of the people we saw were holiday- makers like us. By the end of the holiday, I found myself thinking, are Icelanders themselves the Hid- den Folk? So I wondered if you could tell me - where are all the locals hiding?? Smite on! Jade, London Hi Jade! Iceland has a population of 340,000 people spread over the entire island, and receives over two million tourists a year—and counting—mostly to the Reykja- vík area. How likely is it you’ll be surrounded by tourists? Do the maths. The main reason you haven’t met any locals is, I hate to break it to you, because they’re avoiding you. Because, as a group, you are annoying and everywhere. Does a local want to spend their weekend queuing behind a bunch of selfie- obsessed tourists at the Golden Circle? Or buying souvenirs at a puffin shop? No. In the same way you don’t spend your weekend on the London Eye. So in short, the locals are hid- ing anywhere you are not. - The Reykjavík Grapevine send us a line at Smjörvi means Butter, and trust us, he's smooth LÓABRATORIUM WHERE WAS IT SHOT? Prometheus Words: Joanna Smith If you liked ‘Alien’, then ‘Prometheus’ is also a film by Ridley Scott, about aliens. Some would call it a prequel, others would call it a sellout. Regard- less of your opinion of the movie it- self, you have to admit that Ridley had pretty good taste in film locations, choosing none other than Dettifoss— Iceland’s and Europe’s most powerful waterfall—for the film’s the opening scene. After you’ve stopped singing along to the 20th Century Fox fanfare, watch as some gross-looking body-builder alien stands atop of Dettifoss, drinks some bub- bly black stuff, freaks the hell out, and falls into the waterfall. It’s pretty dramatic. And the rest of the movie is pretty dramatic too. I mean, *spoiler alert* a robot gives some lady a pretty horrific looking abortion, but *spoiler alert* no aliens pop out of anyone's chest. Needless to say, it got mixed reviews. No offense to the guy that got ripped for this film and then covered himself in white paint only to be shafted down a waterfall, but the waterfall itself sort of stole the show here. If you get the chance to head up north to see it, you must go. But don’t get as close to the edge as the alien did. You are human. And you will die. Our favorite postman
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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