Reykjavík Grapevine

Reykjavík Grapevine - 07.04.2017, Blaðsíða 58

Reykjavík Grapevine - 07.04.2017, Blaðsíða 58
58 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 05 — 2017 QUIRKY CULTURE The Dookie Dropper Words: Gabriel Dunsmith Tourists, think twice before you drop your drawers on a farmer’s lawn while galavanting around this magical, elf- filled haven. Þorkell Daníel Eiríksson of Fljótsdalur recently caught a tourist doing just that and rightfully berated him, Morgunblaðið reports. “This shithead decided to do a shit just by our home, he almost shat into the post box itself,” Þorkell told reporters. When confronted, the tourist alleg- edly smirked and started arguing for his defecation rights. “I've had it up to here with tourists doing this and it's only getting worse,” says Þorkell. His petition to install a public toilet in the area has thus far gone unanswered. Óðinn Returns No, this isn’t some cheap Hollywood appropriation of the Norse gods. This is as real as tourists pooping where they please: Icelandic membership in Ásatrú—the pagan religion developed in the 20th century, derived from ancient Nordic beliefs—has bal- looned 50 percent since 2014, mak- ing it the fastest-growing religion in the country, says Morgunblaðið. “We just encourage people to come if they are interested,” says high chieftain Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson. “Our cer- emonies are open to everyone.” No word yet if they’ve found the Midgard Serpent. Once you notice one, you start seeing them everywhere. Toys stuck to sign- posts, window ledges and rooftops, throughout the downtown area, al- ways just out of arm's reach. Dótadrei- farinn, or “the toy spreader,” is Reyk- javík’s answer to Banksy, or the Easter Bunny with a cruel sense of humour. No one knows who is behind this, but photographer Ben Gruber seems to have the most extensive documenta- tion of these toys… a bit like how Peter Parker had the most extensive docu- mentation of Spiderman. Just sayin’ (I’m onto you, Gruber). Accusations aside, one can’t help but wonder when and how these toys have made their way around the busi- est area of Reykjavík without anyone noticing. My theory is a person creep- ing out in the dead of night with a lad- der, a glue gun, and a high-visibility jacket. No one messes with a high-vis jacket. Seriously, if you want to do something illegal, get yourself a high- vis jacket. Art piece or frustrated parent? But what is the point of all this? Per- haps this is an art piece. These toys are a symbol for the everyday fun and joy that we forget to look for, that we miss when we go about our daily routines. Or perhaps it’s an overly tired parent having a mental breakdown, slowly de- pleting their child’s toy stash, gluing every army man they’ve ever stepped on as far away from the playroom floor as possible. Look up, feel happy Whatever the reason, once you know about these toys, you find your direc- tion shifted from the pavement to the skies. Searching for tiny pieces of plas- tic, you see the beautiful window ledg- es and gables and balconies that you’ve never noticed before. The sun shines into your vitamin D-deficient face and you can’t help but feel a little happier. Happiness + mystery is a perfect com- bination, so Dótadreifarinn—please stay elusive, and remember: with great power comes great responsibility. Words: Joanna Smith Photos: Ben Gruber HOUR OF THE WOLF CITY SHOT Dótadreifarinn: A Toy Story A small invasion. Come to Iceland for an intimate experience in beautiful nature Photo: Art Bicnick West-Iceland
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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