Reykjavík Grapevine

Reykjavík Grapevine - 06.10.2017, Qupperneq 4

Reykjavík Grapevine - 06.10.2017, Qupperneq 4
The Top Stories Sept 29TH – Oct 6TH Words: Paul Fontaine NEWS IN BRIEF So let’s get the Election 2017 stuff out of the way, first of all. The latest polls to come in show the right wing in Iceland is splintering apart. There are now five parties—six, if you count the decidedly centrist Bright Future—running on right wing platforms for parliament. The biggest surprise was that the party of former Prime Minister Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson is not only polling well, but it’s poll- ing better than the Progressive Party, the party Sigmundur used to chair. The Independence Party is also losing support, while the Peo- ple’s Party is gaining ground, and both the Reform Party and Bright Future aren’t polling well enough to win a seat. Elections are due to be held October 28, which is like a year from now in political time. The Lækjargata statue of danish king Christian IX handing Icelanders their first and current constitution in 1874. It has been amended five times since then. In related news, a new poll shows that the dreams of post-crash Iceland have not been forgotten, as most Icelanders want a new constitution this coming parlia- mentary term. The drive to draft a new constitution, often erro- neously reported as having been “crowdsourced,” was one of the larger aims of the movement that brought down Iceland’s govern- ment in 2009, but the draft would end up dying in committee shortly thereafter. Support was greatest amongst leftist voters, but a left wing government would be no guarantee; after all, the consti- tutional draft died while a leftist government was in power. Who knows, though... maybe this time? The scene at ISNIC, yesterday The ongoing saga of neo-Nazi site DailyStormer has come to a close, as the site has now lost its .is do- main due to violating terms of service. Specifically, anyone regis- tering a .is site must provide proof of identity and physical location— something site founder Andrew Anglin was not willing to do, out of fear this information would end up in the hands of law enforce- ment, which it likely would. Good riddance to bad garbage. Search and rescue squad saving the sheep - photo by Björgunarsveitin Jökull Climate change continues to have an impact on Iceland, as it does on the rest of the world. Flooding in east Iceland went on for the bet- ter part of a week, as heavy rains pounded the southeast corner of the country, closing roads and endangering livestock. No inju- ries or deaths were reported, but it has proven an infrastructural nightmare. We're proud to submit this brain donor to this years Darwin Awards - photo by Sunna Lind It feels silly to even have to write this, but please be careful when trying to take a photograph of Icelandic nature. Recently, a tourist was spotted climbing down the cliffs overlooking Gullfoss in the hopes of snapping that perfect pic. Seriously, don’t do this. Stay inside the demarcated safe areas around our sites of natural won- der. We know what we’re talking about, and we don’t want to deploy rescue squad workers to fish your bloated corpse out of the river. 4The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 18 — 2017 The potato is a metaphor for the new constitution, see First Visit us at Reykjavík City Hall Do you need helpful hints about culture, dining and other activities in our favourite city? We would love to assist you with planning your stay and booking your adventure! See you at the Official Tourist Information Centre. Open daily from 8-20
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