Reykjavík Grapevine

Reykjavík Grapevine - 06.10.2017, Page 18

Reykjavík Grapevine - 06.10.2017, Page 18
18 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 18 — 2017 POLITICS Iceland’s Most Frivolous Legislation The laws that would have been, but weren’t Words: Paul Fontaine Photo: Art Bicnick A lot of people think of parliament as a super serious place where super serious ideas are debated. This isn’t really entirely so. Most of the debating happens in closed committees, and the MPs you see grandstanding and shouting from behind the pulpit are more than likely just repeating the same stuff they already said in committee. But also, not every piece of legisla- tion submitted is entirely serious. You might not be able to vote, but if you live here, you probably still pay taxes. So it might inter- est you to know some of the more frivolous ways your hard-earned money has been spent within the hallowed halls of Icelandic parlia- ment. 1. Selling booze in stores Who proposed it?: The Independ- ence Party What did it propose?: Ending the state monopoly on the retail sale of alcoholic beverages. This would mean that, instead of having to lo- cate the nearest ÁTVR store and hope it’s still open, you could just pop down to your neighbourhood grocery store or corner shop and buy your beer. What happened?: On the Monday after the nation’s financial sector collapsed, the Independence Par- ty—which was leading the govern- ment at the time—decided this bill should remain the first order of business to discuss when parlia- ment convened that day. This level of denial so enraged the public that protests ensued, and the rest is history. To this day, the Independ- ence Party still clings to this idea, but it has been forever poisoned by the awful timing of when it was first introduced. 2. Turning the clock back in the winter Who proposed it?: Bright Future What did it propose?: Setting the clock back one hour in the autumn and conversely setting it forward an hour in the spring. This is com- mon practice across Europe; in fact, Iceland, Belarus and Russia are the only European countries who don’t do it. What happened?: Apparently people have very strong feelings about turning the clock back. Doc- tors, teachers, businessmen and sleep experts all weighed in on the subject, but Bright Future became a lightning rod for scorn and ridi- cule because of it. The bill withered on the vine and died. 3. Treating vaping like smoking Who proposed it?: Bright Future What did it propose?: Largely applying the same laws Iceland has about tobacco use to vaping, including banning it in cafés, res- taurants, bars, schools and work- places. It also proposed regulating the strength and volume of vape fluid. W h a t h a p - pened?: Ob- jections arose within parlia- ment at the false equiva- lence made between ciga- rette smoke and e - ciga- rette vapour, a n d v a p e store owners insisted this would merely create a black m a r k e t o f vape fluid. And as with the In- dependence Party’s debacle with their alcohol bill, timing was eve- rything—the bill was proposed by then-Minister of Health Óttarr Proppé, at a time when public un- rest over the shabby state of the health care system was rising. The bill was largely seen as maybe not the most pressing health care mat- ter facing Iceland, and it was qui- etly defeated. 4. Making it legal to kill Basque people Who proposed it?: Sheriff Ari Magnússon (1571-1652) What did it propose?: That you could literally murder any Basque people you encountered. This par- ticular piece of xenophobia applied primarily to the West Fjords, but was conceivably applicable to the whole country. It was initiated af- ter Basque sailors ran aground in the West Fjörds in 1615. At least 32 Basque sailors were murdered. What happened?: While Basque- hunting never caught on, amaz- ingly this statute was not formally rescinded until 2015. Most charm- ing of all, the statute was laid to rest in the West Fjörds, with a for- mal “reconciliation ceremony” be- tween a descendent of one of the murdered Basque sailors, and a descendent of one of the murder- ers. Basque people are now free to visit Iceland without fear of being singled out. 5. The Porn Internet Wall Who proposed it?: Former Min- ister of the Interior, Ögmundur Jó- nasson of the Left-Greens What did it propose?: The produc- tion and distribution of pornogra- phy was already illegal in Iceland, but this law was written before the advent of the Internet. In 2013, a Ministry workgroup began to seriously ex- amine the idea of cre- ating a kind of “porn firewall” around the country, which would block traffic to and from porn sites. You can probably imagine some of the practical complications that would arise from im- plementing this. What happened?: The sheer volume of porn on the Internet, coupled with the ex- istence of proxy ser- vices and VPNs, al- ready made this idea unworkable in a practical sense. As well intended as it might have been, the proposal was also met with fierce resistance from free speech advocates. Ultimately, the proposal was scattered to the winds. “It might interest you to know some of the more frivolous ways your hard- earned money has been spent within the halls of parliament.” Where the magic happens. And by magic we mean lots of speeches RESTAURANT ÍSAFOLD WHISKY FL IGHTS B a r o p e n 1 1 . 3 0 - 24 . 0 0 DISCOVER YOUR FAVOURITE # E AT I N T H E C E N T E R ÞINGHOLTSSTRÆTI 5, 101 REYKJAVÍK TEL: +354 595 8535 WWW.ISAFOLDRESTAURANT.COM OLD ICELAND 3 COURSE MENU 4.990 KR SKYR PARFAIT TRADITIONAL MEAT SOUP ICELANDIC BACALAO


Reykjavík Grapevine

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