Gistiskýrslur - 01.04.1997, Síða 44

Gistiskýrslur - 01.04.1997, Síða 44
42 Gistiskýrslur 1996 Tafla 4. Gistinætur á hótelum og gistiheimilum eftir landsvæðum og ríkisfangi gesta 1994-1996 (frh.) Table 4. Ovemight stays in hotels and guesthouses by region and citizenship ofguests 1994-1996 (cont.) Landið allt Totcd Höfuð- borgar- svæði Capital region Suðurnes Vestur- land Vest- firðir Norður- land vestra Norður- land eystra Austur- land Suður- land Bandaríkin U.S.A. 3.770 3.003 225 201 28 13 73 173 54 Kanada Canada 707 696 5 - - - 2 - 4 Japan Japan 248 220 2 5 - - 16 4 1 Lönd áður ótalin Other countries 1.329 1.119 92 22 1 61 20 2 12 Júní Jime 118.597 54.117 3.060 8.847 3.320 4.131 16.057 11.135 17.930 Island Iceland 27.903 3.483 444 4.121 2.336 2.096 5.395 3.833 6.195 Danmörk Denmark 7.274 5.052 202 352 26 136 497 280 729 Svíþjóð Sweden 8.746 5.937 72 434 31 55 441 331 1.445 Noregur Norway 5.953 4.395 169 343 15 46 350 207 428 Finnland Finland 2.375 1.843 93 37 8 9 100 62 223 Bretland U.K. 8.959 4.979 115 291 190 47 1.315 742 1.280 írland Ireland 180 93 8 46 - - 18 15 - Þýskaland Germany 27.007 11.723 591 1.758 327 930 3.837 3.030 4.811 Holland Netherlands 2.003 1.185 19 89 23 39 281 161 206 Belgía Belgium 681 506 16 17 8 1 58 49 26 Frakkland France 6.089 1.876 55 620 92 402 1.139 975 930 Sviss Switzerland 3.700 1.846 29 64 34 43 816 301 567 Austurríki Austria 2.125 829 20 71 81 411 294 419 Ítalía Italy 1.416 797 30 48 34 54 190 149 114 Spánn Spain 587 279 9 14 6 22 61 40 156 ÖnnurEvrópul. Other Eur. countr. 3.219 2.197 133 211 30 4 332 202 110 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 5.219 3.785 122 282 73 107 460 264 126 Kanada Canacla 1.667 544 823 34 8 5 117 58 78 Japan Japan 647 494 35 6 5 - 60 33 14 Lönd áður ótalin Other countries 2.847 2.274 95 60 3 54 179 109 73 Júlí July 197.234 70.215 4.470 13.786 6.855 9.452 38.888 23.152 30.416 Island Icelcmd 38.792 2.590 368 4.741 4.647 3.598 10.428 6.087 6.333 Danmörk Denmark 9.343 4.240 309 1.246 77 319 1.650 518 984 Svíþjóð Sweden 8.437 4.142 180 472 58 266 1.062 663 1.594 Noregur Norway 4.777 2.860 135 154 24 159 512 294 639 Finnland Finland 2.482 1.923 7 90 15 12 140 151 144 Bretland U.K. 13.748 6.632 210 689 382 201 2.138 1.161 2.335 Irland Ireland 204 83 10 - - 44 12 55 Þýskaland Germany 56.725 18.734 1.107 3.828 799 2.686 11.596 7.067 10.908 Holland Netherlands 4.129 1.701 48 312 135 184 766 630 353 Belgía Belgium 1.837 482 60 61 40 47 505 375 267 Frakkland France 15.963 4.934 121 972 169 687 3.403 2.700 2.977 Sviss Switzerland 8.919 4.206 32 442 148 208 2.033 883 967 Austurríki Austria 4.752 1.604 46 105 86 370 1.302 351 888 Italía Italy 5.876 2.382 157 171 58 323 1.165 928 692 Spánn Spain 1.697 962 25 66 25 47 227 121 224 ÖnnurEvrópul. Other Eur. countr. 4.515 3.358 14 182 25 99 399 327 111 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 7.922 4.897 590 137 117 220 838 520 603 Kanada Canada 1.509 449 917 10 15 - 67 21 30 Japan Japan 1.814 1.111 46 30 4 2 318 149 154 Lönd áður ótalin Other countries 3.793 2.925 98 68 31 24 295 194 158 Agúst August 175.809 67.632 3.949 11.389 5.367 7.589 33.275 19.334 27.274 Island lceland 38.728 3.489 483 4.985 3.880 3.402 10.177 4.988 7.324 Danmörk Denmark 6.550 3.672 381 313 16 156 815 363 834 Svíþjóð Sweden 8.551 5.712 49 321 38 132 681 287 1.331 Noregur Norway 6.253 4.913 44 69 27 131 473 116 480 Finnland Finland 2.172 1.704 14 48 4 64 119 30 189 Bretland U.K. 12.760 5.753 196 443 318 231 2.000 1.229 2.590 Irland Ireland 357 153 13 7 - 41 10 133 Þýskaland Germany 42.257 16.444 805 2.664 480 1.530 8.328 4.630 7.376
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