Gistiskýrslur - 01.04.1997, Qupperneq 96

Gistiskýrslur - 01.04.1997, Qupperneq 96
94 Gistiskýrslur 1996 Tafla 19. Heildarfjöldi gestakoma eftir landsvæðum og ríkisfangi 1996 (frh.) Table 19. Total number of arrivals by regions and citizenship 1996 (cont.) Höfuð- borgar- Landið svæði Norður- Norður- Hálendi allt Capital Vestur- Vest- land land Austur- Suður- Highland Total region Suðurnes land firðir vestra eystra land land areas írland Ireland 749 185 38 56 10 11 87 93 214 55 Þýskaland Germany 139.464 26.402 4.759 8.683 2.225 8.295 28.575 23.330 25.122 12.073 Holland Netherlands 18.110 3.808 516 759 287 546 3.701 3.498 2.221 2.774 Belgía Belgium 5.215 1.018 291 168 93 151 979 1.079 924 512 Frakkland France 50.014 8.645 800 3.372 629 2.171 9.215 9.231 9.276 6.675 Sviss Switzerland 17.543 4.559 429 1.011 246 648 3.787 2.990 2.370 1.503 Austurríki Austria 13.687 3.294 299 372 183 1.001 2.930 2.083 1.878 1.647 Italía Italy 21.439 4.701 663 1.121 327 1.323 4.432 4.278 3.561 1.033 Spánn Spain 7.757 1.702 128 341 118 496 1.306 1.332 1.438 896 Önnur Evrópulönd Other Eur. countries 10.573 3.820 256 612 143 308 2.655 1.311 762 706 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 16.251 8.094 966 674 231 465 2.071 1.792 1.662 296 Kanada Canada 4.854 1.023 2.660 93 43 85 299 234 328 89 Japan Japan 2.975 1.386 170 67 22 17 629 328 329 27 Lönd áður ótalin Other countries 7.106 3.913 526 189 77 194 745 779 520 163 Sept.-des. Sept.-Dec. 93.108 50.460 6.137 3.926 2.131 2.055 8.008 7.579 11.193 1.619 Island lceland 42.165 14.173 1.602 2.771 1.925 1.595 5.225 5.197 8.145 1.532 Danmörk Denmark 4.581 3.179 805 81 19 10 244 35 188 20 Svíþjóð Sweden 5.273 4.509 54 64 10 4 151 130 351 Noregur Norway 3.840 3.248 132 64 9 62 93 98 134 _ Finnland Finland 900 737 27 26 _ - 23 25 62 _ Bretland U.K. 5.691 4.452 262 20 26 36 287 240 368 _ Irland Ireland 1.135 1.053 29 4 - - 20 11 18 _ Þýskaland Germany 8.703 5.034 523 366 31 207 770 870 896 6 Holland Netherlands 2.060 1.475 52 32 5 20 160 111 186 19 Belgía Belgium 389 250 15 20 1 - 60 22 19 2 Frakkland France 1.714 1.080 33 67 23 4 146 205 148 8 Sviss Switzerland 863 604 17 25 6 13 99 51 40 8 Austurríki Austria 804 605 8 16 2 15 30 46 82 _ Italía Italy 739 477 24 16 2 40 70 37 53 20 Spánn Spain 311 228 6 17 - - 28 10 21 1 Önnur Evrópulönd Other Eur. countries 2.360 1.800 127 95 17 6 155 104 56 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 6.290 4.945 498 93 36 28 163 265 259 3 Kanada Canada 2.176 420 1.647 8 7 _ 62 29 3 _ Japan Japan 1.442 844 173 125 2 _ 124 51 123 _ Lönd áður ótalin Other countries 1.672 1.347 103 16 10 15 98 42 41
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