Gistiskýrslur - 01.04.1997, Qupperneq 98

Gistiskýrslur - 01.04.1997, Qupperneq 98
96 Gistiskýrslur 1996 Tafla 21. Útlendir farþegar sem komu til íslands eftir mánuðum og ríkisfangi 1994-1996 Table 21. Foreign passengers arriving in Iceland by month and citizenship 1994-1996 Alls Total Janúar Jan. Febr. Febr. Mars March Apríl April Maí May Júní June Júlí July Ágúst August Sept. Sept. Okt. Oct. Nóv. Nov. Des. Dec. 1994 Alls Total 179.241 5.070 6.183 9.852 10.604 14.846 26.699 40.165 27.359 14.802 9.323 7.442 6.896 Danmörk Denmark 20.883 830 991 1.451 1.397 1.558 3.554 3.124 2.228 1.928 1.506 1.356 960 Svíþjóð Sweden 19.867 568 735 1.368 1.460 1.875 3.258 3.010 2.177 2.327 1.391 1.043 655 Noregur Norway 14.594 314 374 842 749 1.970 2.748 2.861 1.929 1.282 781 452 292 Finnland Finland 3.699 91 71 116 232 363 692 694 680 368 234 94 64 Bretland U.K. 17.902 607 1.102 1.749 1.658 1.511 2.013 2.849 2.173 1.242 1.194 1.199 605 Þýskaland Germany 34.403 465 699 1.492 1.358 2.927 5.448 10.491 5.994 2.411 1.146 705 1.267 Holland Netherlands 6.974 109 196 249 727 616 850 1.555 1.028 781 342 272 249 Frakkland France 8.349 68 69 120 214 383 1.426 3.175 2.130 402 171 75 116 Sviss Switzerland 4.923 55 41 69 75 174 912 2.247 791 189 69 48 253 Önnur Evrópulönd Other Eur. countries 14.163 413 245 383 612 949 1.699 4.582 3.140 927 476 378 359 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 25.898 1.384 1.375 1.710 1.805 2.039 2.946 3.759 3.422 2.382 1.723 1.560 1.793 Lönd áður ótalin Other countries 7.586 166 285 303 317 481 1.153 1.818 1.667 563 290 260 283 1995 Alls Total 189.797 5.593 7.594 10.189 12.662 13.665 26.632 41.569 28.480 15.428 10.569 9.886 7.530 Danmörk Denmark 22.512 1.090 1.281 1.391 1.914 1.899 3.072 3.801 2.235 2.042 1.630 1.117 1.040 Svíþjóð Sweden 19.027 797 1.000 1.502 1.469 1.968 2.779 2.436 1.966 2.085 1.384 923 718 Noregur Norway 13.448 372 673 645 1.516 1.231 2.614 1.765 1.227 1.558 1.027 498 322 Finnland Finland 4.206 104 340 205 258 268 956 592 562 344 299 205 73 Bretland U.K. 17.520 533 835 885 1.344 1.219 1.952 2.903 2.177 1.587 980 2.465 640 Irland lreland 1.114 28 27 41 209 33 62 104 138 64 305 73 30 Þýskaland Germany 36.840 495 820 1.934 1.878 2.229 5.900 10.825 6.382 2.438 1.572 980 1.387 Holland Netherlands 6.558 204 239 384 440 425 708 1.384 910 614 463 451 336 Belgía Belgium 1.842 43 41 114 285 82 164 577 272 100 67 41 56 Frakkland France 9.142 71 77 156 221 422 1.224 4.074 2.160 331 171 99 136 Sviss Switzerland 6.489 30 41 86 323 217 1.064 2.166 2.040 114 162 37 209 Austurríki Austria 3.744 13 18 38 70 108 556 2.155 648 38 25 41 34 Italía Italy 3.792 25 51 57 88 94 340 1.143 1.491 268 74 33 128 Spánn Spain 1.560 20 14 40 44 93 147 418 619 91 31 23 20 Önnur Evrópulönd Other Eur. countries 4.653 182 165 200 216 486 584 598 616 566 460 347 233 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 28.633 1.354 1.622 2.089 2.011 2.053 3.231 4.653 3.497 2.491 1.573 2.220 1.839 Kanada Canada 1.150 30 54 71 63 80 190 212 184 98 65 50 53 Japan Japan 2.410 68 145 127 97 221 212 633 485 155 84 76 107 Lönd áður ótalin Other countries 5.157 134 151 224 216 537 877 1.130 871 444 197 207 169 1996 Alls Total 200.835 6.415 7.734 11.429 12.904 15.479 28.024 43.206 31.723 15.872 11.807 9.192 7.050 Danmörk Denmark 21.547 1.183 1.162 1.642 1.537 1.738 2.874 3.587 2.683 2.300 1.226 885 730 Svíþjóð Sweden 18.786 786 860 1.294 1.634 2.114 2.675 2.616 2.123 2.007 1.239 938 500 Noregur Norway 14.451 504 560 976 866 1.725 2.026 2.323 1.812 1.773 782 745 359 Finnland Finland 3.977 101 119 164 395 403 637 676 594 430 212 123 123 Bretland U.K. 22.618 405 952 1.305 2.062 1.310 2.946 3.856 3.016 1.336 2.533 2.100 797 Irland Ireland 1.960 26 45 81 222 92 129 112 106 73 732 297 45 Þýskaland Germany 34.430 621 894 1.877 1.535 2.459 5.882 9.580 6.944 2.039 1.150 623 826 Holland Netherlands 7.517 204 338 434 531 511 804 1.922 1.197 554 506 241 275 Belgía Belgium 2.344 74 83 105 404 106 287 605 263 162 114 48 93 Frakkland France 10.975 227 136 163 220 338 1.831 4.601 2.210 395 478 110 266 Sviss Switzerland 5.323 45 44 73 207 198 916 2.033 1.283 158 86 32 248 Austurríki Austria 3.600 27 33 33 135 104 703 1.616 661 178 32 24 54 Italía Italy 4.713 36 48 61 98 140 396 1.546 1.952 227 67 50 92 Spánn Spain 2.012 24 16 25 57 61 181 579 798 159 47 28 37 Önnur Evrópulönd Other Eur. countries 5.807 168 221 270 200 651 820 823 1.018 793 390 271 182 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 30.697 1.688 1.801 2.544 2.396 2.737 3.368 4.274 3.439 2.459 1.738 2.289 1.964 Kanada Canada 2.418 43 69 73 90 351 383 447 364 266 109 140 83 Japan Japan 2.567 121 217 130 70 101 252 525 491 248 129 88 195 Lönd áður ótalin Other countries 5.093 132 136 179 245 340 914 1.485 769 315 237 160 181 Heimild: Talnaefnið er byggt á mánaðarlegum skýrslum frá útlendingaeftirlitinu. Source: Primary data are based on monthly reports by the Immigration Office.
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