Gistiskýrslur - 01.06.1999, Page 66

Gistiskýrslur - 01.06.1999, Page 66
64 Gistiskýrslur 1998 Tafla 16. Gistinætur á svefnpokagististöðum eftir landsvæðum og ríkisfangi gesta 1998 Table 16. Overnight stays in sleeping-bag facilities by region and citizenship of guests 1998 Landið allt Höfuð- borgarsvæði og Vestur- land Capital region and Vestfirðir Norðurland vestra Norðurland eystra Austurland Suðurland Total West Westfjords Northwest Northeast East South Allt árið Wholeyear 19.503 3.324 1.074 1.993 4.849 1.057 7.206 Island Iceland 8.932 1.433 924 1.616 1.462 529 2.968 Utlendingar Foreigners Þar af Thereof 10.571 1.891 150 377 3.387 528 4.238 Danmörk Denmark 528 247 - 13 126 5 137 Svíþjóð Sweden 337 211 2 12 23 - 89 Noregur Norway 301 67 1 8 125 3 97 Finnland Finland 109 24 - - 57 1 27 Bretland U.K. 781 34 5 4 220 108 410 Irland Ireland 102 100 - - - - 2 Þýskaland Germany 2.886 220 56 228 963 177 1.242 Holland Netherlands 802 27 16 4 402 77 276 Belgía Belgium 471 359 13 6 39 5 49 Frakkland France 2.129 483 7 24 786 119 710 Sviss Switzerland 261 14 5 13 172 7 50 Austurríki Austria 48 13 16 7 - 2 10 Italía Italy 720 60 5 34 301 12 308 Spánn Spain 186 8 2 9 106 7 54 Önnur Evrópul. Other Eur. countr. 749 11 1 4 51 2 680 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 77 8 19 7 10 - 33 Kanada Canada 12 - - 2 2 - 8 Japan Japan 5 2 - - - - 3 Lönd áður ótalin Other countries 67 3 2 2 4 3 53 Skýringar: Á svefnpokagististöðum gista ósjaldan gestir á niðjamótum. Þeir dveljast ýmist innandyra eða í tjöldum. Af þessum sökum er svefnpoka- og tjaldsvæðagisting stundum óaðgreind. Þetta á einkum við á Suðurlandi. Notes: Sleeping-bag accommodation and accommodation at camping-site facilities have in some cases been combined, especially in the South region, (where there is a tradition for summer gatherings ojfering both types of accommodation without distinguishing between them.)



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