Gistiskýrslur - 01.06.1999, Page 73

Gistiskýrslur - 01.06.1999, Page 73
Gistiskýrslur 1998 71 Tafla 20. Heildarfjöldi gistinátta eftir landsvæðum og ríkisfangi gesta 1998 (ifh.) Table 20. Total overnight stays by region and citizenship of guests 1998 (cont.) Landið Höfuð- borgar- svæði Vestur- Vest- Norður- land Norður- land Austur- Suður- allt Capital Suðurnes land firðir vestra eystra land land Total region Southwest West Westfjords Northwest Northeast East South Finnland Finland 12.427 9.239 222 442 9 94 842 478 1.101 Bretland U.K. 75.177 35.325 839 5.019 1.105 1.540 12.947 7.080 11.322 Irland Ireland 1.732 576 32 229 34 17 355 178 311 Þýskaland Germany 202.690 58.593 6.161 11.882 2.812 9.239 42.820 30.354 40.829 Holland Netherlands 32.970 9.536 886 1.129 355 1.135 7.512 5.044 7.373 Belgía Belgium 9.431 2.982 311 418 246 257 1.836 1.568 1.813 Frakkland France 72.676 14.305 1.310 5.306 1.707 3.020 15.950 11.635 19.443 Sviss Switzerland 37.621 15.548 514 1.825 601 995 7.945 4.711 5.482 Austurríki Austria 13.983 3.802 243 417 168 617 3.903 1.635 3.198 Ítalía Italy 46.548 13.533 906 2.179 825 2.789 9.450 8.920 7.946 Spánn Spain 13.779 5.248 158 520 238 438 3.054 1.950 2.173 Önnur Evrópul. Other Eur. countr. 23.843 12.872 548 898 119 441 3.373 1.441 4.151 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 49.332 30.963 1.751 2.140 720 1.041 4.763 3.402 4.552 Kanada Canada 7.232 3.054 2.444 214 102 188 450 394 386 Japan Japan 5.451 3.652 325 160 51 44 538 433 248 Lönd áður ótalin Other countries 24.227 13.003 507 2.202 117 1.081 3.702 1.638 1.977 Sept.-des. Sept.-Dec. Island Iceland 256.713 172.222 9.257 8.413 2.697 3.048 16.886 13.121 31.069 92.100 38.099 3.630 6.316 2.483 2.292 11.606 9.160 18.514 Útlendingar Foreigners Þar af Thereof 164.613 134.123 5.627 2.097 214 756 5.280 3.961 12.555 Danmörk Denmark 13.855 11.786 587 85 31 32 273 189 872 Svíþjóð Sweden 19.706 17.753 244 78 5 21 143 173 1.289 Noregur Norway 20.244 17.312 63 348 6 114 199 160 2.042 Finnland Finland 5.034 4.365 49 33 - 2 22 124 439 Bretland U.K. 18.393 16.039 238 232 19 23 630 298 914 Irland Ireland 2.569 2.418 9 - - - 8 15 119 Þýskaland Germany 18.394 12.769 980 440 24 193 1.118 1.029 1.841 Holland Netherlands 7.861 6.663 169 103 4 10 254 278 380 Belgía Belgium 851 611 26 13 - 4 47 60 90 Frakkland France 4.320 2.792 124 54 6 27 244 194 879 Sviss Switzerland 2.320 1.690 54 100 4 35 137 111 189 Austurríki Austria 777 537 32 19 - 4 62 45 78 Italía Italy 1.994 1.350 25 52 1 45 154 228 139 Spánn Spain 1.187 823 39 23 6 2 100 48 146 Önnur Evrópul. Other Eur. countr. 11.336 8.275 410 151 12 118 529 202 1.639 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 27.887 23.353 1.365 283 55 109 976 479 1.267 Kanada Canada 2.265 1.270 735 38 11 5 39 33 134 Japan Japan 1.879 1.306 321 20 8 - 134 46 44 Lönd áður ótalin Other countries 3.741 3.011 157 25 22 12 211 249 54



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