Gistiskýrslur - 01.07.2001, Page 51

Gistiskýrslur - 01.07.2001, Page 51
Gistiskýrslur 2000 49 Tafla 6. Gestakomur á hótelum og gistiheimilum eftir landsvæðum og ríkisfangi gesta 2000 Table 6. Arrivals at hotels and guesthouses by region and citizenship ofguests 2000 Landið allt Total Höfuð- borgar- svæði Capital region Suðumes Southwest Vestur- land West Vest- firðir Westfjords Norður- land vestra Northwest Norður- land eystra Northeast Austur- land East Suður- land South Allt árið Whole year 636.937 266.175 24.183 41.435 17.158 20.353 91.710 77.597 98.326 Island Iceland 185.670 45.656 9.565 17.932 11.197 8.612 31.656 22.610 38.442 Utlendingar Foreigners 451.267 220.519 14.618 23.503 5.961 11.741 60.054 54.987 59.884 Þar af Thereof Danmörk Denmark 28.551 16.719 1.506 1.759 195 564 3.040 1.611 3.157 Svíþjóð Sweden 32.308 23.100 748 1.089 63 471 2.413 1.220 3.204 Noregur Norway 22.456 17.247 390 975 119 240 1.304 651 1.530 Finnland Finland 8.699 6.112 130 308 24 54 1.065 313 693 Bretland U.K. 50.906 33.275 1.051 2.106 484 633 4.351 3.513 5.493 Irland Ireland 2.681 1.274 8 29 15 35 1.074 89 157 Þýskaland Germany 89.839 26.157 2.967 5.680 1.844 4.048 13.529 18.869 16.745 Holland Netherlands 16.744 7.336 815 803 174 549 2.029 2.055 2.983 Belgía Belgium 8.150 1.578 161 262 62 109 4.796 654 528 Frakkland France 33.845 9.839 473 2.615 935 916 6.093 5.819 7.155 Sviss Switzerland 14.108 4.818 262 879 608 434 2.708 2.552 1.847 Austumki Austria 6.129 2.047 40 258 87 128 859 1.233 1.477 Italía Italy 28.568 7.525 603 1.556 396 1.449 4.845 7.194 5.000 Spánn Spain 11.328 3.602 373 430 167 260 2.193 2.505 1.798 Önnur Evrópul. Otlier Eur. countr. 13.215 8.980 488 446 86 113 1.300 716 1.086 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 53.653 37.279 2.099 1.880 530 815 3.690 2.891 4.469 Kanada Canada 3.154 1.797 127 133 47 92 446 296 216 Japan Japan 4.607 2.562 616 197 34 48 556 269 325 Lönd áður ótalin Other countries 22.326 9.272 1.761 2.098 91 783 3.763 2.537 2.021 Janúar January 15.234 9.981 785 365 209 156 1.396 679 1.663 Island Iceland 7.810 3.675 521 331 200 123 958 625 1.377 Utlendingar Foreigners 7.424 6.306 264 34 9 33 438 54 286 Þar af Thereof Danmörk Denmark 693 621 28 4 2 _ 21 12 5 Svíþjóð Sweden 1.378 1.015 14 2 - - 261 1 85 Noregur Norway 683 656 9 4 2 - 9 1 2 Finnland Finland 141 131 - - - - 10 - - Bretland U.K. 996 889 21 5 - - 62 12 7 Irland Ireland 50 38 0 - - - 12 - - Þýskaland Germany 524 415 41 6 - 33 10 - 19 Holland Netherlands 142 124 15 - - - 2 1 Belgía Belgium 30 28 - 2 - - - Frakkland France 274 262 5 2 - - - - 5 Sviss Switzerland 117 111 1 2 - - - - 3 Austurríki Austria 36 34 - - - 2 - - Italía Italy 93 79 3 - - 9 2 0 Spánn Spain 28 22 4 - - - 2 Önnur Evrópui. Other Eur. countr. 147 133 4 1 - 5 0 4 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 1.538 1.412 57 4 3 - 18 15 29 Kanada Canada 89 83 2 - - - 0 4 Japan Japan 183 84 48 1 - 1 11 38 Lönd áður ótalin Other countries 282 169 12 3 — 16 0 82 Febrúar February 22.839 15.211 1.381 514 211 234 1.837 757 2.694 Island Iceland 11.521 5.081 889 450 192 231 1.597 687 2.394 Útlendingar Foreigners 11.318 10.130 492 64 19 3 240 70 300 Þar af Thereof Danmörk Denmark 1.130 959 118 3 1 _ 21 4 24 Svíþjóð Sweden 1.259 1.213 11 1 - - 4 - 30 Noregur Norway 1.380 1.291 11 4 1 - 46 4 23 Finnland Finland 206 178 2 1 - - 1 9 15 Bretland U.K. 2.072 1.984 43 7 - - 16 3 19



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