Gistiskýrslur - 01.07.2001, Side 61

Gistiskýrslur - 01.07.2001, Side 61
Gistiskýrslur 2000 59 Tafla 10. Gestakomur á öðrum gististöðum en hótelum og gistiheimilum eftir ríkisfangi gesta og land- svæðum 2000 Table 10. Arrivals at other accommodation than hotels or guesthouses by citizenship of guests and region 2000 Höfuð- borgar- Norður- Norður- Landið svæði Vestur- Vest- land land Austur- Suður- allt Capital Suðumes land firðir vestra eystra land land Total region Southwest West Westfjords Northwest Northeast East South Allt árið Whole vear 414.382 30.699 6.014 31.022 14.697 26.549 95.085 61.029 149.287 ísland lceland 228.412 1.402 183 23.558 11.254 16.084 53.521 38.144 84.266 Utlendingar Foreigners 185.970 29.297 5.831 7.464 3.443 10.465 41.564 22.885 65.021 Þar af Thereof Danmörk Denmark 9.590 2.893 277 336 96 482 1.797 1.135 2.574 Svíþjóð Sweden 8.281 1.747 200 214 75 302 734 540 4.469 Noregur Norway 6.025 3.218 86 158 32 180 510 475 1.366 Finnland Finland 1.802 552 43 59 39 83 260 167 599 Bretland U.K. 14.290 3.649 361 488 253 560 2.528 1.489 4.962 Irland Ireland 1.318 177 19 17 15 120 175 113 682 Þýskaland Germany 52.533 5.264 2.555 2.725 1.344 3.636 13.497 6.797 16.715 Holland Netherlands 14.920 1.134 491 286 225 823 4.419 2.548 4.994 Belgía Belgium 5.130 525 110 109 54 211 1.276 665 2.180 Frakkland France 25.483 2.624 400 1.412 396 1.464 5.698 2.748 10.741 Sviss Switzerland 8.143 617 210 292 237 587 2.027 1.219 2.954 Austurríki Austria 5.229 904 79 135 79 476 1.396 554 1.606 Italía Italy 10.304 731 296 495 287 597 2.935 1.651 3.312 Spánn Spain 4.291 488 201 170 75 259 1.102 673 1.323 Önnur Evrópul. Other Eur. countries 3.741 613 63 118 53 228 952 717 997 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 6.301 1.954 173 239 125 186 1.130 495 1.999 Kanada Canada 1.578 317 34 102 13 135 312 144 521 Japan Japan 852 78 24 14 10 24 206 87 409 Lönd áður ótalin Other countries 6.159 1.812 209 95 35 112 610 668 2.618 Janúar-apríl January-April 8.574 5.348 42 110 211 469 1.456 3 935 Island lceland 3.102 431 12 72 191 451 1.283 - 662 Utlendingar Foreigners 5.472 5.041 5.460 5.400 5.281 5.021 4.189 5.472 4.810 Þar af Thereof Danmörk Denmark 1.309 1.271 2 1 _ 18 _ 17 Svíþjóð Sweden 495 432 1 - - - 18 - 44 Noregur Norway 1.423 1.329 3 10 1 2 - - 78 Finnland Finland 99 99 - - - - - - - Bretland U.K. 484 425 3 - 5 8 31 - 12 Irland Ireland 28 25 2 - - - 1 - - Þýskaland Germany 346 269 - 9 2 4 57 2 3 Holland Netherlands 90 75 6 - - - 2 - 7 Belgía Belgium 18 18 - - - - - - - Frakkland France 175 135 2 12 5 4 5 - 12 Sviss Switzerland 17 9 - - - - 2 - 6 Austurríki Austria 21 18 - - - - - - 3 Italía Italy 20 13 2 - 1 - 4 - - Spánn Spain 12 11 - - 1 - - - - Önnur Evrópul. Other Eur. countries 57 45 - - 2 - - - 10 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 604 483 5 7 1 - 33 - 75 Kanada Canada 71 68 - - - - 1 - 2 Japan Japan 51 49 1 - - - - 1 - Lönd áður ótalin Other countries 152 143 3 - 1 — 1 — 4 Maí-ágúst May-August 390.491 20.980 5.831 30.308 14.133 25.119 91.750 60.219 142.151 Island Iceland 219.528 848 168 23.138 10.769 14.820 51.271 37.915 80.599 Utlendingar Foreigners 170.963 20.132 5.663 7.170 3.364 10.299 40.479 22.304 61.552 Þar af Thereof Danmörk Denmark 7.781 1.281 272 324 91 475 1.763 1.117 2.458 Svíþjóð Sweden 6.647 1.192 196 208 73 300 702 538 3.438



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