Gistiskýrslur - 01.07.2001, Page 74

Gistiskýrslur - 01.07.2001, Page 74
72 Gistiskýrslur 2000 Tafla 20. Heildarfjöldi gistinátta eftir landsvæðum og ríkisfangi gesta 2000 Table 20. Total overnight stays by region and citizenship of guests 2000 Landið allt Total Höfuð- borgar- svæði Capital region Suðumes Southwest Vestur- land West Vest- firðir Westfjords Norður- land vestra Northwest Norður- land eystra Northeast Austur- land East Suður- land South Allt árið Whole year 1.736.919 702.123 43.567 105.065 48.283 63.116 273.830 170.304 330.631 Island Iceland 589.955 86.435 13.409 58.992 35.497 34.650 124.601 77.694 158.677 Utlendingar Foreigners Þar af Thereof 1.146.964 615.688 30.158 46.073 12.786 28.466 149.229 92.610 171.954 Danmörk Denmark 74.883 47.870 3.045 3.268 408 1.334 7.424 3.265 8.269 Svíþjóð Sweden 94.326 69.901 1.541 2.152 214 1.232 4.454 2.152 12.680 Noregur Norway 65.317 51.805 798 2.102 289 691 3.002 1.535 5.095 Finnland Finland 26.843 20.240 409 628 81 175 2.518 561 2.231 Bretland U.K. 145.526 101.536 2.042 4.520 1.120 1.504 12.524 6.418 15.862 írland Ireland 7.106 3.854 38 55 24 180 1.584 233 1.138 Þýskaland Germany 224.553 77.693 7.219 11.836 4.036 9.954 38.280 30.014 45.521 Holland Netherlands 53.201 21.390 1.768 1.632 514 1.881 9.700 5.469 10.847 Belgía Belgium 19.500 4.445 330 591 150 374 8.937 1.521 3.152 Frakkland France 83.862 23.285 1.128 5.517 1.847 2.735 15.419 10.241 23.690 Sviss Switzerland 35.978 13.290 599 1.533 1.218 1.281 7.260 4.854 5.943 Austurríki Austria 15.532 5.205 135 481 198 818 2.932 2.023 3.740 Italía Italy 50.903 15.358 1.029 2.484 866 2.378 9.486 9.711 9.591 Spánn Spain 21.744 7.011 787 838 275 662 4.918 3.576 3.677 Önnur Evrópul. Other Eur. countr. 36.233 25.859 1.412 885 186 428 3.246 1.585 2.632 Bandaríkin U.SA. 123.189 90.877 3.522 3.968 1.028 1.456 8.673 3.922 9.743 Kanada Canada 8.718 5.254 210 340 89 360 1.056 474 935 Japan Japan 10.314 5.945 1.062 281 69 83 1.224 596 1.054 Lönd áður ótalin Other countries 49.236 24.870 3.084 2.962 174 940 6.592 4.460 6.154 Janúar-apríl January-April 236.430 172.441 8.330 6.510 2.281 2.057 18.356 6.042 20.413 Island Iceland 88.992 36.620 4.763 5.390 2.090 1.877 15.799 5.048 17.405 Utlendingar Foreigners Þar af Thereof 147.438 135.821 3.567 1.120 191 180 2.557 994 3.008 Danmörk Denmark 12.720 11.728 429 150 11 204 65 133 Svíþjóð Sweden 21.295 20.233 400 83 2 171 17 389 Noregur Norway 15.788 15.046 89 112 6 28 239 16 252 Finnland Finland 5.414 5.251 35 57 19 25 27 Bretland U.K. 26.282 25.043 294 96 48 10 476 41 274 Irland Ireland 1.700 1.658 3 - 5 8 26 Þýskaland Germany 11.533 10.212 310 101 5 135 359 108 303 Holland Netherlands 5.863 5.174 178 22 3 148 48 290 Belgía Belgium 809 701 15 4 2 21 49 17 Frakkland France 4.814 4.268 59 39 40 4 142 33 229 Sviss Switzerland 1.818 1.639 15 29 76 30 29 Austurrrki Austria 410 354 2 4 30 14 6 Italía Italy 1.434 1.258 16 2 70 29 59 Spánn Spain 543 476 35 15 3 6 - 8 Önnur Evrópul. Other Eur. countr. 4.909 4.499 191 75 7 59 - 78 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 25.222 23.581 644 117 24 2 232 222 400 Kanada Canada 1.284 1.206 16 — 18 22 2 20 Japan Japan 2.042 1.019 406 39 1 1 79 215 282 Lönd áður ótalin Other countries 3.558 2.475 430 177 19 199 72 186 Maí-ágúst May-August 1.234.119 350.090 24.706 90.529 42.748 57.072 234.215 152.833 281.926 Island Iceland 425.126 22.274 3.782 48.473 30.568 29.721 99.189 65.611 125.508 Útlendingar Foreigners Þar af Thereof 808.993 327.816 20.924 42.056 12.180 27.351 135.026 87.222 156.418 Danmörk Denmark 46.490 22.872 1.625 2.884 374 1.316 6.856 3.114 7.449 Svíþjóð Sweden 50.095 29.822 923 1.869 205 1.229 3.821 2.083 10.143 Noregur Norway 32.312 20.457 623 1.816 266 648 2.535 1.481 4.486



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