Gistiskýrslur - 01.07.2001, Side 75

Gistiskýrslur - 01.07.2001, Side 75
Gistiskýrslur 2000 73 Tafla 20. Heildarfjöldi gistinátta eftir landsvæðum og ríkisfangi gesta 2000 (frh.) Table 20. Total overnight stays by region and citizenship of guests 2000 (cont.) Landið Höfuð- borgar- svæði Vestur- Vest- Norður- land Norður- land Austur- Suður- allt Capital Suðumes land firðir vestra eystra land land Total region Southwest West Westfjords Northwest Northeast East South Finnland Finland 14.907 9.101 309 512 81 168 2.205 505 2.026 Bretland U.K. 85.702 47.159 1.267 4.120 1.050 1.468 11.118 5.676 13.844 Irland Ireland 4.052 966 35 52 23 178 1.508 218 1.072 Þýskaland Germany 197.280 57.285 6.356 11.287 3.929 9.431 36.708 28.746 43.538 Holland Netherlands 39.927 10.704 1.394 1.514 500 1.826 9.309 5.231 9.449 Belgía Belgium 13.552 2.850 287 540 140 372 4.869 1.440 3.054 Frakkland France 73.399 16.127 959 5.272 1.736 2.679 14.930 9.916 21.780 Sviss Switzerland 31.696 9.877 541 1.408 1.196 1.243 7.035 4.723 5.673 Austurríki Austria 14.527 4.476 125 438 181 797 2.846 1.989 3.675 Italía Italy 47.276 12.800 920 2.389 856 2.345 9.170 9.499 9.297 Spánn Spain 18.967 5.070 660 788 267 637 4.707 3.352 3.486 Önnur Evrópul. Other Eur. countr. 24.410 15.278 713 803 169 428 2.994 1.562 2.463 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 65.260 39.996 1.847 3.300 972 1.317 6.748 2.989 8.091 Kanada Canada 5.381 2.516 149 278 63 278 849 419 829 Japan Japan 6.091 3.520 290 173 60 76 944 357 671 Lönd áður ótalin Other countries 37.669 16.940 1.901 2.613 112 915 5.874 3.922 5.392 Sept.-des. Sept. -Dec. Island Iceland 266.370 179.592 10.531 8.026 3.254 3.987 21.259 11.429 28.292 75.837 27.541 4.864 5.129 2.839 3.052 9.613 7.035 15.764 Utlendingar Foreigners 190.533 152.051 5.667 2.897 415 935 11.646 4.394 12.528 Þar af Thereof Danmörk Denmark 15.673 13.270 991 234 23 18 364 86 687 Svíþjóð Sweden 22.936 19.846 218 200 7 3 462 52 2.148 Noregur Norway 17.217 16.302 86 174 17 15 228 38 357 Finnland Finland 6.522 5.888 65 59 - 7 294 31 178 Bretland U.K. 33.542 29.334 481 304 22 26 930 701 1.744 Irland Ireland 1.354 1.230 - 3 1 2 71 7 40 Þýskaland Germany 15.740 10.196 553 448 102 388 1.213 1.160 1.680 Holland Netherlands 7.411 5.512 196 96 11 55 243 190 1.108 Belgía Belgium 5.139 894 28 47 8 2 4.047 32 81 Frakkland France 5.649 2.890 110 206 71 52 347 292 1.681 Sviss Switzerland 2.464 1.774 43 96 22 38 149 101 241 Austurríki Austria 595 375 8 39 17 21 56 20 59 Italía Italy 2.193 1.300 93 95 8 33 246 183 235 Spánn Spain 2.234 1.465 92 35 5 25 205 224 183 Önnur Evrópul. Other Eur. countr. 6.914 6.082 508 7 10 - 193 23 91 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 32.707 27.300 1.031 551 32 137 1.693 711 1.252 Kanada Canada 2.053 1.532 45 62 8 82 185 53 86 Japan Japan 2.181 1.406 366 69 8 6 201 24 101 Lönd áður ótalin Other countries 8.009 5.455 753 172 43 25 519 466 576



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