Gistiskýrslur - 01.07.2001, Side 77

Gistiskýrslur - 01.07.2001, Side 77
Gistiskýrslur 2000 75 Tafla 21. Heildarfjöldi gestakoma eftir landsvæðum og ríkisfangi gesta 2000 (frh.) Table 21. Total number of arrivals by region and citizenship of guests 2000 (cont.) Landið Höfuð- borgar- svæði Vestur- Vest- Norður- land Norður- land Austur- Suður- allt Capital Suðumes land firðir vestra eystra land land Total region Southwest West Westfjords Northwest Northeast East South Finnland Finland 6.558 3.140 137 304 63 130 1.183 438 1.163 Bretland U.K. 44.010 18.693 913 2.369 708 1.153 6.267 4.449 9.458 Irland Ireland 2.816 392 24 43 29 153 1.193 191 791 Þýskaland Germany 131.381 24.712 5.045 8.006 3.108 7.414 26.218 24.629 32.249 Holland Netherlands 26.245 4.606 1.045 1.012 387 1.321 6.207 4.376 7.291 Belgía Belgium 9.833 1.499 237 332 110 318 3.479 1.238 2.620 Frakkland France 54.563 9.804 728 3.861 1.274 2.334 11.469 8.275 16.818 Sviss Switzerland 20.459 4.299 428 1.072 834 1.003 4.600 3.644 4.579 Austurríki Austria 10.878 2.691 109 356 159 593 2.193 1.753 3.024 Italía Italy 37.155 7.319 809 1.988 676 2.018 7.592 8.661 8.092 Spánn Spain 14.212 3.320 502 557 236 496 3.176 2.961 2.964 Önnur Evrópul. Other Eur. countr. 13.299 6.469 335 530 125 341 2.115 1.410 1.974 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 34.544 18.163 1.228 1.754 616 874 3.944 2.584 5.381 Kanada Canada 3.309 1.057 115 200 43 195 637 389 673 Japan Japan 3.595 1.625 269 135 39 68 608 289 562 Lönd áður ótalin Other countries 22.974 7.811 1.306 1.956 91 885 3.939 2.912 4.074 Sept.-des. Sept. -Dec. Island Iceland 129.261 71.824 6.642 5.127 1.897 2.529 12.792 8.412 20.038 49.845 15.987 3.681 3.248 1.610 1.905 6.149 4.824 12.441 Utlendingar Foreigners 79.416 55.837 2.961 1.879 287 624 6.643 3.588 7.597 Þar af Thereof Danmörk Denmark 6.157 4.823 407 162 16 15 263 81 390 Svíþjóð Sweden 8.487 6.551 119 115 6 3 198 50 1.445 Noregur Norway 6.958 6.460 49 92 5 15 110 33 194 Finnland Finland 2.266 1.955 22 28 - 7 127 21 106 Bretland U.K. 12.422 10.148 253 185 17 29 402 514 874 Irland Ireland 633 559 0 3 1 2 41 4 23 Þýskaland Germany 6.934 3.408 305 325 75 208 659 964 990 Holland Netherlands 3.235 2.089 127 58 11 51 166 185 548 Belgía Belgium 3.092 336 22 36 5 2 2.582 32 77 Frakkland France 3.013 1.236 101 130 48 42 262 268 926 Sviss Switzerland 1.154 617 31 84 11 18 95 97 201 Austurríki Austria 287 116 8 34 7 11 38 20 53 Italía Italy 1.207 540 76 63 6 28 158 155 181 Spánn Spain 1.197 607 45 35 5 23 115 216 151 Önnur Evrópul. Other Eur. countr. 2.205 1.832 161 4 8 - 101 23 76 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 14.537 11.263 641 295 24 125 747 635 807 Kanada Canada 878 566 35 35 8 32 102 49 51 Japan Japan 1.001 552 180 54 4 3 113 19 76 Lönd áður ótalin Other countries 3.753 2.179 379 141 30 10 364 222 428



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