Gistiskýrslur - 01.07.2001, Page 79

Gistiskýrslur - 01.07.2001, Page 79
Gistiskýrslur 2000 77 Tafla 23. Útlendir farþegar sem komu til íslands eftir mánuðum og ríkisfangi 2000 Table 23. Foreign passengers arriving in Iceland by month and citizenship 2000 Alls Total Janúar Jan. Febr. Febr. Mars March Aprfl April Maí May Júní June Júlí July Ágúst August Sept. Sept. Okt. Oct. Nóv. Nov. Des. Dec. Alls Total 302.90 9.229 13.120 19.667 19.976 23.502 41.661 59.634 47.150 23.246 18.238 15.918 11.572 Danmörk Denmark 28.456 1.011 1.130 1.795 1.818 2.510 4.538 5.301 3.541 2.791 1.660 1.502 859 Svíþjóð Sweden 29.488 1.065 1.300 2.060 2.803 3.256 3.757 3.832 3.359 2.583 2.649 1.741 1.083 Noregur Norway 24.280 868 1.708 2.181 1.711 2.505 3.112 2.826 2.518 2.367 1.980 1.736 768 Finnland Finland 9.359 198 246 551 993 998 1.771 1.166 1.195 762 749 524 206 Bretland U.K. 45.106 795 2.345 3.959 3.866 3.002 6.004 7.504 6.246 3.387 2.746 2.950 2.302 Irland Ireland 2.344 65 82 216 472 118 178 162 200 122 539 110 80 Þýskaland Germany 32.664 509 669 1.350 1.076 1.980 5.944 10.685 6.900 1.550 731 612 658 Holland Netherlands 10.249 195 335 897 753 788 1.234 2.236 1.420 844 679 430 438 Belgía Belgium 2.590 41 58 176 178 217 249 766 452 113 116 143 81 Frakkland France 14.955 320 312 448 580 605 2.187 5.179 3.650 659 515 219 281 Sviss Switzerland 5.956 78 71 84 196 269 1.010 2.752 1.001 222 80 64 129 Austurríki Austria 3.412 44 35 38 69 200 490 1.477 804 97 66 46 46 Italía Italy 8.147 104 92 124 203 433 793 2.541 3.152 286 144 95 180 Spánn Spain Önnur Evrópulönd 4.021 56 89 64 102 143 370 1.220 1.484 248 122 71 52 Other Eur. countries 10.690 811 365 452 593 853 1.350 1.550 2.096 954 646 627 393 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 53.637 2.479 3.417 4.308 3.778 4.508 5.975 6.773 6.173 4.836 3.995 4.283 3.112 Kanada Canada 3.669 126 251 290 221 334 445 559 525 279 231 225 183 Japan Japan Lönd áður ótalin 2.593 96 141 156 98 132 327 407 563 222 124 105 222 Other countries 11.297 368 474 518 466 651 1.927 2.698 1.871 924 466 435 499 Heimild: Talnaefnið er byggt á mánaðarlegum skýrslum frá útlendingaeftirlitinu. Source:Primary data are based on monthly reports by the Immigration Office.



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