Reykjavík Grapevine - 24.05.2019, Blaðsíða 13

Reykjavík Grapevine - 24.05.2019, Blaðsíða 13
same laws. For some, this is the strongest argument in favour of joining the EU. For others, the populist right in Iceland amongst them, this is the strongest argument in favour of leaving the EEA altogether. Nowhere is this anti-EU sentiment more apparent than in the discus- sion surrounding the Third Energy Package (TEP). At its core, the TEP is intended to open the EU’s gas and electric- ity markets, to prevent vert i- cal integration (i .e. when the s u p p l y c h a i n for a company is owned by the company itself), and prevent other m o n o p o l i s i n g behaviour. As an E E A m e m b e r, Iceland is osten- sibly affected but it is difficult to see what impact the TEP would have on Iceland’s energy market in practice. Iceland is famously energy self-sufficient, generating its own electricity and hot water from hydro- and geothermal power. It neither imports nor exports power, and the cost and logistics of doing so are prohibitive. Not that these facts have gotten in the way of Iceland’s populist right. The Centre Party have been vocal opponents of the TEP. Disgraced former prime minister and current chair of the Centre Party Sigmun- dur Davíð Gunnlaugsson has spared no hyperbole, calling it “exceed- ingly dangerous,” and equating the package to Iceland ceding its energy sovereignty to the EU. His party has orchestrated filibusters on the matter that have lasted well into the early morning hours, which have inspired criticism from Reform Party chair Þorgerður Katrín Gunnarsdóttir, who called this “Bannonism,” a nod to former Trump advisor Stephen Bannon. This concept she defined as “speaking misinformation long enough to awaken fear in the general public.” EU: the fish hoover This particular rheto- ric is reminiscent of when discussions about joining the EU first began to gather steam in the early 21st century. At that time, the populist right aired a now- infamous television ad, depicting fleets of foreign fishing boats sailing into Icelandic waters and stealing all of our fish. Was that ever a possibility? Doubtful. During accession talks, held when the pro-EU Social Demo- crats were in power, fishing and agriculture were reserved for the final phase of negotiations, and the EU seemed very eager to let Iceland maintain fishing and agricultural sovereignty if it meant we would join the bloc. That would never come to pass—new elections in 2013 put the right-wing back in power, and shortly thereafter, the government withdrew Iceland from accession negotiations. This was done with considerable ease, in large part due to two factors: the willingness of the populist right to use misinfor- mation and scare tactics, and the unwillingness of everyone else to speak up just as loudly about the actual facts. The truth shall cost you the election As is increasingly the case world- wide, the United States’s populist right is wholly unconcerned with the facts. In an infamous interview with CNN, right-wing pundit Newt Gingrich dismissed FBI statis- tics showing that violent crime is declining in the US, telling the reporter, “As a politician, I’ll go with how people feel; I’ll let you go with the theoreticians.” Iceland’s populist right has taken this to heart. They were very loud and vocal during EU accession talks, and continue at the same volume today with TEP debate. Those actually concerned with the facts regarding EU accession were remarkably absent from the discussion, believing—incorrectly, in hindsight—that the facts would speak for themselves and that any reasonable person would be able to tell that the populists were spread- ing lies. When it comes to abortion, the TEP, and a host of other issues, those who care about having an informed discussion—whatever their particular stance on the issues—should learn from these past mistakes, speak up to amplify the proven facts and figures, and drown out the more dishonest voices in the discussion. As Iceland’s populist right takes its cues from American right-wing- ers, Icelanders would do well to take the US as an object lesson on what happens when you think “the facts should speak for themselves.” WHALES, PUFFINS & REYKJAVÍK May 10:00, 12:00 14:00 June 10:00, 12:00 14:00, 16:00 20:00 July & August 09:00, 10:00, 11:00 12:00, 13:00, 14:00 15:00, 16:00, 20:00 Price: 21.990 ISK #WHALESAFARI • #THEULTIMATEWHALEWATCHING • #CLOSERTONATURE +354 497 0000 • INFO@WHALESAFARI.IS • WHALESAFARI.IS “AMAZING EXPERIENCE 10/10, WOULD BOOK AGAIN!” “THE COOLEST EXPERIENCE IN ICELAND!!” “WE WOULD HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS TOUR. 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Reykjavík Grapevine

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