Reykjavík Grapevine - 24.05.2019, Blaðsíða 38

Reykjavík Grapevine - 24.05.2019, Blaðsíða 38
38The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 08— 2019 The Saga of Gísli Súrsson It appears they didn't have enough psychiatrists back then Words: Grayson Del Faro Illustrations: Elín Elísabet Book Buy ‘Sagas And Shit’ at all good bookstores or online at There are more sex jokes in the sagas than you might guess, and neither jokes about butt-sex nor the literary masterpieces of the genre are exempt. The Saga of Gísli Súrsson begins with a good old-fashioned Norwegian fam- ily feud in which a guy named Skeggi asks his carpenter to carve a wooden statue of Gísli with an- other dude’s dick in his butt as an insult. Gísli happens to be hiding in the bushes nearby and he jumps out and cuts off Skeggi’s leg, later killing him. I like to think that he dies in the name of sodomy. So before the real story starts, let’s have a moment of silence for Saint Skeggi, patron saint of anal. Bromance is dead Due to this feud, Gísli and his fam- ily move to Iceland, leaving behind all this business about who puts what in whose behind. They all marry into respectable Icelan- dic families. Gísli lives with his wife Auður, brother Þórkell, and his wife Ásgerður, while Gísli and Þórkell’s sister Þórdís lives near- by with her husband Þórgrímur. There is also a guy named Véste- inn, the brother of Gísli’s wife. I know this seems confusing as hell, but I’ve already narrowed out like fourteen other dudes also named Þórsomething so this is as sim- ple as it can get. Sorry not sorry. The four brothers-in-law show up at Parliament dressed like rich bitches and do nothing but drink. This causes lots of gossip about them, including a prophesy that their friendship is doomed. When the brothers-in-law hear about this, they decide to avert it by tak- ing the oath of blood-brotherhood. In this case it means making a fort of grass, mix- i ng thei r blood into the dirt, and holding hands, ex- actly like little boys wou ld probably do. But Þórgrímur won’t hold hands with Vésteinn be- cause they’re not related, so Gísli is like, “Fine, then I won’t hold hands with you because you won’t hold hands with my bff.” Then he real- izes it was all for nothing and tells Þorkell, “We’re basically fucked.” Murder (not so) mystery One day Þorkell overhears Auður accuse his wife Ásgerður of want- ing to bone her brother Vésteinn instead of her own husband. Ás- gerður is like, “Yeah, and?” When he won’t let her into the bed that night, Ásgerður threatens to di- vorce him. When he declines a divorce, she assumes they can just fuck their way to forgive- ness and everything seems fine. When Vésteinn had gone abroad, Gísli had broken a coin in half and they each took one, l ike those children’s friendship neck- laces popular in the 1990s. Gísli sends his piece to Vésteinn warn- ing him to come home because everything is in fact not fine. A s the prophesy foretold, they’re fucked. Meanwhile, Þorkell meets with a wizard who forges a spear for him from the bro- ken pieces of a family sword. When Vésteinn ignores Gísli’s warning and returns anyway, he is promptly speared to death in the night by an anonymous killer. Whoever could it be? Well Gísli, genius as he is, has dreams that point the finger at Þorgrímur so he sneaks into his place at night and spears him right back. Lather, rinse, revenge Þórdís wastes no time in marry- ing her dead husband’s brother Börkur, nor in having her own brother charged with outlawry for the murder. The rest of the saga passes as a montage of Gisli find- ing strange new places to hide only to be discovered b y B ö r k u r a n d his cousin Eyjól- f ur, then escap- ing, and doing it all again. Lather, r i n s e , r e p e a t . H e a l s o e n - counters all kinds of freaks and geeks a l on g t h e w ay. Most notably there is a guy who keeps his gigantic troll-child on a leash outside his home and a woman so obscene that she successfully repels the search party by offend- ing them with her mouth-fuckery. This all goes on for years and all the while he is haunted by a mys- terious woman in his dreams, probably a beautiful personifi- cation of his guilt or some shit like that. You know, literature. Sadly, they find him in the end. When they attack, even Auður helps to fight them off with a club. They cut him open and his entrails spill out but he gathers them up, shoves them back in, and keeps fighting until he keels over. When Eyjólfur returns to gloat to Börkur about news, Þórdís has some deep feels about her brother’s death. So she stabs Eyjólfur in the leg, declares herself divorced from Börkur, and walks the fuck out. Morals of the story: 1. Violence begets trauma 2. Seriously, dude, see a psychia- trist. 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Reykjavík Grapevine

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