Fréttablaðið - 23.01.2016, Blaðsíða 41
smáauglýsingar /
512 5000
Afgreiðsla smáauglýsinga og sími
er opinn alla virka daga frá 8-17
Allar smáauglýsingar
vikunnar á visir.isv nna Allar atvinnuauglýsingar vikunnar á visir.isSölufulltrúar Viðar Ingi Pétursson 512 5426Hrannar Helgason 512 5441
Sérhæfður fjárfestingabanki
og kerfisumsjón
Capacent — leiðir til árangurs
Kvika er sérhæfður fjárfestinga
banki sem sinnir þörfum
við skipta vina á afmörkuðum
syllum með fagþekkingu
og sérhæfðu vöruframboði.
Burðarás Kviku er öflug
eigna stýring og bankinn veitir
sparifjár og innlánseigendum
alhliða þjónustu. Hjá Kviku starfar
samhentur hópur 80 sérfræðinga
sem nær árangri í krafti
menntunar, markaðsþekkingar
og víðtækrar reynslu. Eignarhald
Kviku er gagnsætt og er hann
eini bankinn sem er að fullu í
eigu einkaaðila s.s. lífeyrissjóða,
fyrirtækja og einstaklinga.
Nánar á
Helstu verkefni
Dagleg notendaþjónusta og kerfisumsjón
Uppsetning og þjónusta á vél og hugbúnaði
Umsjón og rekstur á Windows netþjónum
Samskipti við birgja og þjónustuaðila
Helstu hæfnis og menntunarkröfur
Kerfisfræðingur eða sambærileg tölvumenntun
Mjög góð almenn tölvukunnátta og tækniþekking
Góð þekking á tölvum og tengdum búnaði og hæfni til
Reynsla af rekstri Microsoft umhverfis. Útstöðvum
og netþjónum
Góð kunnáta á Active Directory/Exchange/
System Center/Powershell
Góð þekking á Office og öðrum Microsoft hugbúnaði
31. janúar
Upplýsingar og umsókn
Kvika leitar að öflugum aðila í notendaþjónustu og
kerfisumsjón. Viðkomandi hefur umsjón með daglegum
rekstri og þjónustu við notendur. Kostur ef viðkomandi
hefur áhuga á að taka þátt í tilfallandi forritunar og
Í boði er
Mjög góð starfsaðstaða. Metnaðarfullt og faglegt
We are looking for
Construction Managers
Capacent — leiðir til árangurs
M+W Group is a global leader
in the design, engineering and
construction of high tech facilities
and major complex projects. We
have extensive in-house technical
resources combining process,
mechanical and electrical
engineering, technology
integration, lean construction and
commissioning expertise. Our
unique combination of high-tech
engineering and excellent project
management help our customers
to reach their goals and to strive
for new horizons.
M+W Central Europe is looking for engineers to work on the construction of PCC silicon metal manufacturing plant located
at Bakki. The employment opportunities are based in Húsavík. Applicants need to be able to start as soon as possible.
Exceptional proficiency in English is required because all aspects of the job are conducted in English.
It is required that CV and introductory letter is in English. These positions are temporary until at least June 2017
Senior Construction Manager
Application deadline
31st of January
For more information and to apply
Job Description
Oversee and direct the performance of all field
construction activities
Control project schedule and cost through the efficient use
of all construction resources
Play an active role in the development of the safety culture
on the project
Direct and responsible for all staff assigned to the project(s)
Serve as lead person to coordinate all activities and
communication, both internal and external
Job Requirements
Minimum of ten (10) years of construction work-related
experience or a combination of education and directly
related experience
Competency in administrative functions related to project
and office operations
Civil/architecture engineer degree
Project management skills
Good oral and written communication English skills
Civil Construction Manager
Application deadline
31st of January
For more information and to apply
Job Description
Monitors the construction work and work site
Monitors the construction work and construction site
Provide technical, full-time, on-site inspection of the
progress and quality of the construction work performed
Prepares quality assurance records including deficiency and
non-conforming notices
Job Requirements
Minimum of five (5) to eight (8) years of construction
work-related experience or a combination of education and
directly related experience
Functional proficiency in project controls, human relations,
industrial relations, and contract management
Ability to communicate effectively with audiences
Civil/architecture engineer degree
Good oral and written communication English skills