Reykjavík Grapevine - mar 2020, Qupperneq 38

Reykjavík Grapevine - mar 2020, Qupperneq 38
38 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 03— 2020 HORROR!SCOPES REAL TALK The hard truths from a magazine that cares Words: H"nn"h J"ne Cohen, "strologer/life co"ch Photo: Art Bicnick In Horror-Scopes, the Grapevine’s dedicated amateur astrologist/life coach breaks down your upcoming weeks based on shit like “moons,” as if they even exist. Aries We didn’t want to be the one to tell you, but your boyfriend’s fetish is actually hang- ing out with pathetic losers. Taurus The truth, Taurus, is that that moustache you’re growing is not working for you and everyone is just too polite to say anything. You’re not attractive enough to pull off the 70s porn star aesthetic. You’re a systems analyst. GeminiGemini, let ’s not beat around the bush. 2020 is your year. We’d recommend just buying your wedding dress now ‘cause there’s no way your latest drug-addled fuckbuddy isn’t going to pop the question soon. Cancer Don’t be embarrassed about your weekly chug- ging Merlot and crying to Kelly Clarkson’s “Breakaway” sessions, Cancer. Spread your wings and fly, bby. LeoLeave her before she loves you, Leo. Virgo You can say you’re “not a brony” all you want, but we know the truth. You disgust me. LibraDo you have your pass-port? Did you get your shots? Libra, get ready, ‘cause you’ll have a great time in Amer- ica. ScorpioYour dedication to the art of influencing is admirable, Scorpio, that said, there are only so many variations when taking pictures of your butt. Maybe it’s time for a boob job—you need new material. SagittariusIf you don’t file your taxes on time, all of your loved ones will die before you. Oh, just kidding, nobody loves you. CapricornYour Mom knows about your Pornhub premium. Also your incest fetish. AquariusWhat are you doing? Se-riously, what are you do- ing? At this very moment. While you’re reading this. Stop that. Stop thinking about that. Gross. Pisces You know you’re flaw-less, and we know you’re flawless, but does the rest of the world? Time to show everyone what you’ve got in the form of maracas. CITY SHOT by Art Bicnick WELL, YOU ASKED Should We Say Some- thing? Words: Inês Pereira My roots are growing out. Should I go over my roots again, let them grow out, and eventually do my hair like ombre or should I dye it a completely new colour? Listen here: "#"# is the year of the abrupt ombre, so let your roots grow until your hair is two distinct colours. If that goes wrong—but really, how could it?—opt for the classic Sinead O’Connor look. Both of these options are fool-proof ways to ensure that your friends make a separate group chat called “Should we say something?” Don’t worry, they won’t! Should I sleep with my ex? I feel like they've finally changed and this time it will really work out. You know what, you should. Self-sabo- tage is an important part of character development. Also, it will give the world more of your great and soulful Twitter poetry. (We miss Tumblr too btw.) At a dinner party where everyone brings an item of food, who's sup- posed to do the dishes? Here’s an idea: Bring your own dishes and cutlery to eat off of. Then, at the end of the meal, take it back with you. No dish, no go. “Oh Jón you forgot a plate? Good luck eating that lamb soup directly from your hand, you fucking loser.” How do I get a vegan chick, that only dates vegan dudes, to date me—a carnivore—without becoming some loser vegan snowflake? If you really want to honour your lust for this vegan queen and simultane- ously celebrate your unbendable car- nivorism, you should offer your body as a sacrifice for her witches group to share under a full moon. It’s the only way you’ll be inside her. We're not angry, we're just concerned Fuck the system


Reykjavík Grapevine

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