Reykjavík Grapevine - júl. 2020, Blaðsíða 27

Reykjavík Grapevine - júl. 2020, Blaðsíða 27
Our Picks 27The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 05— 2020 Art Listin%s Events are listed by venue. For complete listin#s and detailed information on venues, visit Send your listin#s to: Opening REYKJAVÍK ART MUSEUM ( HAFNARHÚS Gilbert & George: The Great Exhibi- tion For over five decades, British artist duo Gilbert & George have shaped contemporary art. At this special exhibition, come challenge the pre- vailing bourgeois ideas of taste and decorum while empowering gays and other minority groups. What else could you want? • Opens on August 6th, 2020 • Runs until January 3rd, 2021 Ongoing NATIONAL GALLERY OF ICELAND Solastalgia In this immersive installation, explore a mix of augmented reality with contemporary art, multisenso- rial e&ects and cutting edge sound design. Enter a mysterious future in a post-human Earth where only a mysterious digital cloud has survived. Do you still have faith in technology? (No.) • Runs until January 10th, 2021 Treasures Of A Nation A selection of over 80 works chosen from the national gallery’s collec- tion displays the evolution of art since the 19th century. • Runs until October 4th, 2020 High Plane VI Katrín Sigur!ardóttir has for some years been exploring the e&ects of perception in her installations and works. Here, she dismantles a classic theme of Icelandic paint- ings: mountains, the blue of distant vistas, and the obsession with Icelandic nature. • Runs until January 3rd, 2021 Mats Gustafson Swedish artist Mats Gustafson has always had a special feeling for the transient nature of waterco- lour. This exhibition contains all his best-known works, including ones made with fashion houses Dior, Yohji Yamamoto, Comme des Garcons, and more. • Runs until August 30th, 2020 Electromagnetic Objects The "Electromagnetic Objects" are a collection of works by Woody Vasul- ka and the audio artist Brian O'Reilly. According to O'Reilly, “the works use sources excavated directly from the output of the Electromagnetic Objects, as well as further manipu- lations using Tom Demeyer's ImX so"ware, developed with input from Steina." Sounds complicated, but we still stan. • Runs until December 31st. 2020 EINAR JÓNSSON MUSEUM Permanent Exhibition The museum contains close to 300 artworks including a beautiful garden with 26 bronze casts of the artist’s sculptures. REYKJAVÍK CITY MUSEUM Settlement Exhibition As Viking ruins meet digital technol- ogy, this exhibition provides insight into Reykjavík's farms at the time of the first settlers. REYKJAVÍK ART MUSEUM ( ÁSMUNDARSAFN Ásmundur Sveinsson: Under the Same Sky Ásmundarsafn is named a"er sculp- tor Ásmundur Sveinsson. This new permanent exhibition presents the artist in a new light. What dialogue does his works provoke? • Runs until September 30th, 2020 Ásmundur For Families Children get free entry to learn about Ásmundur Sveinsson, a"er whom the museum is named. • Runs until September 30th, 2020 REYKJAVÍK MUSEUM OF PHOTOGRAPHY Witness The photographic exhibition Witness is opening in unusual times, when its subject has temporarily disap- peared. The visitor, in Iceland to see cascading waterfalls, advancing glaciers and surf crashing on the shore, is absent. Iceland’s nature is alone once more. • Runs until September 13th, 2020 Obscure Presence Coming from a small isolated island with extreme weather conditions and almost unearthly landscapes, Icelanders have a unique con- nection with the unknown. Here, Gunnlö! Jóna Rúnarsdóttir explores that unique connection. • Runs until August 16th, 2020 REYKJAVÍK MARITIME MUSEUM Fish & Folk Name a better duo than fish and Iceland. You can’t. So come learn about the history of Icelandic fisher- ies from row boats to monstrous trawlers. Melckmeyt 1659 Melckmeyt was a Dutch merchant ship that crashed near Flatey Island in 1659. Explore the wreck here. with two images of di&erent origins against each other. MUSEUM OF DESIGN AND APPLIED ART Paperflowers The bookwork 'Paperflowers' was made by Rúna )orkelsdóttir over a period of two years on a Rotaprint machine at her studio in Amster- dam. In 2007, she along with Tao Kurihara made fabric inspired by the work, along with a summer collec- tion using that. • Runs until September 6th, 2020 Sveinn Kjarval This exhibition focuses on the pio- neering work of Sveinn Kjarval, one of the most pioneering furniture makers and interior designers in the country. While many pieces have been lost in time, there will be photographs showing never-before- seen designs. • Runs until August 30th, 2020 Recycle Til You Drop Workshop This project hopes to raise aware- ness about Icelanders' consumer culture and the amount that people donate to the Red Cross. In it, one tonne of clothing needs sorting. A"erwards, it'll need to be analysed and creatively altered. What infor- mation can be read from one tonne? • Runs until August 30th, 2020 REYKJAVÍK ART MUSEUM ( HAFNARHÚS Erró: Cyborg This series of the great Erró was inspired by technology, science and the combination of the human and the mechanic. In particular, it examines how technology invades the body and how the human body adapts to the machine. The images o&er questions concerning the borderlines between human beings and technology. • Runs until December 31st, 2020 Sol LeWitt This exhibition spans 30 years of the great American conceptual artist Sol LeWitt's career. In LeWitt’s works, all the planning and decision-making for the execution of an artwork is made beforehand, and with that, as he said, “the idea becomes a machine that makes the art.” • Runs until July 19th, 2020 Hafnarhús – Depot of Ideas in the City Centre It's the 20th anniversary of Hafnar- hús! Yay! This special exhibition fo- cuses on the building and its history and transformation, viewed through sketches and photographs, among other things. It also examines how the museum building, as a space, interacts with the art and connects to its environment, the city centre. • Runs until July 16th, 2020 HAFNARBORG DesignMarch: material:wood Wood is an organic matter that bends equally to the laws of nature and chance. It does not yield easily and the material itself o"en af- fects the final outcome, whether in regards to shape or finish. It also composes trees, which we like to hug. • Runs until August 23rd, 2020 HVERFISGALLERÍ Houndshills, Houndshollows Gu!mundur Thoroddsen, for his exhibition, was inspired by a beer called 'Hundur', which means dog. "You can understand why they think it necessary for this thing to have a name, that it is named something," he wrote in the accompanying text. "If the beer has a name like Dog, then we can create a context in which to understand what it is we are imbibing." • Runs until August 1st, 2020 WIND & WEATHER WINDOW GALLERY Millihlustargátt / Auditory Intergate Freyja Eilíf—a favourite of the Grapevine—serves up a site-specific mixed-medium installation made of wood, paint and clay. In it, abstract shapes in shades of green coalesce to make an aesthetic dream. Re- member: The window is open all day, everyday, so stop by. • Runs until August 27th, 2020 REYKJAVÍK ART MUSEUM ( KJARVALSSTA*IR Jóhannes S. Kjarval: At Home Jóhannes Sveinsson Kjarval (1885- 1972) was one of the pioneers of Icelandic art (the museum is literally named a"er him) and is one of the country‘s most beloved artists. His connection to, and interpretation of Iceland’s natural environment is thought to have taught Icelanders to appreciate it anew, and to have encouraged pride in the country’s uniqueness and the world of adven- ture to be discovered within it. • Runs until December 31st, 2020 What It Seems – Reality on Canvas 1970-2020 Many painters seek to achieve an impression of realism in their works. But is everything what it seems in paintings made in a realistic style? We don't know, that's why they made an exhibit about it. • Runs until October 4th, 2020 LIVING ART MUSEUM New Acquisitions This new exhibition presents a selection of The Living Art Museum’s newest acquisitions from the past three years. Artworks on display span across 50 years of the Icelan- dic contemporary art scene, dem- onstrating the skill and invention of pivotal artists. Note: There will be a special artist talk on July 30th. • Runs until August 9th, 2020 MIDPUNKT Shapeless Vibrations A shapeless object is paradoxal as it means that said object is deprived of any shape. That said, everything has a shape so what do we mean by shapelessness? Come explore this puzzling concept at this onsite installation by Claire Paugam and Valger!ur +r Magnúsdóttir. Down with the shape-system! • Runs until July 26th, 2020 July 17th—August 13th The Factory Until Sept. 14th - Djúpavík & )in#eyri Djúpavík is, with- out question, one of the most stun- ning and memo- rable locations in all of Iceland. An almost-aban- doned fishing village on the wild Strandir coast, it was once home to hundreds of fish- ermen who lived scattered around a massive, hulking fish processing factory. When the herring le", so did the people; today, the workers’ quar- ters have been repurposed into a cosy family-run hotel. The factory has become a crumbling laby- rinth of rusting machinery, a small museum, and— each summer—a contemporary art exhibition. A monument to a herring-era gold rush, ‘The Factory’ is a roadmap of how such build- ings can be used to foster com- munity, culture and tourism. On the other side of the West,ords, there will be a sister exhibition in )ingeyri. Better yet, admission to both is free. TRG After All Until Aug. 23rd - Ger!arsafn Kópavogur Art Museum Twelve contem- porary Icelandic artists show their take on everyday beauty, light and humour in reflec- tion of the present situation in the world and what really drives and matters to us. CM Witness: Christopher Lund Until Sept. 13th - Reykjavík Museum of Photo#raphy 'Witness' intends to showcase the side of Iceland that wants to be discovered and explored and put its visitor, the traveller, the tourist in contrast but also in connection to the strikin# landscapes. CM Hafnarhús’ Free Thursdays! Thursdays - 17:00-22:00 - Hafnarhús Nothing gets us going like the sweet sweet taste of free art. Forget aperol spritzes in Fjallkonan, this summer we’re slurping up some fresh exhibits. Ah yes. Culture. PA Gar!atorg 1· Gar!abær Open Tue - Sun 12 -17 Exhibitions: Paperflowers by Rúna "orkelsdóttir Behind the Scenes Icelandic Visual Language Sveinn Kjarval Furniture and interior designer Flokk till you drop Designers in residence


Reykjavík Grapevine

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