Sunday Post - 01.09.1940, Side 5

Sunday Post - 01.09.1940, Side 5
SUNDAY POST 5 * \ BRITISH AIR RAID Above. This amazing picture was taken from a British bomber and clearly shows the offects of bombs and machine gun bullets on a German horse-drawn ammunition tain. Every raid' like this lessens the danger of invasinon. As this photo proves the British bomber unlike so many Germans, returned safely to its base. Should Britain Bomb Civilians? “The time for sentimentality is past. Why don’t we stop this nonsense about military objectives and give the Germans a taste of their own medicine? Why don’t we bomb Berlin, Munich, and Hamburg and blow the Germans to bits?” How 'Often we have heard this question asked during these past weeks, since Ger- many started launching large-scale air attacks on Britain and scenes like that on the opposite page brought the ruthlessness of modem war to peaceful British homes. Modern war is ruthless and for that reason questions like this must be considered, how- ever distasteful they may seem to us. If war necessitates a readjustment of mo- ral values the only excuse we can offer is that such a readjustment is necessary if we are to win the war. But will bombing ci- vilians help to win the war? Remember: Every tomb dropped on German civilians means one bomb less dropped on munition factories and aerodromes. It is often suggested that German morale would crack up rapidly under the strain of widespread bombing of civilians. Was ci- vilian morale- broken by the continual and heavy air raids in Spain or in Finland? On the contrary all reports go to show that if anything the raids strengthened the determination of the people to see it through. In England infinitly better defended; than these two countries, the events of the last few weeks have certainly not shaken the civilian’s will to win or his confidence. It was fear of th© rapidly approaching


Sunday Post

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