Sunday Post - 01.09.1940, Side 6
(Continued from page 5)
mechanised oolumns together with the chaos
created by traitors and defeatists that caused
panic in Poland and France, not the bombing
however severe, of open cities miles from
the war zone. Even the people of Warsaw
with its quite inadequate air defences after
ten days bombardment by a large part of
the German Air Force remained remarkably
cOOl to the end. And remember this: there
we'e probably as many people in Warsaw
who were violently opposed to the govern-
ment as there are in Berlin. It was not the
government they were fighting for, but their
country. It is mere wishful thinking to
suppose that the Germans will prove an
exception to the rule.
On the other hand could not more be done
in the way of direct attack on the German
Government machine? Surely bombs dropped
on the Wilhelmstrasse would not be wasted.
Everyone would de glad to see Hitler
chased from town to town across Germany
by our bombers in the same way that the
German Air Force pursued King Haakon
and the Polish Government.
After the signing of the Franco-German
armistice a question in Parliament as to
whether it was not true that the Government
was aware that Hitler and other Nazi leaders
were to be present in the railwaycarriage
in the Forest of Compiegne, and if so what
had the Air Force done about it, was left
unanswered. If, as some think, we held
back because French delegates were also to
be present, surely we may ask whether
there is anything in risking the lifes of
French Generals in an attempt to kill Hitler
that is wiorse than risking the lives of
French civilians in raids on the Channel
The destruction of the German war
machine, its supplies and the Government
behind it: it is this that will win the war.
Those who advocate wasting bombs, planes,
and the lifes of our pilots on anything el sc-
are either wishful thinkers or are merely
indulging a blind desire for revenge, a desire
that is understandable, but its indulgence
like any other indulgence winch runs counter
to the effective prosecution of the war —
is unpatriotic.
(Continued form Page 1.)
-the best of health somewhere in Germany.
New York apologized for this regrettable
mistake, said that the story was highly im-
probable and added that somebody must
have seen a barrage balloon shot down.
London, August 31st.
Messages from Bucarest state that Ru-
mania is mourning the loss of the Transyl-
vanian provinces. The first feeling is one of
stupefaction as the leaders of the country
had previously declared that those districts
would be defended by arms if necessary.
Further, Rumania has to give the Nazis
living within her borders a completely free
hand. The people realise now that the go-
vernment has had to submit to a Germ am
In Hungary on the other hand the annexa-
tion is being wildly celebrated all over the
A large selection of flowers and
bouquets also:
Delicious Icelandic -grapes.
Blomaverzlunin FL6RA
Austurstrseti 7.
Telephones 2039 and 5639.
SUNDAY POST is issued by S. Benediktsson
publisher of Daily Post.