Reykjavík Grapevine - sep. 2020, Side 21

Reykjavík Grapevine - sep. 2020, Side 21
LAUGALÆ KUR KL ETT AGA R!AR BANKASTR. AUSTUR- STRÆTI SKOTHÚSVEGUR TRYGGVAGATA GEIRSGATA VESTURGATARÁNARGATA BÁRUGATA ÖLDUGATA TÚNGATA TÚNGATA MARARG. KIRKJU SÓLVALLAGATA SÓLVALLAGATA H O LTSG ATA GRANDAVEGUR LÁGHO LTSVEGUR HÁVALLAGATA HOLTSG. ÁSVALLAGATA REYNIM ELUR VÍ!IM ELUR GRENIM ELUR Æ G ISÍ! A FORN HAG I DU NH AG I AR AG AT A OD DA GA TA HAGAM ELURMELHAGI NESHAGI HO FS VA LLA GA TA KAP LAS KJÓ LSV EGU R MEI STA RAV ELLI R ÁLA GRA NDI EI! SGR AND I AR ST ÍG UR BR Æ !R AB OR G FRA MNE SVE GUR SELJ AVE GUR ÁN AN AU ST GR AN DA GA R! URF ISK ISL Ó! H Ó LM ASLÓ ! TJ AR N AR GA TA SU ! UR GA TA LJ ÓS VA LL AG AT A HÓ LA VA LL AG . A! AL ST R. SÆ M UN DA RG AT A BI RK IM EL UR FU RU M EL UR ES PIM ELU R Æ GI SG AT A ST "R IM AN N AS TÍ GU R G AR ! AS TR Æ TI GRETTISGATA FR AK KA ST ÍG UR NJA R!A RGA TA NJ AR !A RG AT A N AU TH Ó LSVEG U R FLUG VALL ARVE GUR M EN N TAVEG U R VA TN SS TÍ GU R KL AP PA R- S TÍ G U R BE RG ST A! AR ST RÆ TI BERGSTA!ARSTRÆ TI FR ÍK IR KJ U VE G U R PÓ ST H Ú SS TR Æ TI LÆ KJ AR GA TA IN GÓ LF SS TR Æ TI #I N G H O LT SS TR Æ TI Ó ! IN SG AT A #ÓRSGATA VONARSTRÆTI LOKASTÍGUR BAL DU RSG ATA BRA GA GAT A VI TA ST ÍG UR BA RÓ N SS TÍ GU R SN OR RA BR AU T SN OR RA BR AU T BAR ÓN SST ÍGU R SKÓLAVÖR!USTÍGUR LA U FÁ S VE G U R LAUFÁSVEGUR FJÖLNISVEGUR FREYJUGATA SÓ LEYJARG ATA NJÁLSGATA GAMLA HRINGBRAUT MIKLABRAUT MIKLABRAUT MIKLABRAUT LISTABRAUT OFANLEITI VATNSM"RARVEGUR #ORRAGATA EINARSNES BAUGANESSKILDINGANES BÚSTA!AVEGUR SU!URHLÍ! HRINGBRAUT SU !U RG AT A HRINGBRAUT H RIN GBRAUT BERG#ÓRUGATA EIRÍKSGATA EGILSGATA HVERFISGATA LINDARGATA SÖLVHÓLSGATA SKÚLAGATA SÆBRAUT SÆBRAUT SÆBRAUT HÓLSVEGUR DYNGJUVEGUR DA LB RA UT KA M BS VE GU R H JA LL AV EG U R LA N G H O LT SV EG U R LAN GHO LTSVEGUR EF ST AS UN D EFSTASUN D VESTURGAR!AR KLETTAGAR!AR VATNAGAR!AR SUNDABORG KLEPPSVEGUR KLEPPSVEGUR BORGART ÚN BRÍETARTÚN HÁTÚN MI!TÚN SAMTÚN SÓLTÚN HÁ TÚ N SIGTÚN LAUGATEIGUR HOFTEIGUR KIRKJUTEIGU R HRAUNTEIGUR KIRKJUSANDUR HR ÍS AT EI GU R LA UG AR NE SV EG UR SUNDLAUGAVEGUR BRÚNAVEGUR VE ST U RB RÚ N AU STU RBRÚ N RE YK JA VE G U R LAUGARÁSVEGUR SUNNUVEGUR SKIPASUN D HO LTA VEG UR ENGJAVEGUR ENGJAVEGUR GNO!ARVOGUR LJÓSHEIM AR ÁL FH EI M AR GO ! HE IM AR SÓ LH EI M AR SKEIFAN G RE N SÁ SV EG U R SU!URLANDSBRAUT ÁRM ÚLI ÁRMÚ LI SÍ!UM ÚLI FELLSMÚLI HÁALEITISBRAUTSAFAM "RI LAUGAVEGUR LAUGAVEGUR ENGJATEIGUR FLÓKAGATA HÁTEIGSVEGUR BÓLSTA!ARHLÍ! SKAFTAHLÍ! ÚTHLÍ! SKÓGARHLÍ! ESKIHLÍ! BARMAHLÍ! STIGAHLÍ! MÁVAHLÍ! GRÆNAHLÍ! DRÁPUHLÍ! HAMRAHLÍ! VES TUR HLÍ! BLÖNDUHLÍ! HÖRGSHLÍ! H Á AH LÍ ! AUTARH N Ó AT Ú N LA N G AH LÍ ! ST AK KA H LÍ ! ST AK KA H LÍ ! ST IG AH LÍ ! RE YK JA H LÍ ! KR IN GL U M "R AR BR AU T KR IN G LU M "R AR BR AU T ÁL FT AM "R I LÁ G M Ú LI H ALLARM Ú LI KR IN G LU M "R AR BR AU T RA U ! AR ÁR ST ÍG U R RA U ! AR ÁR ST ÍG U R #V ER H O LT M JÖ LN IS H . ÁS H O LT ST Ú FH . TR A! AR H . GU N N AR SB RA UT N ÓA TÚ N KA TR ÍN AR TÚ N I #Ó RU N N AR TÚ N STÓRHOLT M E!ALHOLT STANGARHOLT TÓ M ASARH AG I FÁLKAGATA STURLUAGATA EGGERTSGATA LYNGHAGI STARHAGI KVISTH AG I HJAR!ARHAGI STRÆTI SKÓLABRÚ LAUGAVEGUR BR OLT HRINGBRAUT N A UT HÓ LS VE GU R SKIPHOLT VESTU RVA LLAG ATA M"RARGATA HAFNARSTRÆTI N"LENDUGATA BSÍ Coach Terminal Nordic House Culture Center University of Iceland National museum National library Hólavalla- gar!ur Cemetary Austur völlur Icelandic Parliament Reykjavík Domestic Airport Terminal Eagle Air Terminal Hlemmur Food Hall Sundhöllin Swimming Pool Landsspítali Hospital Laugar- dalslaug Swimming Pool Laugardalur Park Sigurjón Art Museum Vi!ey ferry Domestic Zoo & Family Park Botannical Gardens Camping site Kringlan Shopping Mall Laugar- dalshöll Sports Arena Ásmundarsafn Indoor Skating Rink City Hall Hallgríms- kirkja Church Lista- safn Einars Ásmunda- salur National Theatre The Culture House Bíó Paradís Reykjavík Art Museum Maritime Museum Marshall House Grandi Mathöll Saga Museum Harpa Concert Hall Nauthólsvík Beach Perlan Reykjavík University Kjarvalssta!ir Museum Hljóm- skála- gar!ur Park Vestur- bæjarlaug Swimming Pool National Gallery Aurora Reykjavik 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C % $% $ "& A F E B H ' ( " "% $" # "' "( & "! $$ ") "$ "" $) * $( $' Downtown & Harbour District "* L uck y Re c ords is the punk y, underground horse of the Reykjavík record scene. It’s one of those shops that is easy to get lost in—expect to easily spend an entire afternoon perusing their selection. 24. Melabú#in Hagamel 39, 107 For foodies looking for artisanal deli meats, fresh figs, rare cheeses and all sorts of unexpected, hard- to-find treats, Vesturbær’s beloved Melabú# in should satiate your desires. 25. Pastel Flower Studio Baldursgata 36 Pastel Flower Studio is only open under the radar since it opened, but now, we’re here to bring it out of the shadows. The brewery and beer hall offers a varied list of brews, most of which they make themselves locally. Come and experience your new beer- addiction. 19. English Pub Austurstræti 12 True to its name, the English Pub offers many different kinds of lager on tap and a whiff of that genuine UK feel. Try the famous “wheel of fortune” where one can win up to a metre of beer with a single spin while a steady team of troubadours engage the crowd in classic sing- alongs every night. The only thing missing is the salt & vinegar crisps. Shopping 20. Hildur Yeoman Skólavör#ustígur 22b As well as selling her own designs— womenswear characterised by flowing shapes made from fine fabrics with colourful, distinctive, busy prints — Hildur Yeoman's boutique also features sunglasses by Le Specs, jewellry by Vanessa Mooney, French tea, and other interesting trinkets. 21. nomad. Frakkastígur 8f A relative newbie to the Laugavegur scene, nomad. was a surprise runner-up for the Best Design Store at the 2020 Best of Reykjavík awards. They have a fantastically curated selection of books, lamps, candles and more. Plus, the owner is a photographer and often has exhibitions on the lower floor. 22. Wasteland Reykjavík Ingólfsstræti 5 For super á la mode downtown Reykjavík looks—i.e. cheerleader uniforms, Guy Fieri t-shirts, and astronaut-esque jumpsuits—this second-hand store is the go-to. 23. Lucky Records Rau#arárstígur 10 Vietnam Market Bankastræti 11 Previously only located at Su#urlandsbraut 6, downtowners watched all summer with bated breath as the shop’s new location at Bankastræti 11 began to stock up and freshen up. In case you missed it, the new Vietnam Market is open now and you should definitely pay it a visit. You can get all your essential condiments and noodles, of course, as well as a lot of canned and dried goods. There is also quite a variety of snacks to choose from. It’s a great place to stop for when you want to try something new in the kitchen, or just add more variety to your diet than what Icelandic supermarkets have to o$er. ASF New In Town ! on Fridays from 13:00 to 18:00—so plan accordingly. The studio uses cut, dried, and fresh flowers to create unique arrangements that reference classic Icelandic nature in an unexpected and innovative way. Trust us: You won’t find a florist in the city that’s in any way comparable. 26. Street Rats Tattoo Hverfisgata 37 Kristófer, a.k.a. Sleepofer Tattoo, has proven himself to be a fresh, experimental artist whose works have become a somewhat coveted symbol in the city. So if you’re looking to get your travel tattoo, go there. It’s way more interesting than a Vegvísir. Party Every Night. Cocktails! Live Music. Live Sports Coverage 50 different kinds of beer. Kitchen open from 11.00. Ribs - Burgers. Chicken Wings! AUSTURSTRAETI 8 • REYKJAVIK F


Reykjavík Grapevine

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