Reykjavík Grapevine - nóv. 2020, Blaðsíða 20

Reykjavík Grapevine - nóv. 2020, Blaðsíða 20
Comfort & Contrast Rakel Tómasdóttir finds peace in black and white Words: Iona Rangeley-Wilson Photo: Art Bicnick Art Check out Rakel at or on Instagram at @rakeltomas Rakel Tomas’ new studio on Gret- tisgata feels like an extension of her graphic designs, with black framed pictures arranged on stark white walls. “I just really feel com- fortable with black and white,” she explains. “I like the contrasts. I find bright, extreme colours kind of irritating. I hate the colour yel- low—I don’t know why.” Rakel plans on using colour as her next step, but she hasn’t got around to it yet. “It’s like a whole other dimension and I’m just not that good at it yet. I need to prac- tise more before I can do an exhi- bition in colour or something. I do practice with it a little bit so it will happen eventually.” Expression through body language Though she claims not to have mastered colour, black and white is clearly a dimension that she has dominated—from the abstract paintings that combine eyes, nos- es and lips, to her more clearly dis- cernible charcoal sketches of faces and figures. “It’s kind of a way for me to ex- press emotions,” she says, gestur- ing at a print of one of her sketch- es. “I’ve always been very bad with words when it comes to describ- ing how I feel; I’m much more comfortable with body language. I find the body very interesting: it’s fascinating how people com- municate with their bodies. I look at photographs and I try to find pictures that reflect the body lan- guage of how I’m feeling in that moment, and I mix them togeth- er in Photoshop. So I have a very complete sketch in Photoshop be- fore I start drawing.” Her paintings, however, are more free-flowing. “With those, I start with one eye or something, and then just go where it takes me. I don’t have a plan b efore I b e g i n , which is kind of re- freshing compared to the pencil pro- cess.” Making art accessible Rakel’s work is not limited to sketches and paintings: she also creates and sel ls book s and diaries—her 2021 diary arrived fresh from the pub- lisher this week—and has even printed one of her designs onto a scarf. “I think it’s a nice way for people who are not yet buying art to get involved in this world around what I’m doing,” she ex- plains. “Especially young people; they might not yet have an apart- ment to buy art for, so it’s more accessible.” One of Rakel’s projects, an art book coming out on Decem- ber 7th, contains all of her pen- cil drawings from the past three years alongside the stories behind them. “This one has a nice story,” she explains, gesturing to a sketch of a figure being embraced. “First, it was about just wanting to be re- ally close to someone, being really close to them physically but still wanting to get closer. This figure that’s really light—I was going to fill in the shadows on that face, but then the person the piece was about ghosted me, and I didn’t feel like she deserved to be finished. But at the same time it is finished and it’s exactly how it’s supposed to be.” Her personal favourites are the ‘Water’ drawings she created following time spent in Bali last year. “That collec- tion is kind of my favourite I guess, because the time I spent there I was surfing and diving and in the water a lot which is a com- forting thing for me,” she says. Though some artists might aim to challenge com- fort zones, it seems that Rakel’s art ac- tually thrives with- in them. This idea of comfort is one she keeps coming back to, sim- plifying the world into black and white and body language. There’s a certain calm in Rakel’s com- fort zone—it’s a place that makes sense. Find today's events in Iceland! Download our free listings app - APPENING on the Apple and Android storesArt “I’ve always been very bad with words when it comes to describing how I feel; I’m much more comfortable with body lan- guage.” All eyes on Rakel i8 Gallery Tryggvagata 16 101 Reykjavík t: +354 551 3666 Editions & Multiples @i8gallery Get Grapevine Merch! Don't Hesitate! Act Now! shop.gra


Reykjavík Grapevine

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