Reykjavík Grapevine - nóv. 2020, Blaðsíða 24

Reykjavík Grapevine - nóv. 2020, Blaðsíða 24
'Phantom Plaza' By RYBA A super!roup samplin! scores of symphonies Words: Hannah Jane Cohen Photos: Art Bicnick Track By Track Grab Phantom Plaza on RYBA's Bandcamp page. RYBA's debut release 'Phantom Plaza' was a two-year effort that ended up with a seven person su- pergroup featuring Heimir Ges- tur Valdimarsson on guitar, An- dri Eyjólfsson on samples, Baldur Hjörleifsson on bass, Elísabet Birta Sveinsdóttir on vocals, Kor- mákur Jarl Gunnarsson on MOOG synthisiser, Laufey Soffía on vo- cals and Sigur!ur Möller Sívertsen on drums—all artists you might recognise from groups like Andi, Kælan Mikla, Grísalappalísa and more. Heimir sat down with the Grapevine to run through 'Phan- tom Plaza' track by track. The album 'Phantom Plaza' was written in a transitional time after being in Poland for the past few years and then settling down in Reykjavík again. I had sent my in- struments from Poland and they came many months later half- moulded and wet. After drying my guitars and bass, many things started to come together and I saw a way to make an album that I had wanted to make but never had any time for. Colleagues started to gather and my instruments became dry and sharp—sharper than before. Stalker We took the lyrics to a pretty dark place, leaving out all sense of con- tinuity and linear storytelling. The lyrics are cut-ups from a film script I had written inspired by noir films like 'Night Of The Hunt- er' (1956). Baldur wrote the song with me and totally got it. He cre- ated haunting guitar noises as well as some creepy sounds that I don’t even know what they are anymore. No Going Back "No Going Back" is mainly Baldur's creation. We sampled another ghostly song of ours and this one came out of it. It went through our grinder machines of kraut, John Cassavetes film scores and The Cramps. Too Bad You Should Know… This one came after listening to "Liquid Swords" by GZA as well as working in construction work power-washing houses. Alltof miki! "Alltof miki!" was the first song written for this album and the whole album was only supposed to be songs like this—everything done very quickly with short and fast songs that were all under two minutes. It did not go that way and this album became something dif- ferent. "Alltof miki!" means “Way too much.” Take You Home This song is sampled from anoth- er RYBA song called "Girls." It’s a travel song and Kormákur’s work in this one is one of his best per- formances on the album. He plays on a Moog synthesiser; it reminds me of "The Black Riders & Flight to the Ford" by Bo Hansson. Wygl"daj" Naturalnie This song was written in one eve- ning. Every recording was the first and final take. We love Poland and connect to Polish people and this song is an echo from the past. It plays with cumbia and popular songs from 30s Polish radio. This creates a sound, which is defined through the album—blending art forms and genres that you don’t expect to fit together. Standing Man "Standing Man" was originally a series of photographs and draw- ings by me and our drummer Sígó, but it became this song and other things. It is a continuing process about a standing man. Only 4 You Kormákur writes: This song really came together when some of us were having a night out. Heimir had created the basic loop of the song and late in the night we de- cided to try to record vocals. I was in a good mood, someone handed me a mic and sang the lyrics in a falsetto, which Elísabet would lat- er go on to sing. The song became a calling for something that was in the past and trying to reach it, but having to accept that everything goes on and nothing will be the same. The symphony is recorded by Heimir in his car listening to Rondo radio and the song ends in a loop which eventually destroys itself like an old tape which has been played many times through the decades. The best of Icelandic produce with a nod to Japan and South America. Modern Icelandic flavours, share plates and award winning cocktails. Sushi Social !ingholtsstræti 5 • 101 Reykjavík Tel. 568 6600 • Our kitchen is open 17.00–23.00 sun.–thu. 17.00–24.00 fri.–sat. SOCIALIZE WITH THE LOCALS ICELANDIC SEAFOOD makes world’s best sushi 24The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 09— 2020 A Big Band Music


Reykjavík Grapevine

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