Málfríður - 15.11.1988, Blaðsíða 29

Málfríður - 15.11.1988, Blaðsíða 29
And when I get scared you’re always around So let them say your hair’s too teng- I don’t care with you I can’t go wrong Then put your little hand in mine There ain’t no hill or mountain we can’tetimb- Babe I’ve got you babe, I’ve got you babe I’ve got you babe I’ve got you to hold my hand I’ve got you to understand I’ve got you to walk with me - I’ve got you to talk with-me I’ve got you to hold me tight I’ve got you and I won’t let go I’ve got you to love me-se- I’ve got you babe, I’ve got you babe, I’ve got you babe . . . WILL YOU (Hazel O’Connor) You drink your coffee and I-sip-my tea And we’re sitting here,-playing so cool, thinking what will be will be But it’s getting-kind of late now Oh, Iwendetdf you’llsteynow,-stay now, stay now, stay-now Or will you just politelysays.Good- night“. I move a little closer to you Not knowing quite what to do And I’m feeling all fingers and thumbs I spiH-my tea, oh silly me But it’s getting-kind of late now I wonder if you’ll-stay-now, stay- no w ,-stay no w ,-stay-no w Or will you just politely-say-„Good- night“. And then we toueh, much too much This moment has been waited-for a long, long time Shiver, he makes mc-quiver- This moment I am so unsure This moment I have waited-for Is it something you’ve been waiting for Waiting for, too? Take-off your eyes,-bare-your soul Gather me to you and make me whole Tell me your secrets, -sing-me the song Sing it to me in the silent dawn. Repeat refrain. Bestu þakkir til Félags ensku- kennara og annarra sem stóðu að þessu ágæta námskeiði. Sigríður Guttormsdóttir. Reykholtsskóla, Biskupstungum skólarnir byggja á 24 ára reynslu í tungumálakennslu. Þeir voru valdir málaskólar Olympíuleikanna í Seoul 1988. Nú starfrækja þeir 22 skóla í eftirtöldum löndum: Bretlandi, Þýskalandi, Frakklandi, Spáni, Bandaríkjunum, Kanada og Ástralíu Allar upplýsingar veita: f^FERÐA m MIÐSTODIIM AÐALSTRÆTI 9 REYKJAVÍK S: 28133 Skóli s.f., Hallveigarstíg 8, Reykjavík, sími: 18520 O SLOOC AJtrtflM.rMW.Mt TM The Officiai Language School of the Olympic Garnes in Seoul 1988 29



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