Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1966, Page 75
D. Magic
D1355.7. Apple produces love. Cf. Skirn 19; t>i6r II 115; Dinus 46-48.
D1355.9. Af. belt produces love. Flov 154-55 ch. 22; VestfjGr 169-70.
D1355.19. Af. writings, »rdnar«, produce love. Skim 36; Eg LXXII11-17, LXXVI 3;
Vols ch. 21 (20) st. 10 (= Sigrdr 9); ForstVik 434 ch. 18; SturlSt 634-35 ch. 22.
Cf. DgF no. 6 and 73-81; Saxo lib. III c. IV 4 = Herrm 239, MC 298, Vries 190;
Dl 900.
D1355.20. Green stone causes women to love the possessor. NikL ch. 8, cf. D1355.4.
Dl 355.21. Af. grass produces love when giri sleeps on it. HålfdBr 576, 580 ch. 8, 10.
Dl356. Af. o. represses lust.
Dl356.1. Af. girdle represses lust. VestfjGr 169-70.
Dl356.3. Af. stone represses lust. Gibbon 8 ch. 2.
D1357. Af. o. makes person cruel.
D1357.1. Eating ferocious animal's heart makes person cruel. Cf. D551.3; E714.4.1.
Vols ch. 28 (26).
Dl 358. Af. o. makes person courageous. Cf. Grog 9.
D1358.1. Eating courageous animal's heart makes courageous.
D1358.1.1. Eating dragon's heart makes courageous. Cf. E714.4.1.
D1358.1.2. Eating serpent's and wolf's flesh makes courageous and impetuous. Vols
32 (30) (<Brot in BuggeE 238).
D1360. Magic object effects temporary change in person.
Dl361. Af. o. renders invisible. Cf. Dl980.
Dl361.1. Af. mist of invisibility. Cf. D902.1; D908; D1410.7; R236.
D1361.2. Af. stone gives invisibility. ForstB 180 ch. 3; VilhSj 59 ch. 25; Flov 189
ch. 8; RémK ch. 25-26 p. 147-50; NikL 21 ch. 8. Cf. Fr. L. Grundtvig: Løs-
ningsstenen, Kbh. 1878, 155, 164-65.
D1361.12. Af. cloak of invisibility.
D1361.12.1. Saint's tunic renders invisible.
D1361.15. Af. cap renders invisible: tarnkappe. Cf. D1361.20. Dehmer 97.
D1361.17. Af. ring renders invisible. fven III 45; Sigjp 192 ch. 31; FjJon 29-30 (19)
ch. 13.
D1361.20. Helmet renders invisible. OlåfTr ch. 63 in Hkr I 376, ch. 198 in FMS II
141, cf. StrombåckSejd 46; Skj II 119; Fostbr ch. 40; Bosa 38 (cf. p. 125) ch. 11
(FAS III 219); VilhSj 63 ch. 26; cf. ForstB 184 ch. 5: »ek kann at gjora frann
hulins hjålm, at mik ser engi«; UlfU ch. 4. Cf. Fritzner II 90 »hulids-, hulins-
hjålmr«; Dehmer 97.
D1361.25. Af. wand renders invisible.
D1361.25.1. Af. staff renders invisible. I>orstB 177-78 ch. 2; MC 301.
D1361.27. Af. light renders invisible. Odd6låfTr ch. 73 (61).
D1361.34. Af. bag renders invisible. Cf. D1410.7. Vald 66-69 ch. 1-2. Cf. ClåfH ch.
129 in FMS IV 301, HaraldHårf ch. 32 in Hkr I 146, and SigrgV 166 ch. 18:
ashes or mist from bag, cf. R236.
(D1361.40. Af. cloth renders invisible.)
D1361.41. Cross renders invisible. Odd6låfTr ch. 12 (11).