Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1966, Page 127
F. Marvels
F551.4. Remarkably ugly feet (and hånds). Forarins J). Nefjulfssonar in Flb II 89-90
(FMS IV 174-75, Fjlsl 344-46) = 6låfH ch. 85 in Hkr II 156-58: ugly foot
has a still uglier one to match.
F552. Remarkable hånds. Cf. F551.4.
F552.1. Hånds with unusual fingers.
F552.1.2. Fingers of saint give light or fire. Cf. D2091.14.
F552.3. Remarkably pretty white hånds. Cf. H312.4.1. t>idr I 333-34, 339.
F555. Remarkable hair. HaraldHårf ch. 23 in Hkr I 130, cf. M121.
F555.1. Gold hair, or: hair like gold. Cf. F451.5.1.3.
F555.3. Very long hair.
F555.3.1. Nude woman clothed in own hair. RagnarL ch. 5 (4), cf. H1054.
F555.3.3. Hair so long that giri can cover herself with it. Cf. F531.; G219.4.
GunnlO 60 ch. 4 (V 13); Gibbon ch. 2; Vald 57 ch. 1.
F556. Remarkable voice. Cf. H79.3.
F560. Unusual manner of life.
F561. People of unusual diet. Cf. G10. Heimslysing in Hb 165-66.
F561.2. Ichthyophages. Ibid.
F564. Person never sleeps.
F564.3.3. Ring sleeps for six days and acquires after that magic wisdom. Cf. D1960;
J157. HjOlv 505 ch. 19.
F565. Women warriors or hunters.
F565.1. Amazons. Woman warriors. Icelandic: »skjaldmær«. Cf. P462.3; T311.4.
Hårb 37-39: brudir berserkja; Skåldsk ch. 2 (56): Ska6i; Atlam 43 ff., 98, and
Vols ch. 25 (24), 38 (36): Brynhildr, Gudrun; RagnarL 147 ch. 11 (10) and Rag-
narS 462 ch. 2 (FAS I 269-70, 351): Åslaug-Randalin; Herv 14-33, 54, 102-13,
128, 148-49 (FAS I 430-42, 463, 497-99): Hervor; HrolfKr 17 ch. 6 (ib. ch. 7):
6lof; Sogubr 17 ch. 8 (FAS I 379): Visina, Vebjdrg; HrolfG 11, 16-17, 48, 66
ch. 7, 9, 29, 40 (FAS III 68-69, 75, 85-86, 142, 175): Forbjorg; Bosa 5 ch. 2, 68
ch. 2-3 (ib. 195): Brynhildr; OOdd 174-75 (ch. XLII1-5, FAS II283-84, 553-54):
Oddr does not like women warriors; GHrolf 240 ch. 2: Gyda; HålfdBr 568-70
ch. 4: Ingibjorg; SorlaSt 434 ch. 15: Marsibil; SturlSt 627 ch. 18; EgÅsm I 3;
Ulfh ch. 3: Vom; Stark 83-87 ch. 25: in the Bråvalla battie as in Sogubr and
Saxo lib. VIII c. II 4-5; Saxo lib. VII c. VI 4-7: Alvilda and X, 1: Gyritha, 4:
Asmundus’s sister, and 8: Sticla and Rusila; lib. IV c. X 1; Herrm 316, 489;
Reuschel 89.
F565.2. Remarkably strong women. Cf. T58; T311. Sturl I 112; Sorla 275 (FAS I
391 ch. 1-2).
F567. Wild man. Saxo lib. III c. II 5 (?) = Herrm 222: Mimingus.
F570. Other extraordinary human beings.
F571. Extremely oldperson. Cf. M321; M341.1.6; P16.3. Nomag 49, 76-78, 339-40
ch. 1, 9, 11 (Flb I 346 ff., FAS I 315 ff.); T6ka b- T. in Flb II 135 (FMS V 299-
300); EgÅsm I 4 (FAS III 365): »aldradr sem einn hjasi« (see B871.2.8); VilhSj
131 ch. 63: so old that he lost his teeth three times; JarlmH 28 ch. 15; Mågus 27-32
ch. 15-16 (35-40).
F571.5. King so old that he only can take food from a horn. Ys ch. 25; Hversu Noregr
byggdist, in Flb I 26 (FAS II 12); cf. S268.1.1.