Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1966, Page 213
P. Society
Cf. A1650.
P170. Slaves. Cf. H38.3; Kl 551.1; K2251; M411.13; M455.3; N863; PI 6.4; Q211.13;
S260.1; T91.6.4; T455.8; V12.6; W121. Rb 1 ff.: origin and characteristics, cf.
A1657. Gautr 6 ch. 1 (FAS III 8): »Odinn mun eigi ganga 1 mot brælnum, nema
hann sé 1 hans foruneyti«.
P173. Captive king's sons made slaves.
P173.1. Captive king’s daughter as slave. Cf. Rlll.1.6. Laxd ch. 12 ff.: Melkorka,
cf. Dehmer 112-13.
P173.2. Killed enemy's son as slave. ForstUxaf 255 (FMS III 119; Fjfsl 451-52).
P173.3. Captives from battie sold as slaves. Odd6låfTr ch. 7 (6); OlåfTr ch. 6 in
Hkr I 263, ch. 46 in FMS I 78 and in Flb I 509-11 = Halldors b- Snorrasonar in
FMS III 157-63 (Fjfsl 106-11); Herv in FAS I 447.
P173.4. Futile attempt to get rid of man by selling him to merchants as slave. Hrafns
J). Hrutfirdings = MagnusG ch. 48 in FMS VI 109-11 (Fjfsl 133-34).
P175. Slave killed. Cf. K1551.1.
P175.1. Slave hanged. Bosa 54 ch. 13 (FAS III 227); Ålafl VIII 6, XI 4.
P176. Murder by slaves. Herv 84.
P177. Origin of thralls. Cf. A1657.
P178. Slaves freed. Cf. Q42.4.1; Q116.1; Rlll.1.6. Ldb intr. ch. 9, ch. 125, 146,
198; 6låfTr ch. 46 and 62 in FMS I 79, 113; Ogmundar b- dytts ok Gunnars
helmings in Flb I 332 (FMS II 63, Fjfsl 508); ForstUxaf and Halldors {j. Snorra-
sonar ib. 509 and 255 (FMS III 119 and 157-63, Fjfsl 451-52 and 106-11).
P200-299. THE FAMILY
P200. The family. Cf. M460; N730.
P205. Refusal to fight relatives. Cf. H1558.8. I>orstVik 440 ch. 20.
P210. Husband and wife. Cf. R151; S60; T145.
P211. Wife chooses father’s side in feud. Cf. P22.1; P26.1; P234.1.
P216. Wife only one to persuade her husband. I>i6r II 141 —47.
P230. Parents and children. Cf. R153; S20.
P230.1. Mother prefers son, father daughter. Vigl 57 ch. 6 ff.; ÅsmFl 171; Vigk ch. 2.
P230.2. Mother dislikes her children in forced marriage. Cf. S12. FloresS VI 5.
P230.3. Queen dislikes son who is unlike her and loves a poor giri: plots against him.
HédinH 3 ch. 1 ff.
P231. Mother and son. Cf. E323.3; P23.4; P230.1; P232.1; P233.2.1; P282.2; R153.4.
Dehmer 101.
P231.2. Son warns mother. Amb 168 ch. 34 (33).
P231.3. Mother-love. Cf. F1041.1.3.13. Grog; Hidr II 225, 228, 252.
P231.4. Mother kills sons who lack courage to help her revenge her father and brothers,
and are likely to betray the plot. Vols ch. 6-8, 43 (41).
P231.8.* Mother flees with little son(s). Cf. P22.1. Ldb ch. 276; OlåfTr ch. 2 in Hkr
I 256-57, ch. 44 in FMS I 67 ff., and by Oddr ch. 2 ff.; Fær ch. 29; Sogubr
10-12 ch. 3 (FAS I 371-73); Hard ch. 38.